The friend and boyfriend that first showed up behavior is suspicious as is a lot of the actions of the other friends that day . This is gone on long enough the police are not ever going to approach the hospital, for whatever reason. The film is a reboot that condenses the events of the original first three films into one story. These families have been in hell for 23yrs for Gods sake.If it was there family member theyd be calling in every favor to find out! Did they immediately call Stacys mom to find out if Stacy or the others were there? What to expect; First visit; FAQ; Our Practice; Why? In the face of delayed freedom, we celebrate anyway. Then not calling the police when you find an empty house, unlocked with broken glass on the porch.. Who assumes oh they must have left for the water park.. Really? remax columbus, ga rentals; narragansett beer board of directors; is appen projects legit; google engineering manager l7; roche pharma vision 2030. A) the perp was working as or for a construction worker. I am supsicious of the police department. there are people who know what happened to suzanne streeter (19), stacy mccall (18), and suzie's mother sherrill levitt (47) after the three disappeared from sherrill and suzie's home at 1717 e. delmar st. in springfield, mo sometime between around 9-11 pm the previous night (reports conflict and no verified phone records are available) when [1], Streeter and McCall graduated from Kickapoo High School on June 6, 1992. Nothing in my post had anything to do with that. Sad they refuse to let the lot be exploredwhether or not it would put an end to that unless law knows they are there otherwise no reason to stand in the way n obstruct justice. In episode four of the Springfield Three, we start to delve into the leading theories that emerge. If they are buried there they most likely would have been kept alive. I feel like I want to focus on Sherrill as the main target. They really should dig in there, especially if that man were willing to pay. After almost thirty years, none of these suspects have been judged and in any case they cannot all have been involved in the disappearance of the three women! It has truley got my heart and I can only hope one day there will be closure!! Perhaps youre confusing todays terminology and technology with an officer yelling something more likely along the lines of, Hey, there might be EVIDENCE there!indicating fingerprints, blood, or fibers. After they got into his (blue?) But I really dont understand why they wouldnt check the parkinggarage? The caller was a male who said lewd sexual things until the friend hung up, after which the man called back. Why would Sherrill and/or Suzie have a reason for going into the witness protection program,, just curious, thanks in advance. I live in Springfield also and lived two streets over from victims at the time of the disappearance. With the out-of-town family members sleeping in Janelles room, her daughter would take the couch. Many locals hunt and fish. Suzie Streeter was 19 on June 7th, 1992. We were scared to think three women could just disappear with no trace. Love, Lynn. My parents spent the rest of their lives crying over what had happened and they knew a lot and told me what they did know. Required fields are marked *. as if they were trying to stall anyone who had a valid lead in this case. Counterspy: The Russian Plot to Take Over Hollywood. As thevan pulled into the witnesss street, the witness heard a mans voice telling the driver to just back out slowly and get them out of there. This leads me to another point: Police may possibly have a lead suspect or evidence and are not releasing that info(personally doubtful on this). On her side, Nigel adds that she fell on the answering machine, that she left a message, and that she went back to bed after having hung up while waiting for Suzie to call her back. Youve not given a real reason not to. Its really sad and confusing. Mystery solved Also the police cant stop the hospital from digging themselves. They can obviously do it and check it out. The dog was very nervous and upset the next day when Janelle arrived. McCall and Streeter at their high-school graduation. I just dont see how Larry could have possibly the house on 1717 Delmar Street would have had three women in it who were there by themselves. A high school friend of the girls came looking for them at the house at around 8 in the morning. A family member recounted to me that Larry and accomplices went to Battleground for the 130th anniversary re-enactment of the Civil War Battle of Wilsons Creek in 1991. This had to be huge.. i dont understand at all how this was not an obsession for the whole dept. Especially when the engineer said he would pay for it.. Another one besides the parking garage was under or around the PFI Store Sign. It boggles my mind. While Janelle and Mike are present, the phone rings. I think if the ex and friend were involved, they would have buried them in the woods so they could perform some ritualistic crap in the process. The story sounds intriguing but I think the Springfield Police went to the prison Larry Hall is in to interview him. Springfield is a very rough place and filled with drugs. Stacy McCall Early in the evening Michelle E.s mom, a close friend of Stacys, gave her daughter permission to have her friends over and the information reached Battlefield. Ive said from day one Mama was Home Alone. Suzies boyfriend was Dustin Reclanot Reckler. Since that was also a dead bolt they could have left from the side door. The tip didnt start with a psychics dog, it started with her. Theres something haunting about people who just suddenly vanish without a trace. I think part of the issue with digging up the area in the parking garage is because the Cox family is a prominent name in the area and they dont want their name to be connected to this. Imagine that under the Cox parking garage there was a suspected cache of evil assault weapons, or a large sum of cash from drug proceeds. Gonna look him up maybe hes on case.nethummm, Just reiterating, THE POLICE NEED TO DIG THE HOLE OR I WILLj/s. It was a celebration night and, to judge from the many parties they attended, the celebration spirit was still present in the wee-hours. Jay Agree about the friends . Why would they have a reason for going into the witness protection program, do you believe? She has seen spirit since childhood. Hello, would you want to talk to me about this further? I wouldnt have, but they just probably thought that they, too were helpful. We did 2-10 pm followed by 6-2 the next day. Students were never interviewed and it was an all around sloppy investigation. Who does that? Very good question, Jacqueline. Why would someone assume that? Im from th Netherlands and have just seen a documentary about this horrible and sad story. I do think this case could be solved still but it will not be by the Springfield Police Dept. Overall Rating. Im sorry I cant be more helpful. It was like the police chief was trying to Saratoga it from day one. Apparantley more friends then came over, went into the home and started cleaning things, moving items around.. I bet he has a lot of pull around there. Clay reportedly saidhe wished all three women were dead, and the police could not confirm the mens alibi. on graveyard? Thats crazy. [6] Police were "very interested" in the call and believed it "may have contained a clue". Usual Suspects those are almost certainly dead ends. Springfield Psychological provides psychoeducational testing to determine if an individual has an exceptionality and if special services are needed, Emotional Problems such as sadness, worry, fear, and anger can drain a childs motivation to learn. Springfield Three and when the SPD asked the guy in question to bring his machine in so they could examine it, he refused to do so, That made them even more suspicious of what appeared to be self-promotion by the guy in question. The investigators would need a search warrant in order to dig for a core sample. Half of me wonders if they went into hiding or witness protection. Like Janelle and Mike, Janis was concerned but not alarmed. The Springfield Three revolves around the unsolved disappearances of 47-year-old single mother and cosmetologist, Sherrill Levitt, her 19-year-old daughter, Suzanne Streeter (often known as Suzie), and 18-year-old childhood friend, Stacy McCall. Very tragic. Or, and I hate to be a conspiracy theoroist, but it is possible someone close to a police officer or a police officer was a part of the crime. Only makes since. . Severaltips have pointed the police in the direction of the south parking garage at the Cox Hospital, which was still under construction when the three women disappeared. I do not believe that we will ever know what happened to these three ladies. I grew up in the Springfield area. Its a good question. Thanks for stopping by, Lynn. Nope. At the time, there was a blog on a hosted site or website specifically dedicated to the crime that had a VERY detailed timeline. The Secret Not sure but they need to press a few buttons on his mom and see if she can spark a few things. The families of these women need closure.we ALL need closure! One to right and one to the left. If someone is willing to pay for sample! It has gone so many years now, they should take every lead they get and this is a very good one. Perhaps new investigator could bring some fresh thoughts and see the evidence differently to open up the case again and solve it. I am most intrigued. But after the murder of his family becomes public, details about his personal life and conduct as a teacher come to light, and the town starts to question his character. So many questions that need answers. 2). I've been doing readings since 2012 and recently became a Certified Life Coach. I have never believed that Cox did it, but now I am not so surewhat you said is quite convincing! Dont just forget these women & bring these criminals to justice. Their last known location offers little clues into what led up to their disappearance. Thanks for clearing that up, Ken. I remember another time in early 1999. saying the cops are corrupt, or that the girls were druggies is ridiculous. Its a bit of a coincidence that there are 3 anomolies and 3 people went missing. It is you the one to thank for keeping and providing spaces like this, where polite, useful and relevant issues can be discussed, not only to exchange opinions but also to set bridges between forumers. They dont want their parking garage tampered with unless the police tell them theres a very good reason for it. Hi JH when I experienced my vision with Stacy in 1998, it took me several years to understand it. She claims Suzie was the driver of the van and she heard a male voice in the back round say, dont do anything stupid. Would Larry have let or forced one of the victims to drive the van? Do you think your dad would do an interview with me, either by email or over the phone? But hey their DUI taskforce is nationally considered one of the best and has one of the highest per capita arrest records. as well as in R&B/Pop with such popular acts like Bell Biv Devoe (BBD), LSG & TGT, and in Hip Hop with . What if that engineer said that the large anomalies looked like a ton A plumber shot to death after he ran over a motorcyclist while drunk, dude shot in the BACK three times behind a tat shop, gun found in a dumpster 100-200 feet away yet ruled a sucicide. The Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office in Minnesota released the finding Friday. I had spent so much time researching the case, that I had put off studying for a 3 chapter test in business math for a college course that I was taking. All dimensions are approximate. I will for sure, James. Ive heard from multiple people that were in the same class that they suspect they are there. Thanks for weighing in as a resident of the town. Left alone for several hours, he has seen a dozen people arrive. Its one of those stories that haunts us. Guy found dead behind strip club at corner of glenstone and sunset. When all is said and done, only one thing really makes sense. I would find a way!!! Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou. Id be surprised if this hasnt been tried already. I am fairly certain the parking garage burial site does not play at all into their theory, which is why they completely dismiss it. There werent any plans to be dropped off at the park and they obviously didnt walk to Branson. There are so many unanswered questions. I am afraid it is too late to stop with this issue. Missing Auburn student's car found, but 1976 mystery . I was wondering about the message that was accidentally deleted and the creepy caller that called the morning the friend came to check on themthis is a given but I have not heard mention of it yetcouldnt the police somehow get a list of numbers that called the house around that time? In Springfield, all sorts of hypotheses are circulating about one or the other of these suspects, of which there are no less than seven at the time. That may be why the house was targeted that night- the perp was expecting Sherrill to be there alone. Thanks, Lynn. Would you be able to elaborate a bit on the rumors you have heard about this man? Then click the BUY COURSE NOW button below and enter the code: QR20 Pull back the curtain and see how a suspense writer puts the thrills and chills together. The parking garage belongs to the hospital correct? This is a list of supergroups, music groups whose members are already successful as solo artists or as part of other groups. I just wanted to acknowledge your comments regarding the brother, Bartt. . Strangely, at the same time, Sherryll Levitt, Suzies mom, would have stopped by the 24-hour store saying she was looking for her daughter. At one point, there was talk of the girls sleeping at the boys house. In 2017 Springfield Psychological formed a New Jersey company, Spring Behavioral Health of NJ and now has locations in Phillipsburg and Toms River, New Jersey. Being 24 years later, I think theyre kind of letting her call the shots as shes really the only interested party still around. And they wouldve had to have a view of the house to know that she was there. Thoughts are with you all. Freedom has always been delayed for black people. I always thought a huge reward would have gotten an answer. I would harass them everyday until they dug it up just to check. Cant we start a petition to dig up the garage? I would assume these kids ran in small groups or clicks. Im not wishing either those on the area but if one happens you can bet Im going to be down there in that parking lot, under those stairs, assessing the damage to the concrete and the ground below it. They should check the parking garage. It shows everything from Pamela Voorhees dying during her murder spree to Jason finding his iconic . It points at a combination of people the victims knew and people who they did not. I thought it was strange that the friend didnt call the police right away because the purses were there and the womens cigarettes were left behind. Are you willing to chat with me? And possibly find someone else missing under there. Any tips? Broken globe accidental drop in fumbled attempt to unscrew and douse porch light. I really need to know why they refuse to do so if everything is been paid for. After that, I was able to put together Right Behind Cox Hospital South. They arrive to identify an alive human but perhaps it is possible also to understand if there is something else underground. All of their cars were at the house! I work for the police here in England and for the life of me cannot understand why the people have not gone any further with this. so why in the world would they dig?! If she had gone its chilling to think this might be a case if four missing women. Youre not a conspiracy theorist at all. I could see Suzie and Sherrill going into the witness-protection program, but not Stacy. Im glad people are keeping this case in their thoughts even 23 years later. She was 55, 120 pounds, with short light blonde hair and brown eyes. I believe theyve had so many tips from psychics, etc., that theyve grown a bit jaded. With new eyes, a unique three-part online investigation into the disappearance of the Springfield Three in 1992. I mean, she was a teenager, after all, and that sort of thing would be make anyone but especially a young person, nervous. There was a pile of her hair sitting on her left shoulder and I watched it fall, one strand at a time. Answer 2). And didnt the mom drive a blue vehicle? But After reading Bridgette s comments i am surprised. The women originally intended to stay at a hotel, but throughout the night their plans changed several times. Newlands Corner I inadvertently just deleted my whole reply. id say just do the sample without the police concerns.. what does it matter what they think. Stacys mom will call again twice. On that night, I get this person was around and lurking. Funds arent required for that, Abbyseveral people have offered to pay for it. I really doubt anyone has tried to retrieve the message from the tape using todays technology, but thats an excellent point. They walked in on it n had to be silenced as well. Available. A few minutes later, Shane A. dropped the girls off, not directly at Janelle Kirbys house but at the neighborhood boys house. And thank you JH for keeping this blog open and updated. There was no sign of a struggle in the home. The mystery is freaky and awful. I had spoken with Tim Gray several times in 2006 and met him once in July 2006. Police Department done their job. Its not likely to happen, but nothing would make me happier. Personally I think it was some one close to the family that knew Suzie was not going to be home. I suspect that whoever kidnapped them used their love for each other against them. Here is a link to a video about the three women possibly being buried under concrete. Ooooh this is way creepy. The families must be traumatised and that would at least help them with a but if closure if it was anything., PREFERRED: CashApp -, Check/Money Order/Cash (Mail w/Tracking - Return Customers Only) PO Box 99, Jasper, OH 45692, Bodies are in an easiest dump in Missouri Spring/Summer woods likely never to be found unless directly stepped on. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time with wrong people. @Cyber: I agree. Yes, the erasure of the phone message was indeed a mistake. The police should start all over again and check the statement and alibi of the person who last saw the girls and the one who first entered the house and noticed that the women weren t there. Go to Google Earth and type in Springfield, MO. The sketch artists pic does strongly resemble Larry Halls brother. If the final chapter to this story is ever written, Stacy and Suzies friends will be involved. I dont get why anyone is thinking that construction there would have had to have already began in order for anyone to be buried there. Instead, at a certain time the girls leave the boys party. so foul play involving the dad is suspected by me. and even a tip from a psychic about where these women are potentially buried. [5] Upon the officers' arrival, the scene showed no signs of a struggle, except for the shattered porch light. And strip club on sunset and glenstone? Her name was Paulette Webster. It doesnt make any sense that utility workers show up at your house that early, unless maybe the power was out, which was not the case. They have not been ruled out as suspects. It was written by me. $3,200/mo. Its a tiny metropolis in foothills of the Ozark mountains. Also, Id check to see if theres any connection between the construction company, or its employees, city surveyors, any city worker that handles construction permits, Hospital executives that knew of the construction Basically anyone from the City, the Hospital, Construction company, D.As, Judges, police officers, or investigators that may be related, went to school with, was in College with, etc. Is there any outcry in Springfield these days? Stacy would have left the residence without shoes, wearing only her t-shirt and panties. 2019 All rights reserved | Springfield Psychological |, PA: (610) 544-2110 | NJ: (609) 594-4900 | DE: (302) 268-6105, Listen to Black artists, read books by Black authors andpoets, Sign a petition to make Juneteenth an official nationalholiday, Donate to an organization that feels meaningful toyou. To many ways science has evolved to discount the expert. I know I would be! Suzanne and Stacy leave their cars, probably with their travel stuff inside, at Janelles house. Ive even seen other sites that say alien abduction and at this point Im thinkinghell, why not?!?!? I believe Larry DeWayne Hall and the other two men took the S3, and they were subjected to the same treatment as more than 30 other women and girls. Thanks for commenting! As the hours pass, neither Suzanne Streeter, Stacy McCall, nor anyone else goes to Branson. I agree, BLS. I just have never understood how some one gets away with kidnapping 3 people. Suzie appeared to be distressed. It is extremely rare for three women to vanish at the sametime. The dog? I hope they and all missing are still alive if they didnt murder anyone. Suzie having complained of stomach aches during the evening, she wishes to return. Our compassionate and caring team of licensed clinicians offer diverse expertise to support individuals, couples, and families to effectively navigate and manage lifes challenges. 'Disappearance of the 'Springfield Three'On June 6, 1992, McCall, 18, and Streeter, 19, attended a party after their graduation from Kickapoo High School, according to Webb. Other police on the force at that time of whom I did know were extremely frustrated with the way the district attorney and the police chief were taking them at that time. I agree, Lisa. What a story! Stop spreading around false rumors. Concerning me more is that it was a new residence for the girls. Dog Agility Training At It's Finest. He mentions that the original tip for the parking garage came from a psychics dog. Connecting the World with the Otherworldly, advises on all matters of life such as love business health financial and can help find true love soulmate also available for public events and private partys give us a call at 217-670-5022 or send us a email at located at 905 south grand ave west springfield IL 62704, readings are done in person or over the phone, For questions or requests for customized readings, please send me a message. I do not believe, however, he committed the crime. What about that change.or (I think) the site that lets you start a petition? This will have to be handled off the board. The episode I just watched left more questions than answers. If latter statement is true, the purpose of my vision with Stacy McCall would have been to draw him out of the woodwork to show us the spot, making it authentic. Many people believe Robert Cox is responsible for the womens disappearance. Good question, Monica. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. At some point someone had to realize that something mustve gone down inaide that home!?!???! And the truck that a witness saw where is that? Another thing the only reason Stacys mom went and contaminated the scene further was after the same people sent her off to do so. Juneteenth began in Galveston Texas, in 1865. I closed my textbook, finished my laundry and went home to go to bed. Welcome, reader from Argentina! Michele, awesome lead! Sherryll Levitt They wasted a way too much time on people spreading rumors, and the police fully admit that! [1] The pair planned to spend the night at their friend Janelle Kirby's house, but when they decided Kirby's house was too crowded, they instead left to go to Streeter's (and thus Levitt's) home at 1717 East Delmar Street to retire for the night. Shane A., who had stayed nearby, watched them drive away. They had their whole lives ahead of them. If it is shouldnt it be worth it to dig it up, if only to find out whos buried there? 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