The option was there, it just didn't do anything. Skyrim Mod playthroughs on Saturdays and Sundays, and miscellaneous videos during the week.Streaming Schedule:Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2PM ESTSaturdays and Sundays at 12PM ESTCheck out my Patreon: me on Twitch: out my website: http://zeroperiodproductions.comCheck out my store: me on Twitter: me on Facebook: Zero Period Productions:Welcome to Zero Period Productions, a comedy and gaming channel run by a strange fellow named George, who plays a lot of games by himself and is sometimes joined by his friends.Skyrim Mods: Katana - Journey in the Shadows - Part 1 Period Productions But instead of integrating her logically into the world, she becomes it's centerpiece. Although she tried to kill Vilja in Bleak Falls Barrow Maybe they got in a catfight over my Dragonborn? Although I think in the mod, she earned it during a mission with the All Flags Navy, so yeah. It's pretty accurate! It's one of the first Dwemer "shacks"/houses you run into when coming into Blackreach from the main side (a la the main quest). Aurlyn's quest Dark Awakening finished, Alduins Wall quest finished. Just use {npc Visual Transfer Tool} and use whatever follower mod you think fits. Woke up, told everyone to follow me and again, Inigo and Vilja were stuck again. So, Aurlyn will be ported/ transferred over if Skyrim Re-mastered runs fine on my laptop with my current mod list. Twilight's Edge is now published! Feel free to post any new, fixed screenshots! - Story-mode vs Cheat-mode added: Story-mode is normal play with reputation system and companion quest. So a mod like that isn't an incompatibility, it's just an after effect. Either way I'm tempted to say it's a mod issue because those are the most common reasons why dialogue doesn't work. Aurlyn Dawnstone - The Reclusive Philosopher. Can you tell openly what happened? The behaviour was following me from save to save. I would like to request a Looks customizer by someone like ClearanceClarence who does a number of follower customizers on Nexus. first id like to say Aurlyn, arissa and inigo are the best custom followers, bethesda should learn/ take notes only one comment, the voice acting is perfect but the volume is a little quiet(i tried talking to her in various places/various questions to be sure) any chance of a higher volume download(perhaps in options) thank you for this amazing mod :). I'm sorry. I was wondering why it was still at 16 after I was level 8 and had been using both the staff and the spells all the time. so I'm guessing it's in there somewhere. 4.0 is now up, and it contains her long-awaited quest, Glacial Epoch! Walkthrough made it seem like Aurlyn was supposed to warp to Blackreach with me, but she didn't and when using Clarion Call or console commands to move her to me she has no dialogue concerning the warp. When she waits, she is frozen in place. And only thing our teacher had to say was "you too?" For some reason I can't trade with her anymore. Several functions may not work. Super Training-''These Long Shots Are No Long Shot!'' The one with the Gallade Balloons From a Secret Pal in Secret Base- The Special Ability : Pick-Up Stone has a chance of . So I loaded even earlier save.This was the second time this happened. First I answer your questions. So even if something was bugging out one, rest shouldnt be affected, right? I also tried "Make Follower" spell that comes with AFT (and got different warnings every time), but when I try to use "Manage with AFT" dialogue, I get a notification: "Script missing parameter, possible mod conflict?". will Aurlyn Dawnstone work with the skyrim special edition. An excuse to get paid mods out to consoles? This time it affected Aurlyn and Vilja. We currently do not support that. Thanks!Yup. I like how Nazeem or Idorf Battle-Born insult me after I robbed them (via Immersive Speechcraft) and when I had party of 6 khajiits in one of my games, I was in heaven when RDO made them say SOMETHING else than "This one needs something? But, at least they showed some tact in offering it for free to anyone with all 3 DLCs. Feel free to take a look; a link to the mod can be found on the Downloads page. amazing very much enjoying her. My rep with her is 25 and Ive spent enough days with her but I just cant find the prompt! Aurlyn doesnt interact in any way. Aurlyn Dawnstone - The Reclusive Philosopher by mlee3141 and Darkrogue21 dialogue warning (love her voice . They continued to be stuck in idle-forever behaviour. So I'm requesting a customizer please. Oh, that's actually a good idea! "Oh, by the way, I noticed a small incompatibility between Aurlyn and Fire and Ice Overhaul. I have no idea if those armors come up later in her storyline. This is a completely new work that I have made exclusively for the SSE version of Aurlyn and it works for the latest version only (currently 7.30). :-)-Aaron-. I'm afraid that neither I, nor any of my technically-inclined team members use MO and CBBE in conjecture, and thus, we are unable to answer your question at the moment. Unfortunately after having played with her for a while, she turned out to be a self-insert mary sue character. Awesome! Moving mods can break scripts. Everything is working like a charm now. However, Aurlyn was following fine. and so was her horse. The mod download doesn't include any meshes or textures with the name "Serenity" in them but her default outfits are being overwritten by this mod. Also how would I go about changing the armors in her stash to work with bodyslide? Now I cannot wait to get home OK, this time I will treasure it ;)You get the feeling mods are always available and do not care until Wyrmstooth, Aurlyn, Aurlyn has a daughter!! Wow, Aurlyn's Stash? When I met Lydia and realized she was broken too I kinda connected the dots.Oh, and I'm Finnish. I messaged mlee3141, who designed Aurlyn, to see if he knows an answer. Halgari joins Nexus Mods to help shape the future of Vortex. I hope this helps. The dept of her character. it is amazing and I can't begin to imagine how hard it must be to create such a detailed character so you every other modder you guys are amazing :D I love philosophy and seeing such a character in elder scrolls series considering they actually have a pretty deep lorethis is what bethesta supposed to do. AFT should work fine with her; I've played with her for over 260 hours with no problem, although I don't recommend using it to manage outfits, since it destroys their original outfit reference. Hey mate. They take place on Selewyn (a world I weaved up), Earth and Nirn, respectively. Version 1.0. he keeps following me around everywhere and its really annoying, aggros ncps and breaks stuff because the game assumes you are in combat. Thanks! However, I'm glad you got this fixed, but like you I am sad as I have been itching to use that mod!! But only if I had met the "conditions" I described above. Hmm? I had not told them to relax in the first place, so I couldnt ask them to follow me. For the bodyslide, you would have to research that and apply the changes yourself. Sure, you can link to this blog all you like. Volatile Followers itself had been in my game before her, but I use other patches (in my case Perkus Maximus-patcher and ASIS-patcher), and ran Volatile Followers-patcher after those so the changes they had done to my came wouldn't override the changes to the followers. I'm curious as to how to start the second quest as I can't find anything in High Hrothgar. All follower AI stuff should be around here too so it doesn't get overridden by other programs. I thought, maybe it was because they were idle too long? Write down her number under NPC and then do player.placeatme XXXXX (<---serenity's number). Hello, how can i get rid of the tiny dragonjerlotved? I remember on the regular version aurlyn gives you the spells upon asking about . I think she'll automatically unequip it during the day/ when the weather is clear, based on my experiences from Wet and Cold, although I've always disabled all weather gear in the MCM menu. Here, look at this follower mod intereaction chart. just a thought cause I like her to be there with my character during the fight against the thalmor part of my game play. I'm going to repeat what I said there and elaborate a bit on it as well because, well, I feel Aurlyn deserves at least that much.Follower mods are THE BEST type of mods in my opinion and, for this player at least, Aurlyn has proven to be one of the best ever created. Thank you so much for this beautiful mod! Hi! I'm glad you found the fix and issue, but I'm sorry you had to go through the hassle. If I was any other race (even Vanilla, but just not Nord), or configured my mods before meeting her, AFT wouldn't kick in. I'm touched. After I realized my mistake I did everything again without Aurlyn.esp file checked and reinstalled the mod, being afraid that I had broke it.I did some new testes this morning. Look her up and place her at you (player.placeatme xxxxx - Serenity's ID) and see if she can be used with AFT's features for you. dont have an account on any of the sites listed but didnt want to be seen as unkown person lol. I wish we could get Aurlyn on Xbox One :( totally deserve a whole new playthough with her by my side Then get in touch with me or any of my team members, and see if you can't port it, Unknown. Loaded earlier save, before I got the quest, and all three where cheering in the middle of Whiterun. Been looking for a long time so I would appreciate any help. Edit: what gifts are we suppose to give??? I have other projects for other games that I want to get out as well. Even on legendary, after level 90 the game is fairly underwhelming lol. I didn't mean to sound like I was blaming anyone for this, I tried to sound like I was sincerely looking for help from people smarter than myself, but I guess my BPD got in the way.. Anywayshere's how I got the NPC VT to work1) use any customizer mod2) point to the customizer in NPC VT, as well as whichever other mod you want to use for visuals.3) replace the appropriate base ID (I actually did both)4) after the transfer, DISABLE the ESP for the customizer.5) Voila! They were being very stupid, and I posted my side of it here, under the News tab. (SSE) Apparently, the mesh for "Bosmer Mask" from Immersive Armors mod disappears whenever this mod is installed, regardless of which one loads first. In the meantime, I'll ask rxkx to chime in here, since he was a great help last time. has the style as a wig you can place on Aurlyn in a variety of colors. To do the new game quickly, install Aurlyn under AFT with Volatile Followers at the bottom as normal and test it. Mods like these add so much more color and life to the game compared to the many other types of mods (i'm not trying to trash or belittle any of the other absolutely incredible and unique mods out there, with a few exceptions these types of mods just appeal to me the most). >:D. Also, I just remembered: AFT has a function where you can have followers ignore friendly fire. That is my hope as well, although I don't think they will ever admit their mistakes. Just always remember to make a backup (this tool can be set to automatically make one). Sometimes if you are installing new mods they can upset a load order in a weird way - but this is rare.Are you creating new games every time you are testing? It's a shame really, that it had to be that mod, but at least my Skyrim is again playable, so I'm happy with that.And also, I apologize if my message was aggressive or came across sounding hostile. The first problem is that EFF doesn't recognize her. I REALLY like that silver and blue set. I'm going to post my game order next post. I have been a premium member for years.Anyway, The ONLY thing I think Aurlyn needs is to be able to 'relax' like other NPC do. I dont mean I could have mounted him or anything, I could still talk to him, but when we got into a fight, Aurlyns horse sprinted to battle, and Inigo ran away. I don't usually use followers, but this mod caught my interest and I decided to give it a try. Try looking for her there as well.Also, we're working on getting Aurlyn into Enderal; with relevant quest, location, story-based and just plain for fun/ fourth wall breaking dialogue. If you need our help further, just ask. I use this one:, but there are others. I will update you as soon as I know something. And this time I did not had the Followers Can Relax mod, so it couldnt be that either. You can find them in the CalienteTools folder inside your Skyrim Data folder if you installed the Mod correctly.". So I realize this is more of a "general modding" question and less an Aurlyn specific one but, I always like to ask the mod authors specifically if they are active. You are welcome. The island is located north of Dawnstar and blends together Skyrim's and Morrowind's visual aesthetics. I do know there are tutorials on the Internet. If you're not getting AFT dialogue at all it could be a conflict with any other mod that tries to override follower functionality. Afain, I an sorry it happened. I'm having trouble with Aurlyn's armor. Oh man, for a second there I thought she is naked in reality :D Great dialogue! Try a script cleaner. Aurlyn is not on a vanilla follower system, she has her own system and can only be just barely used with AFT. Even then it might make the save game unplayable. and godlike powers. On level up or something?With her new Stash, I was thinking about using those pieces to dress her. (..And now she's dead.) Left Delphine and Esbern with the wall. I can't find anything, and it's starting to mock me :S, That sucks about your ban. I have walked Tamriel for years uncounted, seeing nothing but violence and blood." "Perhaps it is time I take a more active role in shaping the world. But the bug followed me to a save where it had not happened yet. Adding to the experience, contributing new perspective and commentary on both new and old places, enhancing involvement and, yes I'm going to use that word that is so oft used is has become almost medicore to even mention at this point; IMMERSION there we go. The cheatbook is found on the side of Aurlyn's stable. I fought some dragons, went home, told everyone to relax and went to sleep. Players before writing up any issues confirm that the problem doesn't reoccur if you disable the appearance mod. Never would have known if there wasn't a concern brought up. If so, then there's a patch in the optional downloads section you might have missed. I had never told him to leave before, and now he suddenly was acting as I had dismissed him, although this dismissal was yet to even happen, there was 1,5 hours gap between those saves. The question is - is there a Russian translation? I took some pictures of Aurlyn, but her neck broken !!! Future mods will be released on Epoch Sanctum, my modding community site, as well as The Assimilation Lab and mlee3141's Mods, my personal blog site. Id very much like to get the most out of this mod, since its so amazing.Thanks bunches :). Is there a way to get her to work or is it a work in progress/discontinued? Halfway through writing the Abyssal Singer quest right now; here's a general quest/ plot outline of the first novel, in case anyone's interested. So they switched behaviours.At this point I was more than done, I was well-done, so again I wiped all my saves and started over AGAIN. Like with alot of good mods some things just never really came to fruition that made it near perfect. Log in to view your list of favourite games. I know you dont post to Nexus anymore, but it would be nice to be able to customize her hair and or facial features. While following the suggestions of people on Inigos page, I found out that all three AI's were "hijacked" by LP_Bard_Follower_Quest, which was part of the "Become a Bard"-mod. I'm not sure. Thank you for your amazingly quick reply, I really appreciate it. Done both the quests and never came across her. :), Well I'm glad you have this page it is awful that the nexus employ's people that show zero respect for our community's creators and from what I read they was being very disrespectful to you. A weird unkillable tiny dragon is following me around and aggroing npc's. Thanks!Plus, I'm working on a series of three novels that feature Aurlyn as the main character! Thanks! Perhaps. She followed me out from Silverfish Grotto and then started to eat / drink again, walking very very slowly if at all. Please hang in there! You are right at the top of the list. I personally use {chaconne follower}'s looks for Aurlyn. I disabled it and now they no longer keep cheering at the well. Custom voiced with well over a thousand lines of dialogue, Aurlyn is designed as a game-long companion, as well as a tragic hero, on her own quest to seek a lost ideal, and unravel the mysteries of her ancient past. Aurlyn will switch to a melee weapon at close range, and is quite adept with one-handed weapons. I downloaded older version of Volatile Followers, which fixed AFT and thus fixed Aurlyn too. Most of the time you just need to remove the erroneous part and the game re-adds in the correct script and it works again. Just a tiny one. Thanks! She doesn't appear to be on or in HH anywhere? So not a big deal. Don't make a new character, simply use the code cocwhiterun when you are loading a new game. This started happening when I got the Mead is bottled poetry quest. Then one day I was over at lover's lab looking through mods and lo and behold there she was, in all over her glory and ass-kickery, lovingly inviting me, enticing me, to download and install an updated version of her. Until I can find an answer for you please just use her regular body. Hope this helps you out! I do find that when I dismiss her she reverts back to her original outfit. Aurlyn is an Aldmer Dawn Sorceress from times long past, seeking peace and redemption in a world gone mad. You think you can port Aurlyn, then please get in touch, provided you have an Xbox 1, and are wiling to test, upload, maintain and update the mod/ mod page there. It seems she has lots of dialogue for it but I've looked through your download and found they all require Dawnguard and Dragonborn Am I simply confused or? When I noticed that Inigo was missing. Thanks alot for the amazing companions, Aurlyn and Serenity really spiced up my adventure a lot, a question about Serenity though, I've seen a quest dialogue for serenity in the mod, does that mean Serenity had her own quest? When we had test in school about conjugations, whole class (45 students) failed. And if you can please explain about her dream World?She was essentially a mortal no? If you haven't been using the Immersion add-on then I'm a bit insulted so I'm not going to tell you what you need to know. I have never had an issue like that before with any of my follower setups, but obviously this is proof that things can always go unexpected. No new dialogue options have been unlocked either, is that supposed to happen? Make sure to remove AIPs and purge the NPC inventory. It would've been Awesome! Appoduece, Serenity is in the Alchemist's Shack in Blackreach. I'm kinda puzzled.Other mods that may change AI I have are Better Stealth AI for Followers and Heal Me Follower, and as for dialogue, I have Relationship Dialogue Overhaul. Sasha, you did not sound anything but frustrated, which we have all been there. Thanks! You will have to test it. :)P.s. You mean make them playable? Feel free to post any questions, comments, feedback or suggestions down below. If not, I will find someone who does know, or who might know based on more information. In the meantime I sent Lydia home, Aurlyn and Hoth work nice together. will not take off the wet&cold hood any more :/ Should I AFT her and allow helmets only in combat? Description. You're welcome! Yes. Heard about it but haven't downloaded it). I've absolutely fallen in love with Aurlyn. Files section when I'm done. I was like, okey, Im sick of this, lets just go. Aurlyn Dawnstone- Immersion Update German. But Followers Can Relax modifies the priority of Sandboxing, according to the page, maybe that somehow affected their behaviour, overwrite something important?Again, for a while, everything was fine. Checked his map marker and it showed he was still in the Dragonsreach. So I decided to give up, deleted all my saves, started again. Report what version of the mods you are using for both. She gave me the staff and some spells when I asked about her sword. But the save I was using was way before I told him to leave in the first place! Now I have a normal Aurlyn without neck broken !! Better Stealth AI for Followers does one thing that per example AFT doesn't: You can tell your followers that you wan't them to attack only if you are attacked, thus they won't start fighting if you sneak-snipe someone And as I play as heavy-armor tank without any healing skills, Heal Me Follower is essential to me. Glad I found you here!I just wanted to be sure that you remembered our conversation from the nexus about the out of order masters issue.Can't wait to see how Aurlyn develops!-SirJesto. Bought horse, rode away from Whiterun and then noticed that, even though Inigo and Vilja had mounted their horses, they had also unmounted them and were following me very very slowly. Im permanently stuck in the Market of Whiterun where three amazing followers cheer to a freaking well and sometimes talk about fleas and sweetrolls. Thanks!Oh, and if you do fix up this issue, then be sure to post the new screenshots here! Custom voiced with well over a thousand lines of dialogue, Aurlyn is designed as a game-long companion, as well as a tragic hero, on her own quest to seek a lost ideal, and unravel the mysteries of her ancient past. Test once with the setup you want. I will in the next update, if there ever is going to be one, but for now, go in the CK/ TES Edit, and tick the Playable box in Regal Arrow, as well as the Can be Picked Up box in the Regal Arrow projectile to make them usable by the Player. Plus, I hate Beth's site, so I can't bear to click the upload button there. Do you know, by chance, if this was happening before our discussion - as in, did you encounter it maybe once before and forgot about it? The quest for Throat of the World doesn't start. @Fitra Adi, in pictures 78 and 79 are Aurlyn's new look, which when you downloaded her you should have received (all but her hair). At this point I tried to reload a save where issue was not present and nobody was relaxing. Thank you so much for the quick responses! The problem? Hi mlee3141,I hesitate to ask, because you obviously have your reasons. picture 78 and 79 she's look very beauty :3 anyway,,can you sendme meshes and texture at picture 78 and 79? :). It's all in my Flickr, I hope you will like it~~Aurlyn meditation in High Hrothgar : I'm just going to disable FIO for now. You might have to revert back to a previous save before Aurlyn came into the game if you get her to work on a clean save.Please let us know your progress. That is very awesome that you are creating those stories. All the earrings and some of the oriental rings look very interesting :D, Thank you for this mod. However, I have not found this mod conflict with LOOT or any other method. Plus, she's technically an Aldmer, and not an Altmer, but these days, I use both terms interchangeably. No dime. So I used an hour to walk behind him to see where he was going, and when we got near Solitude, he jumped on the carriage and vanished. Kinda.Aurlyn Dawnstone - The Reclusive Philosopher by mlee and Dark Rogue: The mod's Nexus page says she's compatible with all follower management mods. If you are not creating new games, then please do so. The Nerevarine, in the corridor next to the Greybeard's conference room. Because she's ancient, and quite likely saved it, or remembered its design. She is currently chilling at my home, unrecruited.thanks! I barely crash now after six hours of game play and the only wonkyness is because I have too many mods in an area: after you move your mods around you are going to need to clean your save with a script cleaner. Alright, I managed to track it down. <3 I don't know what I can help with, as I'm not a scripter and never have released a mod, but if you guys need any help or anything you can contact me through my profile. Aurlyn Dawnstone. This new mod will be a DLC-sized mod with a main questline and sidequests [the island is about the size of Solsteim]. will be part of Episode 81 - Hearthbreak Mountain | Alduin's BaneHer appearance is different from your default, I hope you don't mine. Tried ResetAI, tried Disable-Enable, tried to fast travel, tried to dismiss them, tried to restart both Skyrim and my computer, still no luck. Volatile Followers does not seem to do this (I just looked through the mod page). I'd like to keep it in game. The first three can be made at appropriate crafting stations, and the last one can be found in one of the Darkest Awakening dungeons. Is there a Russian translation Ice Overhaul, Earth and Nirn, respectively will to... Option was there, it 's all in my Flickr, I using... Future of Vortex although I do know there are tutorials on the regular version Aurlyn gives you the spells asking! 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