Aristotles theories about the best ethical and political life are drawn from substantial amounts of empirical research. What did Aristotle do? The first partnerships among human beings would have been between persons who cannot exist without one another (1252a27). Moreover, drama has a specially corrupting effect, because it stimulates unworthy emotions in its audience. That this may well require us to act differently than the good man would act and to believe things that the good man knows to be false is one of the unfortunate tragedies of political life. (It has also been suggested that Aristotles method should be seen as an example of how political discussion ought to be conducted: a variety of viewpoints and arguments are presented, and the final decision is arrived at through a consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of these viewpoints and arguments). III (of which the section on Aristotle is available separately in paper); Werner Jaeger, Aristotle, Fundamentals of the History of His Development, Richard Robinson, trans. Aristotle's View of Politics In Aristotle's Politics IV.1, Aristotle wrote that the most important task for the politician is, in the role of lawgiver ( nomothets ), to frame the appropriate constitution for the city-state. MCQs - Legal History - mcq for practice manual for llb online exam for the year 2020-2021. Human action is teleological. The standard edition of Aristotles complete works. Athenian citizenship was limited to adult males who were not slaves and who had one parent who was an Athenian citizen (sometimes citizenship was further restricted to require both parents to be Athenian citizens). In his account of the natural origins of the city in thePolitics, moreover, Aristotle proves even more radical than his teachers. The former, Aristotle says, is important both for the household and the city; we must have supplies available of the things that are necessary for life, such as food, clothing, and so forth, and because the household is natural so too is the science of household management, the job of which is to maintain the household. A discussion of this concept and its importance will help the reader make sense of what follows. Aristotle asserts that all communities aim at some good. To see why, we must consider how the city comes into being, and it is to this that Aristotle next turns in Book I, Chapter 2. The person who has it neither flees from the enemy nor engages in a suicidal and pointless attack but faces the enemy bravely and attacks in the right way. Our possessions, he says, have two uses, proper and improper. Aristotle is saying that human action cannot be understood apart from consciousness of the divine without serious consequences not only in philosophy, the life of a single man, but also in the life of an entire community. Moral limits to political ends come from mans nature as a moral, political being. In the contemporary world, we have all forms of governments as discussed by Aristotle. It will reflect the bias of the regime, as it must, because the law reinforces the principles of the regime and helps educate the citizens in those principles so that they will support the regime. Aristotle's view on state Like Plato, Aristotle also starts with the rejection of sophist view that political society is the product of convention. (London and New York: Methuen, Barnes and Noble, University Paperbacks, 1966); Leo Strauss, The City and Man (Chicago: Rand McNally and Co., 1964). We are likely to regard politics (and politicians) as aiming at ignoble, selfish ends, such as wealth and power, rather than the best end, and many people regard the idea that politics is or should be primarily concerned with creating a particular moral character in citizens as a dangerous intrusion on individual freedom, in large part because we do not agree about what the best end is. Aristotle asserts that all communities aim at some good. An unjust political regime will inevitably have recourse to greater and greater injustices, if it is to survive. But there is also a limitation on political study based on age, as a result of the connection between politics and experience: A young man is not equipped to be a student of politics; for he has no experience in the actions which life demands of him, and these actions form the basis and subject matter of the discussion (Ethics 1095a2). While the city is clearly a kind of unity, it is a unity that must derive from a multitude. Like political scientists today, he studied the particular political phenomena of his time in order to draw larger conclusions about how regimes and political institutions work and how they should work. The poets job is to describe not something that has actually happened but something that might well happenthat is to say, something that is possible because it is necessary or likely. Aristotle's Life: The Father of Political Science He was the first one to give a working definition of political science. How we might tell which people belong in which group, and what Aristotle believes the consequences of his beliefs about slavery ought to be, are more difficult problems. Any leader is then adequate [to effect revolution] (1305a29). Not only every philosopher but also every scientist is in his debt. And the source and cause of all good things we consider as something worthy of honor and as divine. N.E., 1102a25. One cannot, of course, dismiss concern for justice. Far from debasing the emotions, as Plato thought, drama has a beneficial effect on them. Using the democratic view of political leadership, Aristotle looked at the political system as an organ, as opposed to a system, or machine. 1146 Words. So all the people living in the city who are not citizens are there for the benefit of the citizens. And while Aristotle does not say it here, of course a regime organized in this way, giving a share of power to the wealthy and to the poor, under the rule of law, in the interest of everyone, would in fact be a polity more than it would be a democracy. One of the most important of these from Aristotles point of view is in Chapter 4. And just as with the rule of the master over the slave, the difference here is one of reason: The slave is wholly lacking the deliberative element; the female has it but it lacks authority; the child has it but it is incomplete (1260a11). It is, in fact, the body of knowledge that such practitioners, if truly expert, will also wield in . (The Greek word for city ispolis, which is the word that gives us English words like politics and policy). But Aristotle strongly believes that we must not lose sight of the fact that wealth is to be pursued for the sake of living a virtuous life, which is what it means to live well, rather than for its own sake. 8. Instead, cities will be made up of people who are similar and equal, which leads to problems of its own. He wrote about meteorology, biology, physics, poetry, logic, rhetoric, and politics and ethics, among other subjects. It seems somewhat unusual for Aristotle to be advocating a form of welfare, but that is what he is doing, on the grounds that poverty is harmful to the character of the poor and this harms the community as a whole by undermining its stability. We do not need to consider these in detail except to note that Aristotle holds to his position that in either a democracy or an oligarchy it is best if the law rules rather than the people possessing power. Remember that polity is one of the correct regimes, and it occurs when the many rule in the interest of the political community as a whole. The good citizen today is asked to follow the laws, pay taxes, and possibly serve on juries; these are all good things the good man (or woman) would do, so that the good citizen is seen as being more or less subsumed into the category of the good person. To offer an illustrative metaphor, a knife is capable of cutting where other utensils cannot. Again Aristotles main concern is with life at peace, not life at war. And Aristotle would say that unless you included thattelos in your description, you wouldnt really have described or understood the knife. describes the happy life intended for man by nature as one lived in accordance with virtue, and, in hisPolitics, he describes the role that politics and the political community must play in bringing about the virtuous life in the citizenry. Whereas right by nature in Greek philosophy and its Latin formulation, natural law, were limitations on the state, natural right has become a chief means by which modern political theorists justify the extension of state power into areas hitherto considered private. . Aristotle says [the territory should be] large enough so that the inhabitants are able to live at leisure in liberal fashion and at the same time with moderation (1326b29). It is only the character of the farming population that makes the arrangements Aristotle describes possible: The other sorts of multitude out of which the remaining sorts of democracy are constituted are almost all much meaner than these: their way of life is a mean one, with no task involving virtue among the things that occupy the multitude of human beings who are vulgar persons and merchants or the multitude of laborers (1319a24). We have already discussed the best way of life, as well as the fact that most people do not pursue it: For [men] consider any amount of virtue to be adequate, but wealth, goods, power, reputation, and all such things they seek to excess without limit (1323a35). Rhetoric, for Aristotle, is a topic-neutral discipline that studies the possible means of persuasion. This is the case because both women and children must necessarily be educated looking to the regime, at least if it makes any difference with a view to the citys being excellent that both its children and its women are excellent. Aristotle says that both groups the oligarchs and democrats offer judgments about this, but neither of them gets it right, because the judgment concerns themselves, and most people are bad judges concerning their own things (1280a14). The soldier who practices the virtue of courage is the one who faces the enemy, moves forward with the rest of the troops in good order, and fights bravely. 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Aristotle claimed that politics is the study the laws of a city, the action its citizens undertake, and leadership. Aristotle observes also that phronesis is the part of the soul that forms opinions,20 and from out of opinions one can refine the truth. Aristotle (b. They must take turns, ruling and being ruled in turn. For Americans today this is a legal question: anyone born in the United States or born to American citizens abroad is automatically a citizen. As I have already noted at the beginning of this text, he says in theEthics at 1099b30: The end of politics is the best of ends; and the main concern of politics is to engender a certain character in the citizens and to make them good and disposed to perform noble actions. As has been mentioned, most people today would not see this as the main concern of politics, or even a legitimate concern. The city, he says, has three parts: the rich, the poor, and the middle class. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Power & Polarity in the International System, The Social Contract According to Hobbes, Hume & Locke. Like bees and herd animals, human beings live together in groups. Cows, chickens, and human beings have in common certain biological functions which evoke no moral valuation. There is a great deal of scholarly debate about what the phrase lacks authority means in this context. It should be laid out in such a way as to be readily defensible (Book VII, Chapters 11-12). Are There Natural Rights in Aristotle? T. Rasmussen, Douglas and Douglas J. Den Uyl. Instead, citizenship for Aristotle is a kind of activity: The citizen in an unqualified sense is defined by no other thing so much as by sharing in decision and office (1275a22). His works encompassed mathematics, metaphysics, biology, medicine, theater, ethics, and politics. If they turn in essays of different quality, they should get different grades which reflect the differences in their work. Interpretive Essay. In, Bartlett, Robert C. The Limits of Enlightenment: Aristotles Politics. In, Everson, Stephen. It is also important in every regime to have the laws and management of the rest arranged in such a way that it is impossible to profit from the offices.The many do not chafe as much at being kept away from ruling they are even glad if someone leaves them the leisure for their private affairs as they do when they suppose that their rulers are stealing common [funds]; then it pains them both not to share in the prerogatives and not to share in the profits (1308b32). He identified the various scientific disciplines and explored their relationships to each other. Aristotle says at 1259a40 that the wife is to be ruled in political fashion. This entry will make use of the Bekker pagination system, and will also follow tradition and refer to Nicomachean Ethics as simply Ethics. (Obviously they are not completely helpless or unable to reason; in the case of slaves captured in war, for example, the slaves were able to sustain their lives into adulthood and organize themselves into military forces. His view of the role of polis (city) is confined to the fact that the government should create a positive environment for its citizens to thrive and create beautiful things. The two works are tied together because a good government will foster happiness and virtue in its citizens; while citizens expressing their virtues will contribute to a good government. Turning from the Ethics treatises to their sequel, the Politics, the reader is brought down to earth. The oftexpressed ideal of modernity, if not the reality, is for men to help their fellow men and thus to avoid an excessive concern for themselves. Aristotle was the first to make Political Science a real science by sending out his students to go out and gather data from the different Greek city-states. Second, it combines traditional hierarchical and feudal views of . We have yet to talk about what a democracy is, but when we do, this point will be important to defining it properly. In fact, what people in Western societies generally ask from politics and the government is that they keep each of us safe from other people (through the provision of police and military forces) so that each of us can choose and pursue our own ends, whatever they may be. He used two criteria to sort the regimes into six categories. Indeed, it is the shared pursuit of virtue that makes a city a city. Therefore it is important for the monarch to teach the people these principles and beliefs. Second, in Chapter Six, Aristotle points out that not everyone currently held in slavery is in fact a slave by nature. Many democracies offer pay for serving in the assembly or on juries so that the poor will be able to attend. (Bookman, 1992) The philosopher's view is still applicable to the current political dispensation despite the fact that the view was advanced centuries ago. . According to the theory of Forms, material objects are imperfect copies of original, real, Forms; artistic representations of material objects are therefore only copies of copies, at two removes from reality. Print - PDF Aristotle: Democracy and Political Science. Aristotle was the first person to create and widely disseminate a system of logical thought. To make such a judgement on a quality like justice is to attach an intrinsic value to that quality and so political life is to participate for an inherent value rather than a means/ends relationship. In this way, both groups will serve on juries and power will be shared. Most cities make the mistake of neglecting education altogether, leaving it up to fathers to decide whether they will educate their sons at all, and if so what subject matter will be covered and how it will be taught. The size of the territory is also an important element of the ideal regime, and it too must be tailored to the purpose of the regime. And it is the pursuit of virtue rather than the pursuit of wealth or security or safety or military strength that is the most important element of a city: The political partnership must be regarded, therefore, as being for the sake of noble actions, not for the sake of living together (1281a1). People in the middle class are free from the arrogance that characterizes the rich and the envy that characterizes the poor. The citizens of a particular city clearly share something, because it is sharing that makes a partnership. Edited and Translated by Carnes Lord. Aristotle asks, What is the commencement of movement in the soul? Therefore to hold women and property in common, as Socrates proposes, would be a mistake. The key works of Aristotle include Nicomachean Ethics, Politics, Metaphysics, Poetics, and On The Soul (De Anima). Finally, and not least important, he was the first person in history to build up a research library, a systematic collection of works to be used by his colleagues and to be handed on to posterity. It is noteworthy that when Athens is considered following this discussion (in Chapter 12), Aristotle takes a critical view and seems to suggest that the city has declined since the time of Solon. The first thing that can lead to disagreement over Aristotles beliefs is the fact that thePolitics andEthics are believed by many scholars to be his lecture notes, for lectures which were intended to be heard only by his own students. Money too has a proper and an improper use; its proper use is to be exchanged for goods and services, not to be lent out at interest. What is more, the economies of the Greek city-states rested on slavery, and without slaves (and women) to do the productive labor, there could be no leisure for men to engage in more intellectual lifestyles. Aristotle was born in Stagira, which is now either in Greece or Macedonia. Examples include temperance, courage, and ambition. That is the context in which Aristotle comments in the second chapter of the first book of the Nicomachean Ethics that our desire would be empty and vain if there were no highest good which gives meaning to all our other desires and upon which all others depend.8 The symbol that Aristotle uses to describe this dependence is participation (metulepsis).9We participate with our human nous in the divine reality (ho nous theion) through noetic activity. He also made certain notes on numerous constitutions but most of it was lost. This, for most contemporary readers is one of the two most offensive portions of Aristotles moral and political thought (the other is his treatment of women, about which more will be said below). Thus the end of government is seen to be the preservation of rights as opposed to justice, order, or the common good. In this way, then, it results that all rule (1261a30). There is a connection between ethics and ontology, and the ontological symbol of physis best reflects that connection. Thus, in promoting the authority of the city, Aristotle makes the city dependent on natural science, which it had hitherto regarded as a nuisance at best and at worst a grave danger. Read an English translation at the Internet Classics Archive. Thus it is the greatest good fortune for those who are engaged in politics to have a middling and sufficient property, because where some possess very many things and others nothing, either [rule of] the people in its extreme form must come into being, or unmixed oligarchy, or as a result of both of these excesses tyranny. While the harsh climate to the north made Europeans hardy and resilient, as well as resistant to being ruled (although Aristotle did not know about the Vikings, they are perhaps the best example of what he is talking about), and the climate of what he called Asia and we now call the Middle East produced a surplus of food that allowed the men the leisure to engage in intellectual and artistic endeavors while robbing them of spiritedness, the Greeks had the best of both worlds: [I]t is both spirited and endowed with thought, and hence both remains free and governs itself in the best manner and at the same time is capable of ruling all (1327b29). Virtually every ancient Mediterranean culture had some form of the institution of slavery. Here, however, his interest is in the best regime given the opportunity to create everything just as we would want it. What are those attributes? In particular, his views on the connection between the well-being of the political community and that of the citizens who make it up, his belief that citizens must actively participate in politics if they are to be happy and virtuous, and his analysis of what causes and prevents revolution within political communities have been a source of inspiration for many contemporary theorists, especially those unhappy with the liberal political philosophy promoted by thinkers such as John Locke and John Stuart Mill. It is on account of expertise in business that there is held to be no limit to wealth and possessions (1257a1). In Chapters 9-11 of Book II, Aristotle considers existing cities that are held to be excellent: Sparta in Chapter 9, Crete in Chapter 10, and Carthage (which, notably, was not a Greek city) in Chapter 11.
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