We will meet to answer questions, gauge our congregations eagerness to help an Afghan family in our area and begin an action plan to do so. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is expecting 236 refugees from around the world this month, according to Timothy Young, press secretary at the organization. She showed active listening while we each introduced ourselves, asked us questions, really showed she genuinely cares about her employees. The company is self-aware and working towards improving diversity and inclusion but it's a process. The previous reviews have mentioned the various issues but the reality is that this organization is so poorly managed that it has become a toxic, ineffective and disrespected national organization. who are committed to creating an inclusive workplace and doing the work of welcome. -I have identified no noteworthy cons while working for this organization. Our goal through this self-examination is to strengthen the organization and assist the Board in leading LIRS. [One staffer] resigned abruptly in disgust in August over what he said were unethical practices by his supervisor Hoyer and is believed to be pursuing legal action against LIaRS. . Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. [11], The current president and CEO is Krish O'Mara Vignarajah (2019present).[12]. This most recent finding resulted in an inquiry dated June 30th from the Office of the Inspector General to the LIaRS Board of Directors seeking a corrective action plan . With no action from the Board at that time, another 41 staff have left LIaRS over the next 18 months up to August 2017. Things are moving fast.. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is a champion for all uprooted people. Get to help refugees and immigrants reach the American Dream alongside dedicated team members. Small. Timesheet Fraud The timesheets for May Jun 2017 show that she was charging sick and vacation time of which she had not accrued or was entitle to against the R&P17 award number 323. Hoyer forced her HR staff to submit the timesheet so that she could approve it including holiday pay for the 4th. HR is all local to Baltimore and we are on a hybrid schedule - in the office one day a week. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 506-507 Washington, DC 20002. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is a champion for all uprooted people. Please enter valid email address to continue. Press Contact: Miji Bell (410) 230-2841,. LIaRS built and manages a database of refugees being resettled in the U.S. called IRIS and quietly licenses this out to at least four other agencies (IRC, HIAS, CWS, and EMM) on a fee for service basis. Collaborate with internal and external partners on designing and branding new and existing volunteer and training resources. They operate pretty much fully remote but don't offer remote positions. Management and the company in general very much stresses the importance of work-life balance and are very understanding in that we're human beings and things may come up. The CFO had responded to the OIG inquiry and agreed to implementing a corrective action plan by September 30, 2017, and reported as such to both the Audit Committee and full LIaRS Board. It's been such a pleasant onboarding experience. Mid Level. URGENT: Immigrant children and families affected by Hurricane Ian need your support! In a memorandum sent to all LIRS staff in an October 18 email, Chairman of the Board Michael Rinehart stated, On October 2, 2017, I made known that LIRS would undertake to examine several of LIRS processes.. [3] LIRS also advocates for just policies and practices relating to immigration and detention.[4][5]. (4. ) Join the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service team See Our Latest Jobs 2.0 Current Employee Amazing Mission, Amazing Colleagues - NGO's aren't political campaigns 4 Dec 2022 - Director in Baltimore, MD Recommend CEO Approval Business Outlook Pros The Organization lives its mission, the co-workers are amazing and love their work. Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, "Immigrant Detention Centers in Texas, New Mexico Have Old Problems, Report Finds", "Immigration Reform Update: Immigrant Rights Groups Call for Closing Artesia, Karnes Detention Centers as Report Details 'Inhumane' Conditions: US News", "See It, Say It: The Supreme Court Should Strike Down SB 1070", "If High Court Upholds Arizona's SB 1070, Priests and Rabbis Could Be Prosecuted for Providing Humanitarian Aid", "LIRS Appoints Krish O'Mara Vignarajah as President and CEO: Choice Represents a New Generation of Leadership", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lutheran_Immigration_and_Refugee_Service&oldid=1097691657, Non-profit organizations based in Maryland, Refugee aid organizations in the United States, Migration-related organizations based in the United States, Short description is different from Wikidata, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 12 July 2022, at 03:48. Challenging work -- a lot of trauma but very rewarding to be able to help. I'm glad that I took thorough notes to look back on, or I would have had to take some trainings again for a refresher. See the metrics below for more information. It is one of nine refugee resettlement agencies working with the Office of Refugee Resettlement and one of only two that serves unaccompanied refugee minors. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. For two decades, the U.S. Government worked with hundreds of thousands of Afghan allies to serve the U.S. mission as interpreters, translators, cultural advisors, drivers, NGO employees, human rights activists, and more. Contact us to better clarify what path best describes your situation. Avg. Full Time. Base Salary (USD) $113,506/year View Hourly Rate But what about the ill-informed individuals sending in $50 and $100 contributions believing their donations are supporting actual work? the source asks. Your response will be removed from the review this cannot be undone. These audits are copied from the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. Linda Hartke is out as CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, three months after Breitbart News first reportedon an internal investigation into claims of financial irregularities and harassment at the embattled non-profit under her leadership. Given that USG revenue accounts for almost 95 cents of every LIaRS dollar, the only way Hartke could continue to spend on herself and the headquarters is through charging the USG an indirect cost recovery rate on the entire amount of their grants, even though 90 percent of the funds were simply passed through to subawards to the dozens of independent affiliates that actually do the refugee resettlement work (i.e. Senior Specialist, Corporate Communications, Join the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service team, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service has an overall rating of 4.1 out of 5, based on over 57 reviews left anonymously by employees. Simply put, we resettle refugees, reunite children and parents, and rekindle the American Dream. I can say that we take very seriously any allegation of misuse of U.S. government funds, a spokesperson for the State Department told Breitbart News. Failure to Address Financial Irregularities Discovered by Independent Audits Cloud complete immigration documents - including Permanent Resident, Naturalization, Employment Authorization, and family visa applications. For over 70 years Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service has led a ministry of welcome to America's most vulnerable newcomers. Because the ultimate goal is to reunify the children with their family members that are currently living in the United States, said Leonard. Large Severance and Settlement Payouts to Avoid Public and Board Reporting. U.S. State Department, LIRS-ND is staffed with experienced resettlement experts and offers a full array of services for . Awesome organization that truly cares about their staff! $54k-65k yearly est. So they signed up to temporarily foster the migrant children, now having fostered over twenty children in their own home. We offer Immigration Legal Services for a nominal fee to help refugees, asylees and other immigrants living in the Twin Cities and St. Assist with the processing and placement of refugee cases to LIRS affiliate partners throughout the U.S. According to reviews on Glassdoor, employees commonly mention the pros of working at Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service to be career development, coworkers, benefits and the cons to be diversity and inclusion, management, senior leadership. 2023 The Trustees of Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544 USA - Operator: (609) 258-3000. Rinehart wrote in a follow-upemail on September 14, 2017, The Executive Committee convened and agreed to an investigation. The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, which has a contract from the U.S. government to help place unaccompanied minors with relatives, has seen cases in recent months of cousins and half-siblings swept up in the crackdown. Refugee and Immigrant Services Northwest is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural organization with a mission of empowering refugees and immigrants and their families to become self-sufficient and healthy, contributing members of society. We resettle refugees, reunite families, and rekindle dreams. It's amazing! Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is a nonprofit American organization that welcomes and supports refugees and migrants entering the United States. At the quarterly Board meeting in St. Louis, MO, the following week, the Board announced that an independent investigation was to commence to look into the allegations against Hartke. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service has an overall rating of 4.1 out of 5, based on over 57 reviews left anonymously by employees. Now, confronted with a Chronicle and Imprint investigation, the state is bringing every child home. Amazing Mission, Amazing Colleagues - NGO's aren't political campaigns. 46 Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service reviews. The source added, In September of this year, after many months and perhaps years of build up, three members of the LIaRS Leadership Team the VP Programs, the CFO, and the General Counsel (who together hold more than 100 years of professional experience) held a confidential meeting with the LIaRS Board Chair Mike Rinehart, the Audit Committee Chair Evan Moilan, and Board member Evelyn Soto, who also happens to represent the ELCA which is a large donor to LIaRS. LUTHERAN IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE SERVICE Across Europe, Ukrainian exiles pray for peace back home Across Europe, Ukrainians gathered for church services on Sunday to pray for peace in their war-torn country. . The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations in 2012 released a report called "Immigrants Among Us: A Lutheran Framework for Addressing Immigration Issues.". Baltimore, MD 21230 (Otterbein area) +1 location. Our request is simple: please provide Kathy and Mark with your full cooperation and honest and forthright feedback. Transparency Benefits Inclusive Career growth Leadership. Because of their service to the U.S. mission, our allies and their families soon became . Read employee reviews and ratings on Glassdoor to decide if Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is right for you. This beacon provides an assessment of a charity's financial health (financial efficiency, sustainability, and trustworthiness) and its commitment to governance practices and policies. Family . The story has many layers including the tens of millions of USG [U.S. federal government] dollars that have been thrown at LIaRS over the past six years, fueling their wasteful spending on headquarters that does nothing more than act as a pass through to the 40-plus independent nonprofits that actually do the resettlement work, the financial mismanagement of those USG funds leading to audit findings and OIG inquiries, and the soap opera drama incompetence of the CEO, who rakes in $293,000/year and is under an investigation by the Board of Directors for a culture of harassment, discrimination, bullying, slander, and even backdating an overdue State of MD tax form, the source tells Breitbart News. Pros & Cons are excerpts from user reviews. Full-time. LIRS is an organization I am proud to work for! We also link to copies of audits nonprofit organizations that spent $750,000 or more in Federal grant money in a single fiscal year since 2016. From https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits. It's been very detailed and everyone has been so helpful and positive. Foster Care . This rating has improved by 29% over the last 12 months. Job Openings ( 100) Claim This Company. See the list , The data powering this website is available programmatically, via an API. We closely monitor each of our assistance awards and we will thoroughly investigate any reports of misuse and will then take appropriate action, as needed, the spokesperson added. Since 1939, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) has offered welcome and hope to refugees. LIRS-North Dakota was established in March 2021 for the purpose of resettling refugees. An internal email obtained by Breitbart News confirms the sources claim of an external investigation at LIRS. A substandard recruiting process, inconsistently applied personnel policies, a nonexistent performance evaluation system at all levels, and an unwillingness by leadership to grow and cultivate talented stafflong-time staff no longer feel a reason to stay. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service Engaged Employer Overview 57 Reviews 119 Jobs 40 Salaries 9 Interviews 33 Benefits 4 Photos Follow + Add a Review Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service Employee Reviews about "leadership" Updated Jan 4, 2023 Find Reviews Clear All Full-time, Part-time English Filter Found 21 of over 57 reviews Sort During these years I have worked with a remarkable staff team, we have stayed focused on our mission of welcoming newcomers, and centered in our faith that God calls us to love and serve all of our neighbors. Size. With the help of caring congregations and concerned friends,. What Hoyer was best at was fostering a culture of harassment through gossip and deceit., The resumeHoyer submitted as part of her application for the Chief Human Resources Officer position at LIRS stated that she anticipated receiving a B.A. The interim CEO is a narcissistic personality type who knew nothing about resettlement work but was nonetheless. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service: Your gift helps vulnerable families who are fleeing unspeakable violence in search of a safe home. They will meet next week in St. Louis. Rinehart wrote inan email the following day, September 15, 2017: She knows theres going to be an independent investigation. Links, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvR70GHFKuU. We expect that, at the appropriate juncture, Kathy and Mark will seek the input of staff members. Connect to CRM . Copyright 20082023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. { "name": "Native_infosite_employee-review_fluid_en-IN","id": "div-AdSlot-ld24ev4q", "fluid": true }. With a surge of interest in how we can help Afghan allies and refugees, we offer two resources: Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest (LSS-SW) and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS). [Note: The source and several other critics refer to the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service as LIaRS. Breitbart News uses the more commonly used shortened form of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, LIRS.]. LIRS pairs kids with foster families across the country, including dozens here in Maryland. at the time, but are apparently going to change soon. The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service has issued a call for help resettling thousands of Afghan allies. . The investigation team has formed. 87% of employees would recommend working at, According to anonymously submitted Glassdoor reviews, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service employees rate their compensation and benefits as 4.5 out of 5. She led efforts to reshape our governance structure in pursuit of excellence, and nurtured ongoing and new strategic partnerships. The State Departments Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) has contracted with LIRS and eight other voluntary agencies (VOLAGs) to resettle refugees admitted into the United States under the Refugee Admissions Program. As of last month, the unapproved travel continued, along with the expenses being fraudulently charged to the USG grants. Theyre provided by the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. Strong oral communication skills; understanding of mobilization efforts/community engagement; knowledge or interest in learning about faith engagement. Employees also rated Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service 4.1 out of 5 for work life balance, 4.2 for culture and values and 4.5 for career opportunities. Authorized by the. Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for Concordia Summit, Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration. But now we will work through more change as last week I discussed my departure with the LIRS Board, which I believe comes at the right time for me personally and for LIRS., LIRS Board Chair and Bishop Michael Rinehart of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod (ELCA) said, Linda Hartke has provided important leadership at LIRS through challenging years. This employer has claimed their Employer Profile and is engaged in the Glassdoor community. 16% of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service employees are Hispanic or Latino. "Our focus is getting these children out of Customs and Border Protection facilities," said Krish O'Mara Vignarajah, CEO of LIRS. But they knew, even as two people, they could do something. This rating has improved by 31% over the last 12 months. That's a jump from. Here is the data from the most recent LIRS Form 990 (2019). Track program activity and participation data throughout the course of the program. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is the largest faith-based national nonprofit dedicated to immigration and refugee refugee resettlement in the United States. By 2017, the complaints escalated to the point where an outside investigation was initiated. Stay up to date with everything going on at LIRS. 86% of employees would recommend working at Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service to a friend and 85% have a positive outlook for the business. Share. $1,500/mo). Please join us as we make a difference in the lives of newcomers. Nonprofit organizations that spend $750,000 or more in Federal grant money in a fiscal year are required to submit an audit covering their finances and compliance. "Today, Linda Hartke, President and CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS), announced her departure from LIRS after eight years of service," LIRS said in a memorandum sent to its donors, Lutheran congregations, and the U.S. It is one of nine refugee resettlement agencies working with the Office of Refugee Resettlement[2] and one of only two that serves unaccompanied refugee minors. The source cites seven specific problem areas under the current management at LIRS: (1) The source cites financial mismanagement at LIRS, due, in part to inappropriately charging an Indirect Cost Recovery rate to entire Federal grants, most of which are passed through in sub-awards to other organizations. The source adds: Over the six year period from 2011 through 2016, LIaRS revenue from the U.S. government grew from $30 million to almost $65 million. Workload can be a little unpredictable at times. Transparency Benefits Inclusive Career growth Leadership. Small organizations filing a Form 990N "e-Postcard" are not included in this data. 11 Nov 2017 0. Oh, and WONDERFUL PAY AND BENEFITS! We have established active risk mitigation measures in our funding arrangements with partners. Breitbart News asked PRM if it has initiated its own investigation into financial irregularities at LIRS. In 2016, LIaRS paid in excess of $86,000 to former staff member Annie Wilson (see 2016 Form 990 Schedule J Part III) and more than $120,000 to longtime CFO Jane Anthon who was forced out. Individual salaries will, of course, vary depending on the job, department, location, as well as the individual skills and education of each employee. Headed by a political candidate - it is run as a political campaign (whims and bright shiny objects that can get media coverage vs. strategy). Over the past 18 months, we have grown deeply concerned about the significant loss of staff at LIRS and what they may indicate about the leadership of the organization, the letter began: The sheer volume of departures 40 out of a staff of 100 is enough for concern, but whe have also seen a lack of organizational will to attract, value, and retain talented and committed individuals. I found myself almost forgetting what was taught at the very beginning of the onboarding process because of the important information learned since. Every organization that has been recognized as tax exempt by the IRS has to file Form 990 every year, unless they make less than $200,000 in revenue and have less than $500,000 in assets, in which case they have to file form 990-EZ. -Working for an organization that assists the world's most vulnerable people -Mission-driven leadership -Supportive leadership team and colleagues -Teamwork is a driving force behind our success -Excellent pay, leave and benefits -Keen focus on work-life balance -Hybrid work schedule -Paid holidays and the week between Christmas and New Year's off with pay. Sign up to get ProPublicas biggest stories delivered straight to your inbox. They are not authored by Glassdoor. To oversee this process, LIRS has engaged the services of Kathy Hoskins and Mark Saudek of Baltimore-based Gallagher Evelius & Jones LLP. We work with thousands of refugees and immigrants each year to help them rise above their challenges, build upon the strength and courage that got them here, and support their hopes to become vital contributors to our communities. The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service listed Colorado among 11 "sanctuary" states. About the Organization: Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) is the largest faith-based nonprofit dedicated to serving vulnerable immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees in the U.S. Internship Position: Work with internal LIRS staff to implement the Gather, Hope for the Holidays and Stand UpSpeak Up national programs. It is nationally recognized for its leadership advocating with refugees, asylum seekers, unaccompanied children, immigrants in detention, families fractured by migration and other vulnerable populations. None of this travel was included in the approved budgets, and when this was pointed out to CEO Hartke and Hoyer, they dismissed the reports. From the welcome, our Good Neighbor and Champions program sets up homes with housewarming essentials from groceries to furniture. But one Baltimore based organization, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, is working to move kids out of those facilities and into the homes of families eager to help. Log In. and talkative, like to get lunch or drinks, and are often friends outside the office. Refugee resettlement became a hot topic nationally in the 2016 presidential election and in 2017 due to ongoing concerns aboutpublic health, national security, and costsassociated with it. (2) In the past three years alone, LIaRS has had significant audit findings in their required A-133 annual audits, but the organization has failed to address the financial irregularities discovered by these independent audits, the source alleges: In 2014 then auditors Grant Thornton found a significant deficiency in internal controls over Federal award management. Work with internal LIRS staff to finalize and implement the Stand Up, Speak Up program. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is a non-profit organization management. ProPublica posts new tax forms as they are released by the IRS. 1939. LFSRM Trainings Jan 11 Wed Legal firm help. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. Adoption Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service @lutheranimmigrationandrefu2667 798 subscribers Subscribe LIRS Home Home Videos Shorts Playlists Community Channels About Recently uploaded Popular. Programmatic Database Administrator. The investigation initiated by LIRS Board Chairman Rinehart on October 2 is rooted in the incompetence of leadership under CEO Hartke and her #2 COO Gary Gold-Moritz, the drama of the past two years associated with Hartkes Chief Human Resources Officer Cecilia Hoyer, the recent Board of Directors initiated investigation, and the multiple complaints filed against Hartke, Hoyer, Gold-Moritz, et al., from many staff, the source tells Breitbart News. Lutheran Immigration And Refugee Service - Nonprofit Explorer - ProPublica Research Tax-Exempt Organizations LUTHERAN IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE SERVICE BALTIMORE, MD 21230-3850 | Tax-exempt since. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) is an equal opportunity employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression, or any other . As an organization, LIRS originates from the response of American Lutherans in 1939 to the needs of Europeans displaced because of World War II,[6] but the roots of the organization reach back to the 1860s when the New York Ministerium and the Pennsylvania Ministerium joined together to help and protect Lutheran immigrants in the US. One day a week 16 % of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Refugee resettlement the! Lirs affiliate partners throughout the U.S 14, 2017: she knows theres going to be an independent investigation ;! And placement of Refugee cases to LIRS affiliate partners throughout the course of the onboarding process of... The 4th organization and assist the Board in leading LIRS. ] as LIaRS this... Of 4.1 out of Customs and Border Protection facilities, '' said Krish O'Mara Vignarajah ( 2019present ) [... 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