Long Lake is home to many species of wildlife, which given the growing use of the lake for recreational purposes must be respected. Long Sands sea temperatures peak in the range 17 to 21C (63 to 70F) on around the 9th of August and are at their lowest on about the 1st of March, in the range 2 to 4C (36 to 39F). Rocks and boulders are scattered amongst the mildly red-tinted sand providing texture and interesting places to anchor down. For ease of search, all places are also grouped by the first letter of the name. This sensor measures chlorophyll by fluorescence and gives an estimate of algal biomass at that depth. C soils have low infiltration rates and typically have a layer that impedes the movement of water. A forest of spruce, fir, pine, birch, aspen, and maple set the stage. Lifeguards staff both ends of the beach during prime summer hours. Shade covers the beach in the early morning and full sun soaks the sand by afternoon. The small red dots represent individual readings taken in 2021. Wander down along the trail toward the beach and discover two state-of-the-art playground structures camouflaged among the trees. 0000001084 00000 n C/D soils are a mix of these two soil types. decreasing, indicating that there is less chlorophyll in the water over time. %PDF-1.6 % The terrain slopes gently toward the water. Area thickness increases as more measurements are reported at that value. Visitors to the lake should be cautious around these nests and should avoid any disturbance, including noise. Long Lake is the story's opening setting, as well as origin of the mysterious mist. Popular among locals and campers alike, this beach is well worth a trip. The North Basins long-term total phosphorus trend is stable, indicating neither more nor less phosphorus in the water over time. Site by Yellahoose, hosting by Packawhallop, 2023 LakesofMaine.org     Terms of Use. Water clarity is top-notch and temperatures are cold even in late August. Long Lake north basins surface water chlorophyll (ppb), phosphorus (ppb), and Secchi depth (meters) data comparison. A lifeguard is on duty during peak summer hours, and bathroom facilities are located at the rear of the beach. This graph shows the 6-hour moving average value for the chlorophyll sensor at 3 m (9.8 ft). There are plenty of shallow sandy areas for cooling off, and deeper areas for swimming. Because they are often coarse with ample pore space, there is low runoff potential and water will not usually pool on them. The Middle Basins long-term total phosphorus trend is, 2021 average chlorophyll concentration was within the moderate range. (More Info). 2021s average value. There are 27 Long Ponds in Maine (and 6 Long Lakes). 0000001173 00000 n It spans ten miles, elongating eastward first into the Sebec River, then into the Piscataquis River, and finally emptying into the mighty Penobscot. Anyone interested in fishing Long Lake or waters within the wider area in Maine, United States should consult with local resources before heading out to fish. Afternoon hours are warmest while full sun shines on the beach. These soils can be good places to site leach fields or infiltrate stormwater from a home or residence. Distance is measured from lake centroid to lake centroid. Waves can be sizable on a windy day and the water drops off reasonably fast. Working with the Maine Association of Conservation Districts and Maine Department of Environmental Protection, LEA helped compile, organize and write a TMDL for Long Lake. (More Info), The wind direction we use on this page is the direction the wind is coming from, given in a 16 point compass format. Quiet and remote, this state park beach is off the beaten path. Visiting Cross Lake today serves as a reminder that Maines beautiful inland waters require continued evaluation and protection to maintain the states treasured natural resources. Rangeley and Farmington are each about twenty-eight miles in opposite directions. Area thickness indicates frequency of measurements at that value. xref 2023Lakes Environmental Association. To submit a video for this collection, please contact us. Roads, beaches and residential properties were worked on during the project. * We've detected you're using a mobile device. There are 27 Long Ponds in Maine (and 6 Long Lakes). Maine affords plenty of public access to inland waters for free or minimal fees. Bring your own food and carry out all trash. South Basin: The average Secchi disk reading for 2021 was 6.5 meters, which falls into the moderately clear range. A TMDL is a detailed watershed report with land use information and phosphorus loading estimates for a specific Long-term Average: Clarity: The Middle Basins 2021 average water clarity was within the moderately clear range. It connects to Brandy Pond and Sebago Lake, making it popular with water-skiers and boaters. 0000000476 00000 n During the spring, temperature readings are close together and the lake is well-mixed. The Middle Basins long-term clarity trend is stable, indicating neither deeper nor shallower Secchi readings over time. URL: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/me/nwis/rt? 2021 average water clarity was within the moderately clear range. Color ramps represent the range of values Several miles outside of Norway heading west on Route 118, the beach park entrance is marked with a large wooden sign. Title: USGS Current Conditions for Maine have mostly dry days although Friday 20th and Monday 23rd are likely to see a significant amount of rain or snow. Wade out onto the sandbar at the west end of the beach that extends almost all the way to Thompson Point across the winding mouths of the Songo and Crooked rivers. Picnic tables and grills are dispersed among the trees surrounding the beach. 20th Annual Maine Milfoil Summit Postponed. Customize table to display other current-condition parameters, West Grand Lake at Grand Lake Stream, Maine. Title: USGS Current Water Data for Maine This effect is partially a result of beach erosion due to highly controversial water level regulation initiated in the late 1980s for the purpose of hydroelectric power. The most notable features at Norway Lake Beach are several semi-private swim areas hidden among tall pines along the shoreline path toward the boat ramp. Photos will be available to all users after verification by the moderator. When levels reach 2 to 5 mg/L, fish become stressed and will die below those concentrations. Privacy As a result, you will get a list of countries and cities in which the average sea temperature on this day over the past 10 years exceeds your chosen value, Top places with the warmest ocean water in Maine today. Arrive early to lasso one of these unique spots. WEATHER API: BLOG: Local Weather Long Lake Current Weather Temperature, wind, rain and more for Long Lake Maine, United States Of America. The canal's Songo Lock facilities still control Long Lake water level. Each November, Long Lake is drained by about three feet (0.91 m) so that melting snow does not cause a flood in the spring. The lake is the site of many summer camps, including Camp Newfound, Camp Owatonna, Camp Takajo, and Camp Wildwood (actually located on nearby Wood's Pond). The colored dots on this map depict streamflow conditions as a. These charts display the values of water quality indicators for this lake, compared to the range of values seen across all of Maines surveyed lakes . 0000000747 00000 n As water temperature increased and deep water oxygen was consumed, coldwater fish habitat transitioned to marginal and then unsuitable habitat in July. Long Lake is home to many species of wildlife, which given the growing use of the lake for recreational Suitable coldwater fish habitat was present through late June. Long Lake supports a high quality black bass fishery and is one of the more popular lakes in southern Maine for bass angling tournaments. The vertical black line represents the long-term average value. Yellow diamonds display the mean values for this lake, as averaged across all sampling sites. Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Funded in part by Federal Aid in Restoration Act under Federal Project F-28-P L5274B Despite its large size, Great Pond provides a limited amount of habitat for coldwater sportfish. These charts display the values of water quality indicators for this lake, compared to the range of values seen across all of Maines surveyed lakes . A snack bar is centrally located on the premises. Follow Happytown Road two-and-a-half miles and turn right onto Boat Launch Drive. From the playground, a network of flat, wooded trails on old logging roads and railroad beds spans out across the 750 acres within park boundaries. Activities on the Causeway in Naples include trips on the Songo River Queen paddleboat, seaplane rides, windsurfing and para-sailing. A giant rock juts above the surface just beyond the swim area and often attracts kayakers and paddlers. The natural five hundred-foot sand beach graces the shore of Sebec Lakes South Cove. Amenities. North Basin: The average Secchi disk reading for 2021 was 6.2 meters, which falls into the moderately clear range. The average deep water phosphorus value was not significantly above surface water phosphorus values, which suggests phosphorus recycling is not problematic. The average total phosphorus reading of 6.1 ppb falls into the moderate range. As summer progresses, the lake stratifies (large temperature difference between depths) and lake mixing is greatly diminished. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. 45.1F 45F 37.4F 46.2F 28.4F Addison 42.6F 43F 37F 46.4F 28.4F Maine water temperature by month To find out what the water temperature was in Maine any day over a The vertical black line represents the long-term average value. 0 D soils have a high runoff potential and very low infiltration rates. Long Pond (Belgrade, Mt. Statewide Ground Water Real-Time Table. `Yv;`X=v0pw@ The park is staffed by rangers during the summer and there is a minimal day-use fee. Bring along a pair of field glasses to view the loons. Warning: Javascript must be enabled to use all the features on this page! When vegetation is removed and the soil is exposed they can be susceptible to erosion. This graph shows temperature at different depths in the north basin of Long Lake. Maines freshwater provides pleasures beyond pure scenery. As summer progresses, the lake stratifies (large temperature difference between depths) and lake mixing Long-term trend analysis indicates chlorophyll concentrations in Long Lakes middle basin are decreasing, total phosphorus concentrations are stable, and clarity readings are stable. Station Notes. Each November, Long Lake is drained by about three feet (0.91m) so that melting snow does not cause a flood in the spring. Snuggled on the edge of the pastoral village of Jefferson, Damariscotta Lake State Park inhabits a seventeen-acre parcel of shorefront land on the lakes northern Great Bay. Deep water phosphorus values were not significantly above surface water phosphorus values indicating that phosphorus recycling was not an issue for the Middle Basin in 2021. Type A soils tend to be well drained sands, loams, and gravels. These soils are made of sands, clays, and loams and are one of the most common soil types in western Maine. Anticipate immersing well beyond the knees in places as the water level fluctuates. This Maine state location article is a stub. Period of Record. The water gradually deepens toward the outer buoy-marked swim area. Statistics for 02 Jan (19812005) mean: 42 F , range: 39 F to 44 F. Very cold water temperature (43 F) at Moody Beach. Most notably, loons which can be heard at night and whose song is sought by so many visitors. The state owns 22,000 acres in the surrounding area including twenty-one miles of shoreline on Richardson and Mooselookmeguntic lakes, as well as frontage on several nearby ponds. Facilities include modern bathrooms, changing areas and coin-operated showers. The North Basins. The North Basins long-term clarity trend is stable, indicating neither deeper nor shallower Secchi readings over time. The fluorescence response of algae cycles naturally through the day and those fluctuations are visible in the plot. The South Basins long-term total phosphorus trend is decreasing, indicating less phosphorus in the water over time. Unlike the ocean temperatures at Acadias famous Sand Beach, the water temperatures on this smallish two-mile body of water invite full immersion for hours on end. On the beach, assorted boulders and bushes provide an element of privacy. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The Middle Basins long-term clarity trend is decreasing, indicating shallower clarity readings over time. This lake has 20 fish species, including the invasive northern pike (Esox lucius), as well as both black basses. HWM6WT`fqvT.`HHBL Area thickness increases as more measurements are reported at that value. long-term chlorophyll trend is decreasing, indicating that there is less chlorophyll in the water over time. Phosphorus: The South Basins 2021 average phosphorus concentration was within the moderate range Deep water phosphorus values were not significantly above surface water phosphorus values indicating that phosphorus recycling was not an issue for the South Basin in 2021. Giant root systems of eighty-year-old trees are embedded into the sand like king crab legs. Expect 0.0mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. Lifeguards man the roped-off swim area, and clean water beckons on a hot afternoon. (More Info), The value given is a total predicted for the previous 3 hrs and includes the time of the forecast being looked at. 2N>iQ&q 5UTKG3b4e,OK'7N' ='uR?U@(JQZYfez^L,J_6QY @p_lq \RB}Ipa{$ 'BQ2G;)GiVRSRF*_y@7R|WSLEKF!#mq?pvfH;U=WS("10` >#WW(?92sD2.. This is often hard to answer, as the issues surrounding managing water levels Combined temperature and oxygen sensors measure conditions at every other meter (3.28 feet) from near surface to near bottom at the deepest point of the lakes north basin. Anglers who are familiar with Long Lake are asked to suggest changes using the link above. The lake is the site of many summer camps, including Camp Newfound, Camp Owatonna, Camp Takajo, and Camp Wildwood (actually located on nearby Wood's Pond). Shallow water runs out far into the lake, and there is a wide swath of sand to accommodate many children and sunbathers. Water Data for the Nation Blog for the latest news and updates. The warmest ocean temperature in Maine today is 45.5F (in Monhegan), and the coldest sea temperature is 39.6F (Bucksport). Sebago Lake, ME Weather Forecast | AccuWeather Current Weather 11:44 AM 52 F RealFeel 53 RealFeel Shade 49 Air Quality Excellent Wind WNW 6 mph Wind Gusts 14 Suitable coldwater fish habitat was present through mid-June. <<93DF66F7687461439691A58BB0931B4A>]>> These charts display the values of water quality indicators for this lake, compared to the range of values seen across all of Maines surveyed lakes . Thick cover shades this short walk amidst the scent of pine needles and lake water. Cross Lake Beach is well tucked in two-and-a-half miles down the Disy Road, which is located several miles past the turn-off for the village of Stockholm. Moose, deer, bear, and waterfowl are common to the area. Colored areas represent the long-term range of values, from minimum to maximum. Long Lake middle basins surface water chlorophyll (ppb), phosphorus (ppb), and Secchi depth (meters) data comparison. In addition to the land use inventory and phosphorus loading estimates, the reports contain water quality, fishery and soils information, a shoreline survey and recommendations for future best management practices in the watershed. Colored areas represent the long-term range of values, from minimum to maximum. A product of Lake Stewards of Maine stable, indicating neither deeper nor shallower Secchi readings over time. (More Info), The total amount of cloud as a percentage is derived from looking at cloud cover throughout the atmosphere and estimating how these combine when looked at from the ground. Colored areas represent the long-term range of values, from minimum to maximum. There is a large roped-off swim area with endless shallow water. Long Lake is an eleven-mile (18 km) lake between the towns of Naples, Maine, Bridgton, Maine and Harrison, Maine. Page Last Modified: 2023-01-18 13:01:11 EST Here are some tallies *: Regardless of the extent of shoreline problems, it is usually best to maintain water levels to reduce potential shoreline erosion. Click to hide state-specific text Current Conditions for Maine: Air Temperature -- 33 site (s) found Customize table to display other current-condition parameters -- Parameter not determined Area thickness indicates frequency of measurements at that value. The sand is soft and spans two-tenths of a mile with all areas of the beach easily accessible by the promenade that borders its entire length. Today's Higgins Beach sea temperature is 43 F. A small wooded bluff extends to a point on the south end of the beach and provides excellent wildlife viewing within the cove. U.S. Geological Survey Webb Lake at Mount Blue State Park is nestled into a wilderness basin rimmed by Tumbledown Mountain, Little Jackson Mountain, and Mount Blue. 3 percent of soils in the watershed are type D soils. Here are some tallies *: Here are 3 interactive visualizations exploring these data: (* These totals refer to data through 2018; as of the end of 2022, DEP had not released the more recent data for upload to this website. 2021 average water clarity was within the moderately clear range. Parents can chill a notch or two knowing there is a lifeguard on duty, and kids can be entertained for hours splashing in a few inches of water or playing on the sand with gently lapping waves to fill moats and hand-dug ponds. 0000000669 00000 n HD> u\.htu=nm7?~-`V~~x?l^l1FYxf)(%=NtafOK2TdUUq`ju( Still, there is plenty of sand, and swimming is fantastic with crystal-clear water, plenty of shallow area, and warm water temperatures through August. Page Contact Information: Maine Water Data Maintainer Perfectly clear water is edged by a crescent-shaped sand beach on the lakes southwestern shore. All 1 Available Parameters for this site. Water clarity has been measured in this lake since 1970; the overall average Secchi depth during this period is 6.3 m (21 ft) - a value which is in the mid-range of surveyed Maine lakes. Water temperatures warm up nicely by late summer, but are always slightly refreshing in this spring-fed lake. Oxygen conditions in the 8-10 mg/L range indicate that water is saturated or nearly saturated with oxygen, depending on temperature. This station managed by the Upper Columbia Field Office (Spokane). The beach is relatively quiet even when the ninety-one campsites at Lily Bays Dunn Point and Rowell Cove campgrounds are full. Mature white pines tower overhead whispering in the wind along the edges of the cleared playing field. In addition of the water temperature, also shown air temperature, weather conditions and the wave heights on the coast. Sea water temperature throughout Maine is not yet warm enough for swimming and does not exceed 68F. A superb modern playground is hidden in the shade beneath a thick canopy of tall pines. The average deep water phosphorus value was not significantly above surface water phosphorus values, which suggests phosphorus recycling is not problematic. Photos (1) Today's Moody Beach sea temperature is 43 F. stable, indicating neither more nor less phosphorus in the water over time. Presented weather data are now available for each of the resorts. Lake elevation varies from 1,512 feet to 1,536 feet, normal limits of operation. (More Info), Temperature from our forecast perspective are fairly well defined, they are what we would expect to measure in a standard meteorological screen (in other words, shaded and well ventilated) at 2 metres above ground level. startxref Each fall the lake is stocked with landlocked salmon and brown trout from the state hatcheries. Last year, Scott Williams (long-time LSM Executive Director) wrote a short article about the early years of VLMP and the treasure trove of Secchi data produced by volunteers. Echo Lake is cuddled into the interior of Acadia National Park on the quiet side of Mount Desert Island halfway between Somesville and Southwest Harbor. Long-term Average: Clarity: The North Basins 2021 average water clarity was within the moderately clear range. Formerly Camp Modin, an overnight summer camp founded in 1922, this park has a unique campus feel with groomed grassy playing fields, a multi-use trail system, and tennis courts. They have fairly high runoff potential and low infiltration rates and often pool water. https://waterdata.usgs.gov/me/nwis/current? Late summer may be the best bet for maximum beach access. Long Lake was created by receding glaciers, and has many coves and rocks. Pedestrians will enjoy this shaded half-mile walk and brook access along the road. Dunn Point is home to Lily Bays beach area and is positioned on the eastern shore of the lake with western views toward Sugar Island in the foreground and the Misery Ridge mountains in the background. Range Pond (pronounced to rhyme with sang) State Park is known for its beautiful one thousand-foot sandy beach on the northeast side of Lower Range Pond. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Full sunshine, combined with shallow water depths averaging twenty feet across this seven-mile lake, contributes to late-summer water temps that invite even the most cold sensitive for a dip. The beach at Range Pond is a natural jewel within Maines most populated southern region. The fourteen-mile trip north of Oquossoc on Route 16, locally known as Wilsons Mills Road, is well worth the time and fuel. Color ramps represent the range of values across all lakes. Although not as well drained as A soils, they can also be good places to site leach fields and infiltrate stormwater. Deep water phosphorus values were not significantly above surface water phosphorus values indicating that phosphorus recycling was not an issue for the South Basin in 2021. Hundreds of picnic tables and grills pepper the grounds under the shade of mature white pines. ow1JKsD~NP$w'\y2K:Ra^ Click here to view current water quality conditions on a representative sample of Maine lakes during summer, or view which lakes have experienced ice-cover in the fall and ice-out in the spring. LakesOfMaine.org sees more than 1,000,000 pageviews annually.Click here to inquire about becoming a Partner in Lake Stewardship. The red lines on the histogram show data from one or more sampling stations for this lake superimposed on the statewide distribution for the indicator.NOTE: Where data are identical for multiple stations, those station numbers will be superimposed on each other on the histograms and may thus be difficult to differentiate from each other. Page Contact Information: Maine Water Data Maintainer As our lakes begin to freeze this winter, take another look at these videos, all taken during the open-water months. Please visit the website and explore! Chlorophyll: The North Basins 2021 average chlorophyll concentration was within the moderate range. (More Info), This time is corrected for local time zones and where possible for daylight saving times. Add to favourites Print Charts. The small red dots represent individual readings taken in 2021. Branch Lake has a quiet essence, devoid of crowds and noise. The majority of data on lakesofmaine.org comes from certified volunteer citizen scientists. 13 9 Shallow water extends far out making this beach especially suitable for children. Our report for United States is compiled using satellite data together with in-situ observations to get the most reliable daily data of sea surface temperatures, surf forecasts, current temperatures and weather forecasts. Shade, thin woods, and rocks along the edge furnish alternative places for relaxing out of the sun and fodder for fairy house construction. Totals include data from all lake stations and dates.). The chlorophyll average of 2.0 ppb falls into the low range. Plenty of shade is available under a string of ancient trees parallel to the water. Historic Shaker Village and the Poland Spring House are both nearby. The average color reading for 2021 was 26.8 SPU, indicating that water in Long Lakes south basin is highly colored. Branch Lake offers a piece of quintessential Maine. If you are interested in finding a monitoring opportunity, please visit Lake Stewards of Maine or contact our office at 207-783-7733. trailer The Middle Basins long-term clarity trend is decreasing, indicating shallower clarity readings over time. The large red dot represents FOIA The deep hole (106 ft / 32 m) is in the southern basin. Lakes Environmental Association, 230 Main Street, Bridgton, Maine, 04009. The new website is a significant upgrade for ease of use and a clean, simplified design. During the spring, temperature readings are close together and the lake is well-mixed. n`Ho``P vfbNH$0Pm tr Motorboats are limited to ten horsepower, lending to Echos peaceful atmosphere. Cross Lake is a lovely place to spend the day or simply stop for a swim along the way to Fort Kent or Canada. Local current weather for Long Lake, Maine, United States Of America giving details on temperature, wind speed, rain, cloud, humidity, pressure and more. 0.81 0.77 caww01. it is worth taking another look at some stats on the lake water quality data collected over the years. Rolling hills and farmland symbolic of Aroostook County span out on the opposite shore beyond the lake. Once past the boat launch dock, head left toward the mouth of Mill Brook Stream, the connector between Pepperpot Pond and Upper Richardson. Deep water phosphorus values were not significantly above surface water phosphorus values indicating that phosphorus recycling was not an issue for the North Basin in 2021. The chlorophyll average of 2.5 ppb falls into the moderate range. (More Info), Here we try to capture the feel of the weather as an image it will never be perfect but is useful for a quick overview. 2021 average chlorophyll concentration was within the moderate range. Prepare for the excitement of boat traffic and noise. Long-term median flow 1/14 St. John River Basin: 01010000: St. John River at Ninemile Bridge, Maine Grand Lake Stream at Grand Lake Stream, Maine : 01/14 02:00 EST : 3.42 : 752 : 261 : 01021000: St. Croix River at Baring, Maine : 01/14 02:30 EST : While the official max depth is listed as 59ft (18m), there is a spring near Half Loon Bay, a small bay near Bridgton Academy, that registers as being 216ft (66m) deep, according to depth finders on multiple boats. Show a custom real-time summary table for one or more Site by Yellahoose, hosting by Packawhallop, 2023 LakesofMaine.org     Terms of Use. (More Info), This refers to the sustained average wind speed, normally averaged over a period of 10 minutes for up to 3 hrs. The South Basins long-term total phosphorus trend is decreasing, indicating less phosphorus in the water over time. Long Lake[1] is an eleven-mile (18km) lake between the towns of Naples, Maine, Bridgton, Maine and Harrison, Maine. Area thickness increases as more measurements are reported at that value. It suffered from the 1950s through the early 2000s largely due to high levels of phosphorus as a result of run-off from surrounding agricultural land in the Aroostook River Watershed. Vernon, Rome) is a 2,557-acre lake, divided into 2 distinct basins. Catch a glimpse of Katahdin on this hilly ride out to the lake. Ten-horsepower motors are the limit on Lower Range Pond, allowing the sounds of children playing to override engine noise. Sample some of these exceptional lake beaches, organized north to south, while the days are still hot. A Youth Conservation Corp (YCC) was also formed which installed best management practices on numerous residential properties. One of these is located in the Belgrade chain of lakes (it is fourth in the chain sequence). The acronym TMDL stands for Total Maximum Daily Load and for Maine lakes it is used as a tool to assess and reduce phosphorus loading from within the entire watershed. The week will Middle Basin: The average Secchi disk reading for 2021 was 6.4 meters, which falls into the moderately clear range. Yellow diamonds display the mean values for this lake, as averaged across all sampling sites. Cedars dominate the well-defined day-use picnic and beach area providing fresh scents and shade under lush cover. With Long lake is the story 's opening setting, as well drained as a soils tend be... Miles and turn right onto Boat Launch Drive the chlorophyll average of 2.5 ppb falls into the moderate.., beaches and residential properties were worked on during the spring, readings. Road two-and-a-half miles and turn right onto Boat Launch Drive saturated or nearly saturated with oxygen, depending long lake maine water temperature.... 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