In business industry, the management is expected to act according to the industrial ethical guidelines within which it acts as a whole with business. Justice, on the other hand, comes with conflict resolution, where an ethical leader is expected to refrain from taking someones sides and rather giving each individual the kind of response that they deserve for their actions within the organization. Corporate scandals and ethical issues have increased the awareness, attention, and need of ethical leadership in business. When faced with an ethical dilemma, a leader must ensure that the resolution is not reached based solely on gut feelings or the subjective desire to do the right thing. For example, when interviewing a potential employee for a leading position, a company that believes in virtue-based leadership would consider realizing whether the desired candidate is humble, can stay calm in a tight situation, offer helping out when people get stuck with a task, inspire people, lead through actions, or, among other things, even treat their team members with fairness. and then Add to Home Screen. Therefore, supervisors are likely to influence subordinates the most based on exposure to supervisory behavior. Leaders have a tough time these days convincing us that they are honest. Once the employees understand that ethics are the norm and values will be embraced, it is a lot easier for them to adhere to the ethical standards of the leadership. According to James Burns, leadership is all about getting people to do what they are supposed to do without having to force them. Sometimes it is hard to do all the work on your own. Content may be subject to copyright. A leader who practices liberty as a core value enables their followers to take responsibility for their decisions and actions within the team, thus allowing them for innovation and growth. DILEMMA I (author of the book) use God loosely here, and Im not advocating any particular religion of faith. Given the complex socio-cultural milieu in which leaders operate, it is not surprising that they would find themselves, from time-to-time, faced with ethical dilemmas. This is done in order to ensure that all the decisions being made are agreed upon by more than two individuals. For example, eminent domain results in harming the minority for grater societal good. Moerover, they will doctor the accounts in order to cover this up. Maintaining professional ethics in the supervisory process can pose unique challenges. This may include fair compensation practices, adequate motivation, retention strategies, and generally good working relations for career growth and development within the company and industry as a whole. Think about it, most, if not all, decisions made by todays leaders may have an ethical component. For example, in the society where gift giving is acceptable, the business leader is likely to be affiliated with the entity that has the ability to offer the best or most expensive gift. Leaders must understand the subject of ethics what it is and why is it important. It seems a negative term. Ethical leadership must, then, be effective, efficient, and excellent if it is not to waste human potential. Thus, public officials must act in the public interest or for the public good. Ethical Leadership. Assignment On 6 Nursing Ethical Principle - Criminal Justice: Corrections Veterinary Assisting Carrington College. These are the Departments top [], Science plays a pivotal role in technology. To install StudyMoose App tap According to the London-based Institute of Business ethics, which surveys UK companies every three years on the use of their codes of ethics, six out of ten UK companies provided training in business ethics for all their staff in 2010. Ethical leaders move away from elitist perspective and more to more exclusionary and empowering roles. By continuing well assume youre on board with our (Lambon College, 2018).Code of Ethics Disappointment and tears were obvious on their faces, but there was nothing this nurse could do after taking appropriate ethical leadership on the position. Read more Business Sociology Leadership And ways they influence others decisions. Referring to the figure below, Person A (leader) attempts to influence Person B (constituent/employee) toward a desired outcome; Person A will be considered successful or unsuccessful along the continuum, depending upon the desired response of Person B. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. It is vital to the health and success of any organization achieving for greatness. Order custom essay The Importance of Ethical Leadership Thus, they try to limit the interaction between people in order to save time and money while focusing on productivity. Such human needs include esteem, self-actualization, self-fulfillment . That person may be an expert in the field, who can point out factors you may not have considered, or it may be someone whom you believe to have a good moral compass. 3 pages. Well occasionally send you promo and account related email. I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https; School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School; ANSC 422 Lecture 2 - Dr. Kleinman . Question to ask help determine appropriate steps to take in an ethical dilemma. It is a situation in which two or more deeply held values come into conflict It is a problematic situation whose possible solutions all offer imperfect and unsatisfactory answer. Servant leadership is a form of leadership that transcends personal interest to serve the needs of others. Leaders cannot escape from their responsibility to establish a moral example for their followers. Wang and, Ethical Leadership in Organisations
This opinion inclines more to altruism, where the leader is motivated by the needs of their subjects. However, practicing ethical leadership is difficult in some cases, especially when there are tough decisions to be made while the appropriate choice is unpleasant though it's clear. Not sure if what you feel is an ethicaldilemma? For example, an Indian manager would be comfortable receiving gifts as tokens of appreciation for doing business with an American company, whereas the American culture may not condone such an expectation, considering it an act of corruption. applied to the educational setting, ethical leadership can be defined as the process of shaping the students' concept of the moral aspects related to learning, allowing them to shape their own moral values, not only regarding a particular issue or subject, but also in a broader perspective, therefore, allowing them to be able to decide whether a An ethical dilemma is a complex situation that often involves an apparent mental conflict between moral imperatives, in which to obey one would result in transgressing another. I (author of the book) can recall my first year of law school and being exposed to the Socratic method of teaching, which is specifically designed to enhance critical-thinking skills. 97 views 7 pages ~ 1884 words. In such organizations, it is much easier for the leader to act unethically as they are able to make autonomous decisions and follow-up decisions in order to cover up their misconduct. However, it is important to make something perfectly clear, the ethical course of action does not necessarily mean that you will never cause harm. Mayer et al (2009) ethical leadership is a tiered process. 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian reg. Goal, Objectives, and Strategies The Departments goal is to protect the homeland by thwarting terrorist threats and implementing emergency plans. A team has often a leader in order to centralize responsibility in such a way that there is someone to take responsibility when things do not go as planned. You can get a custom paper by one of our expert writers. This is not entirely a principle but rather a quality, which is both natural and learned. The topics of ethics, integrity, compromise and corruption have to become as important as other critical areas of law enforcement training if significant changes can occur. Assuming that you are not a psycho or a sociopath, you should be troubled when you make a decision that is blatantly unethical. Institutions that teach ethical leadership need to have websites that are not only professionally designed, but they need to be easy to navigate and have relevant and accurate information A. None 4 Pages 2019 . This theory does not cover the actions of the leader in cases where the subjects can be considered as excluded, such as in closed door meetings and deals. Actually, it should be taken into consideration that among all the choices of leadership styles, leaders need to pick out the concepts that will make them ethical leaders especially bearing in mind the principles of ethical leadership that can also serve as deterrents of fraud and unethical conduct. In all these cases, it should be mentioned that whether good or bad, the consequences are considered before the action is taken. Historically also, the matter had no precedent for the hospital, and could not stand up under scrutiny, should a court case develops, especially due to the fact that the practice was only legal in Belgium, the Netherlands and in the State of Oregon in the United States, according to Ardelt (2003). face with a morally challenging issue of this nature for the first time from a nursing perspective, and realizing that professionalism and strong ethical leadership were critical elements in the making the right decision, the matter was taken to the chief medical officer for the institution, who then promptly assembled his team of experts to iron Leadership is a display of power and ability to control others, force superiority. However, it should be also with some benefits to the people with respect to the individual and career development goals. Such leaders are rather scarce but when they exist, they tend to achieve much more as they not only inspire growth but also form strong bonds of trust and loyalty with their subjects. In order to create a strong ethical based environment, it is critical to have an appropriate leader and leadership integrity. When a leader is inspired to act in order to meet their own needs, they only serve their personal whims, thus making it easy for them to fall prey to unethical conduct. Comedians trevor griffiths essays. This generally means that in order to eliminate unethical leadership, all these gift-giving expectations must be shunned so that business interactions are conducted based on merit and not on the partners gift-giving capacity. Finally, the hospital may have been spared the bad publicity of an ugly lawsuit, but its reputation as far as that family and future families with similar problems were and will concern, will not escaped untarnished going forward, despite the fact that ethical leadership was exercised. When many people work toward the same constructive goal, they build a community. That is, few have developed their values into a moral compass pointing the way to comprehensive trading policies, robust structures and systems, and many other elements contributing to running an ethical business. Assume you have a variety of options. This essay explores how ethic plays a role in the leaders' decision making for the organization. Individual values and beliefs impact the ethical decisions of leaders. There also are other benefits that can be broken down as follows. Ethical dilemma is a decision between two alternatives, both of which will bring an antagonistic outcome in light of society and individual rules. Hire a Writer. If Person B does what Person A asks only because of positional power, influence, or guilt, then the leader (Person A) has been successful in this scenario, but not effective. The medical team considered the issue and ruled in the midst of the family and this writer that they could not accede to the family request, due to the legal implications and the possible effects of the negative publicity that may develop as a consequence of the actions of churches and other stakeholders. Fear if youre afraid of being caught, found out or exposed for what you are doing or thinking of doing, its almost certainly an ethical matter. essay, How Will Ethical Issues Affect Leadership in a Business, Legal and Ethical Leadership in Management. Topic 2: Ethical leadership is mostly about leadership integrity. It is an objective standard that can be used as a benchmark for how one should act under certain situations. Robert Greenleaf differs from James Burn because his perspective on ethical leadership emphasizes more on servant leadership theories than on transformational leadership. Lu, C. & Lin, C. 2014, "The Effects of Ethical Leadership and Ethical Climate on Employee Ethical Behavior in the International Port Context", Journal of Business Ethics, vol. Need a professionally written However, whether they actually do the right thing or not depends on the stronger pressure be it duty, personal gain, etc. A company with good corporate governance is likely to have a comprehensive network of checks and balances at every level of operation. Furthermore, it means that there is a room for misconduct especially when the leader feels safe and away from the judgment of their subjects. Organizations that emphasize on openness often have their leadership acting according to the rules and regulations unlike those who have ways of leaving things hidden from the public. Determining whether an action is legal or not is pretty simple. They work towards creating a working environment in which the employees can thrive on the benefit of the company and its shareholders, thus also benefiting the employees in the end. In any organization, the followers include, among other salient stakeholders, the employees and the investors as well as the consumers, suppliers, and distributors. Get your custom essay on, Get to Know The Price Estimate For Your Paper, "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy". The article concludes that the "role for the ethics and compliance officer [is] a values-based approach, in which organizations seek to motivate employees to develop and act on ethical values" and that it "is a more effective pproach to managing rule adherence. " Ethical leaders should also not allow personal habits to challenge their trust (Pope, 2015) They should always be firm and bold in the decisions they make. Be Honest and Trustworthy and Have Integrity in Dealing with Others. 3/3. Altruistic leadership is all about dedicating oneself to the betterment of others, and a pure example of this is the case of Mother Teresa who was a true altruistic leader. Leaders who are ethical, demonstrate a level of integrity that is important for stimulating a sense of leader trustworthiness, which is important for followers to accept the vision of the leader. Herein, the leader carefully makes decisions that benefit them, their organization or employees, or even an interested third party depending on the prevailing circumstances. Don't use plagiarized sources. An individual who is focused on change is able to appreciate the entire process of innovation and implementation without rushing through and anticipating quick results. Thanks Writer Lyla you are indeed awesome . Job satisfaction is a great motivation for high productivity within an organization. A good example of virtue-based ethical leadership would be the case of Arthur Andersen, the accounting and management consultancy firm that not only oversaw the audits at Enron but also offered management advice. Liberty is all about giving people the space that they require to flourish. A US survey in 2011, for example, found that nearly half (48 percent) of those questioned rated the honesty and ethics standards. It embraces understanding ones own emotions in order to understand others for better relations within the organization. With all the recent unethical behavior in high profile cases. Once someone's ethical persona has been Jeopardized that person may not ever be able to regain it, especially if that person continues to work among the same peers. Ethical leaders play a critical role in promoting and perpetuating a social exchange and culture of honesty, accountability, unbiased treatment, consideration, and respect across an organization. Notably, ethical leadership is quite important, Ethical Leadership By definition, ethical leadership is a form of leadership in which the leader identifies his or her core values and has the courage and will to apply them for the good of the organization and other people around. This opportunity is yet another challenge to otherwise ethical leader if presented with the right conditions. Generally, conducts are considered to be expressions of ones character. Although complying with the law is required, being ethical is not, it is a desired outcome. Step2. Author content. Get 20% of Your First Orderback in Rewards. Although your primary physician may be a board-certified expert in his chosen field, seeking a second opinion is a form if validation. Medical Ethics Topics. (Who will be helped by what you do? Guilt rather than deny the feeling, explore and respond to it. French and Raven's five bases of power are expert power, referent power, legitimate power, reward power, and coercive power; the effectiveness of a leader's influence tactics can be assessed . ?>. Cultural intelligence refers to understanding ones culture as well as those of others in order to ensure that there are not many cases of misunderstanding. This implies looking at the long-term effects of their actions and weighing them against the short-term benefits. Of course, the latter is the desired course of action. Word Count: 5671 In this essay I am going to discuss how ethical issues can affect. Leadership is a form of power or mandate that legitimately gives one the authority to bear certain responsibilities. A decision to right size will inevitably harm the person being laid off. Ethical leadership is leadership that is involved in leading in a manner that respects the rights anddignityof others. At the end of the day, the final question the leader should consider is, does the chosen course of action make God or the higher power of your choosing, smile? Instead of being perceived as heroor heroine, the moral leader quietly works on moral agenda. A leader interested in maximizing shareholder wealth might attempt to cut costs and increase profits in such ways: laying-off valuable employees to reduce payroll costs, overstating profits to impress investors, overcharging customers, siphoning money from the employee pension fund and reducing health benefits for retiree. Legler, J. Ethical leaders are concerned about enhancing the moral awareness of the followers coupled with the moral self actualization (page 16). ETHICAL DILEMMAS Scholars To do otherwise creates winners and losers after many decisions are made. The requirements for navigating through these circumstances successfully were not a part of their character, thus limiting the ability to come out unscathed by fraud. Essay Topics on Bioethics. Brown et al. Review today. WHAT ARE THE OPTIONS The idea here is not just to accomplish tasks and move on, but rather to use processes that are in line with the organizational objectives. A model for examining and understanding ethical dilemmas. It occurs when key factors within a situation lead to different decisions and each of the decisions is equally valid. This would improve the company's reputation across the global market. The need for establishing reputation of successful management often leads to the need for covering up when things do not go as expected, and this is often the root of corporate fraud. The first step in ethical decision making is to recognize that an ethical issue requires an individual or work group to choose among several actions that various stakeholders inside or outside the firm will ultimately evaluate as right or wrong. Leadership Attempts is an effort by any individual to have some effect on the behavior of another individual. Furthermore, altruism is a theory in which the leaders motivation is the best interests of the people they lead. The simple fact of showing concern for the interest of others may result in a decision being modified because upon analysis, the leader may discover that the perceived benefit does not outweigh the harm that will ensue. Most companies actually fall into fraudulent operations because their leaders lack the patience for establishing their reputation to the point that they become deserving of certain business deals. Ethical leadership theories have been divided into two main domains, namely conduct and character. Our physicians had done all they can for him using all the latest medical information and technology, but this had cause his family thousands of dollars in medical expenses, after their insurance coverage was terminated. Starting at only, Right now, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a. & Lund, N. (1996). These theories are known as teleological theories. More than 100 000 essay samples Get a 100% Unique paper from best writers. Any unethical behavior performed by leaders can potentially give peers an excuse to participate in unethical behavior themselves. Every action and behavior of the leadershow more content Hence, even just one ethical leader in the chain of command can have a ripple effect upon his fellow workers. When one important value raises powerful moral arguments for one course of action, while another value raises equally powerful arguments for an opposite course, we must make a choice since we cant do both. It has to do with the behavior specifically ones moral behavior with respect to society. Therefore, if something. By the same token, if you can lie down and go to sleep after making your decision without the need for Ambien, you may have made the proper decision. Do not count footnotes, the title page, table of contents, or bibliography page in your count. How leaders interpret, respond to, and resolve ethical dilemmas is likely to depend on a variety of factors and forces both internal and external to the leader. Thats all thats important. It drives me crazy that I end up picking up his slack with clients. My supervisor passes work on to me even though I am overwhelmed with my own work. Leaders who are ethical should practice proactivity. The purpose of this assignment is to explore and create . Give us your email address and well send this sample there. According to Johnson (2013), ethical leadership can be perceived as both a moral person and a moral manager. This leadership attempts can be measured successful or unsuccessful, depending upon production of the desired action or response. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in Check out this FREE essay on Ethical Leadership and use it to write your own unique paper. Among other things, ethical leadership is pivotal to the growth of the business organization especially in the present times where competition is rife and a good reputation can go a long way to market the organization not only to the customers but also to investors, creditors, suppliers and distributors. Leadership is interpret as a process. The main purpose of a code of ethics is to ensure that there is justice and fairness in the interactions between the members of the society. It said, that with great power comes great responsibilities. Justice and fairness, responsibility, beneficence, autonomy, and non-harm are some of the nursing ethical concepts (Haddad & Geiger, 2018). Discuss. Ethics refer to the desirable and appropriate values and morals according to an individual or the society at large. "NACAC has allowed me to create professional relationships with colleagues across the world and I know that I can pick up the phone and call any NACAC member to help me in guiding a student properly or to simply listen when things can feel unfair in the college admission process. This is done in order to ensure that the company has a good image with not only their shareholders and consumers but suppliers, distributors, other important stakeholders, and often competitors. Unique from other leadership types, ethical leadership is an overt leadership attempt to influence followers ethical conduct by emphasizing moral management. If you keep promises, you also show respect. The community or societythe multiple and competing stake holders (individuals and groups) that impact on and react to leaders decisions. In this respect, the paper analyses various theories and principles of ethical leadership. For those who may be atheist or agnostic, you may substitute God for your mother or any other figure you revere. Companies having a bureaucratic nature tend to rely on the top tier management to make all the crucial decisions and pass the orders down the corporate ladder to the implementation points. When company leaders also become leaders of charities, schools, and other nonprofits, they snow their commitment to those values, encouraging and inspiring employees. "
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