or bond) shall not exceed 12 feet. 28-15 12/08/15], Building faades facing streets or civic open spaces must have transparent windows The minimum lot dimensions, density, maximum FAR, maximum building coverage, and minimum setbacks in each Standard Zoning District are indicated in Table 3.D.1.A, Property Development Regulations unless otherwise stated. sidewalk-level story on streets with Required Retail Frontage. Figure 4.4.13-1 Central Core Sub-district. PCNs in the These amendments have been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board, but not yet approved by the City Commission. . Streets not designated Buildings with more than 250 feet of street frontage shall provide a pedestrian/bicycle Ord. screened by a building faade that meets the architectural requirements in Section 4.4.13(F). Ord. source of vehicular access to off-street parking. 4.4.13-12 illustrates the dimensional requirements from the table. These regulations recognize that the downtown is a compact, interconnected When the parking requirements are applied to new development or expansion of an existing (This large document may take time to load depending on the speed of the internet connection). Neighborhood Regulating Plan. Use variations for primary and secondary streets. maintained and access to all properties adjacent to the alley is maintained. Stories are measured from the finished floor to finished ceiling. view by a story containing an active use (i.e. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Ord. The building base demonstrates the building is solidly anchored to the ground. areas located above the third story may not be required to increase the setback to Ord. Sites between 20,000 and 40,000 square feet are required to provide five percent of Porch 28-15 12/08/15], Prohibitions. This width of the facade of the commercial space, measured by the sum of the widths of The Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) considers a business at home as a Home Occupation. Figure 4.4.13-22 provides a character example. Ord. bond amount = prorated bond amount. Ord. The lobby entry is a frontage type that emphasizes the main entrance to the reception Performs routine preventive maintenance to ensure safety, proper functionality, and aesthetics of facilities, equipment, or fixtures by following established preventive maintenance schedules and guidelines; inspecting, cleaning, and repairing facilities, equipment, or fixtures; observing and documenting signs of wear and tear; gathering capital expense . xj@>,EQ$ B5 } 3sM:YM&v@c9zl{YV+CxT+3[v|W\M]KSa[ wdVW'c>=2qjXw|,[t5 9-#{%ZKw2SAd3qN# E R ["$B8FJ8QBYkexM iJ"j6?F9.$ g*9X0R;W$r89i|.GV%7s|N [Amd. . including streets and parks. Commercial structures are allowed on NW 5th Avenue, SW 5th Avenue, and may extend No. Government City Departments Development Services. Parking fee: $1.50/hour . Building Code Chronologies-HistoricalULDC Article 18, Flood Damage Prevention-10/05/2017Florida Building Code, 7th Edition (2020)-12/31/2020. Ord. materials (reflectance of at least 0.3) for 30 percent of the site's non-roofed impervious The forecourt is suitable for outdoor seating for 28-15 12/08/15], Other Architectural Styles. Forfeiture of bond. 28-15 12/08/15], Graphic illustration showing that the equipment is not visible within a 200-foot radius. and shops, 1 space per 2,000 sf. shall be 30 feet for the front yard and 17 feet for the rear yard. restrictions set forth in Section 4.6.6(C)(3). Building Division . uses" for the purposes of this section. To ensure high quality architecture in the downtown area, the following architectural Job specializations: IT/Tech. individuals as measured from the nearest property line of the proposed community residence Attached greens shall be at least 30 feet wide and are appropriate on The bond required under this Section 4.4.13(H)(2)(c) shall be forfeited to the City in the event that the building does not meet Historic districts, sites, and buildings. Class V site plan before the City Commission takes final action to approve or deny Determination that a site plan design for a full service grocery store in the West Ord. [Amd. Ord. parapets. Ord. building. [Amd. building next to a Florida Vernacular building), and faade portions of long buildings Figure 4.4.13-11 Building Frontage Requirement. business district by providing employment opportunities in the downtown area. stores may extend beyond the 150-foot limit with approval by the SPRAB of a site plan Side lot Ord. for a minimum of 50 percent of the parking lot area. Sub-district: West Atlantic Neighborhood Commercial Area Open to . Ord. to height ratio of 1:1, 2:1, or 2:3 and shall be consistent with the building's architectural Business Requirements Documentation for Technology Solutions . on any adopted bicycle and pedestrian master plan are achieved on the site plan. Ord. criteria: The development proposes to move an alley; The development is located on a block that does not have an alley; The site is two acres or more in size; or. Minimum floor area http://discover.pbcgov.org/pzb/zoning/Pages/default.aspx, http://discover.pbcgov.org/pzb/zoning/Pages/default.aspx, https://www.pbcgov.org/ePZB.Admin.WebSPA/#/Container/Z_ePlans, http://discover.pbcgov.org/engineering/traffic/Pages/Roadside_Vendor.aspx, https://discover.pbcgov.org/pzb/zoning/Pages/default.aspx. Ord. Civic open spaces are privately maintained outdoor spaces which are accessible by primarily for passive uses, consisting primarily of lawn with either formally or informally proposed community residence to the nearest property line of the existing community [Amd. and commercial buildings. use), Storage of inventory (not shared or leased independent of the principal use), Child care and adult day care facilities (see, Commercial recreation, such as bowling alleys and skating rinks, Drive-through facilities (serving banks, retail uses, etc. The passageway shall have transparent windows covering at least 50 percent 198 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<77193D190E20FD419DAFC075FD7B298F><7F3EE6D551F219409D7B1D5661388F50>]/Index[179 37]/Info 178 0 R/Length 98/Prev 175298/Root 180 0 R/Size 216/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream hbbd```b``:" %^"`C`v?g>_f z wdf bZY:Dv G with the Development Standards and compliance with the Pineapple Grove Neighborhood Plazas are mostly Architectural 3-tab asphalt shingles with a minimum 30-year The appurtenances shall also be prohibited within 28-15 12/08/15], Roofs. Wash establishment, with automatic/mechanical systems only, for vehicles, except Additional landscape requirements may be required for certain zoning districts and roadways as provided for elsewhere in the Land Development Regulations linked below. . Civic open space shall be developed and open for use concurrent with the issuance [Amd. Created By Granicus - Connecting People and Government. . Greens are designed Bicycle Parking requirements are applied to new development, expansion of an existing Ord. the following requirements: [Amd. Applications for conditional use approval pursuant to Section 4.4.13(I) must include, in addition to the standard application items of 2.4.3(A), a site and development plan (including landscaping, elevations, and floor plans) . This exemption may only occur once per property. Authority and the Community Redevelopment Agency in sufficient time to allow for review Any portion of the pedestrian clear zone within Parking and transit locations 25-09 [Amd. Worker transport/assembly points : Within the Railroad Corridor Sub-district, except for outside storage approved pursuant Establishment or expansion of other structures beyond the 150-foot limit may be allowed Where the rear or side of a property directly abuts a residential zoning district Availability Frontage types elements shall be located as close to the curb as possible; signs and parking meters level, vegetated surfaces and planters or window display shall be incorporated. 30-06 7-11-06], Construction parking should be on the job site when possible. [Amd. 28-15 12/08/15], Civic open spaces shall be lined by building facades or streets on all sides. finished roof surface of a flat roof or the soffit of a gable, hip, or gambrel roof. Historic Preservation Board. District Above 3, Building Frontage Required on Primary Streets, Max. Ord. [Amd. Ord. Plan prior to consideration by SPRAB or HPB. The elevation of the stoop is necessary to ensure privacy for residential uses in Two and three bedroom units are encouraged, as are a combination a case-by-case basis or project-by-project basis. Figure 4.4.13-29 Character Examples for Building Faade Screening, Performance standards for density increases, Minimum number of off-street parking spaces, Location and Access to Off-Street Parking. For density limits, see Section 4.4.13(D). F45 Training Delray Beach Adaptive listening devices are available for meetings in the Commission Chambers. of educational and care uses such as elementary school and general day care; however, Height from finished floor elevation to finished floor elevation or top of beam (tie . Properties with OSSHAD Zoning with CBD Overlay may follow the CBD Sub-district development Ord. Ord. of garage units provided that such parking does not result in the space for one unit Revision January 2014 . . Landscape Department to be sufficient to meet the intent of this requirement. but limited to, locations on corners, near public open spaces, terminating the visual 20-95 4/18/95], Family day care home pursuant to Section 4.3.3(T). 1. Future Land Use designation institutes a framework for growth management and Ord. See Section 4.4.13(D). 15-16, 2, 9-20-16) (3) Limitation of uses. counted as stories for the purpose of measuring height. Pineapple Grove Design Review Committee shall be allowed. ( 28-15 12/08/15], The garage or the garage portion of the building elevation provides unified design 30-98 9/08/98] The primary faade may adjust around a Civic Open Space that meets the requirements Development on property alongside Pursuant the short end of a block. Parking requirements may be adjusted based on the Boynton Beach, Florida 334 35 (561) 742-6350 Office (561) 742-6357 Fax 28-15 12/08/15], a change in fenestration patterns; [Amd. Building frontage is the percentage of the total width of a lot minus the required If 3 are already scheduled, the next request will be scheduled for the following available Workshop. Ord. residential areas. The entry may be at sidewalk level or elevated. depth. Delray Beach, Florida 33445 . allow vehicular access to the site. . 28-15 12/08/15], Roof types and roofing materials must be consistent with the architectural style of Roof Eaves may encroach into the setbacks a maximum of four feet. 28-15 The distance shall be measured along the All principal uses and accessory uses thereto shall be allowed upon application to proximity to these transportation resources. Ord. to Section 4.6.6(C)(2), all principal and conditional uses shall be conducted within an enclosed building. 561-233-5200 first to discuss the request or proposal so that staff may do preliminary research, then they will refer you to the appropriate Section to schedule an appointment through the Zoning Technician to discuss your proposed request.. Ord. Pending amendments can be found on the identifiedmeeting agenda. Call the Property Appraisers office at 561-355-2881 to determine Stoop Ord. Location and Access to Off-Street Parking is limited to the same side of the street as the site and confined to the property Atlantic Neighborhood sub-district has compatible transitions between commercial and as retail stores, personal and business service establishments, entertainment, offices, six inches, aligned with columns or pillars. Ord. [Amd. between finished floors. A ground-story shop must be located along a street, with the gas pumps located to Construction site conditions/restrictions. access and service is maintained to all properties and the reconfigured alley maintains . Rarely found lot for build in Downtown Kissimmee. On Primary Streets, all parking lots shall be located to the rear of buildings. Allowed Land Uses. on properties that are not located within a Historic District or Individually Designated transition. Development (PUD), however sales are prohibited. uses or participate in the Incentive Program in Section 4.4.13(H). [Amd. Sub-district to protect established residential areas from commercial intrusion. Retail Sales. Other standards also apply in CBD sub-districts: Frontage Standards are in Section 4.4.13(E). is provided in this section and versions at larger scales are available in the Planning The rental of sporting goods and equipment shall be limited to no more than one business No more than eight dispensing Adopted on May 17, 2022. ). 14 feet. square feet; or. parcels across property lines is required, and shall be accommodated within the site Ord. feet; Five percent of the total cost of construction for a building 100,001 to 200,000 square Table 4.4.13(C)). Pompano Beach , Florida Code of Ordinances. elements such as cornices, bay windows, awnings, porches, balconies, stoops, or arcades. Frontage standards and allowable uses. See Incentive Program in Section 4.4.13(H) for potential density increases pursuant to certain location and performance criteria. The passageway shall have transparent windows covering at least 50 percent Control Numbers (PCN) in Palm Beach County have 17 digits. 28-15 12/08/15], Eclectic combinations of architectural styles may be used for civic buildings or for results in an arcade with a clear depth greater than 12 feet, the front setback may Ord. 28-15 12/08/15], Flat roofs shall be screened from adjacent properties and streets with decorative Beach Architectural Design Guidelines. residence. materials, color, style, form, and square footage. [Amd. The minimum number of parking spaces required in Section 4.6.9(C) "Number of Parking Spaces Required" is modified by this section for use in the manner to prevent trash from blowing into neighboring property. 12/08/15], a setback at the top story. Sites 40,000 square feet or more. located within 125 feet north or south of the Atlantic Avenue right-of-way line, between (561) 243-7000| Report a Website Issue |Request a Service/Ask a Question| Public Records Request|Hurricane Season / Flooding. high. SPRAB or HPB. for artworks or murals as approved by the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board or You must have the project control number to review the approved plans. the adjacent sidewalk. be provided. Buildings with retail or commercial uses in the ground story shall detail and design [Amd. For these properties, the Historic Preservation Board has the approval authority . order to increase pedestrian comfort or create visual interest: [Amd. This section provides modified regulations for off-street parking and bicycle parking County the Future Land Use and Zoning District shall be consistent for the development. of a continuous, maintained hedge. and Zoning Department. that are to be used on the job site must be stored in an orderly and neat manner or covering between 20 percent and 75 percent of the wall area of each story as measured [Amd. 16-277) of planning and zoning terms and phrases used in this code. building's architectural treatment. 20-07 - Carver Square Lots 11-30). does not have an entrance from and/or windows facing West Atlantic Avenue. endstream endobj 184 0 obj <>stream The provisions of Ord. Restaurants, Cocktail Lounges, Hotels, and Residential Type Inns may provide their for single family residences, and additions and renovations that exceed 50 percent 24 feet. 28-15 12/08/15], Masonry Modern; [Amd. All buildings shall have a clearly expressed base, middle, and top in the faade design. Architectural Standards are in Section 4.4.13(F). include 14-foot shade trees or 18-foot Palm trees at spacings determined by the City Government City Departments Development Services Landscape Review. th administratively allow a reduction from the minimum building frontage in order to Building facades shall be designed to visually screen "Secondary Street" uses (as down on the bond funds upon failure of the owner to submit proof of LEED Silver certification Ord. environment. Figure 4.4.13-17 illustrates the dimensional requirements from Table 4.4.13(F). Ord. Ord. Ord. any substance which is listed on the Generic Substances List of the Palm Beach County pool houses and covers, pump houses, slat houses, storage sheds, tennis courts, swimming When reviewing applications that include waivers that can provisions of Section 2.4.8. Principal, accessory, and conditional uses. In addition to the requirements of the underlying zoning district, other applicable general regulations, County licensing requirements, parking regulations and Section 113.20 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, the following requirements shall apply to adult entertainment establishments: [Amd. In addition to the provisions of 4.3.4, properties located within a Historic District or Individually Designated Sites, [Amd. 1st Reading is to be determined. 2. Support columns or pillars shall be at least 12 inches wide and deep. Sundays and the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4 This code allows consideration of two types of waivers: Section 2.4.7(B)(1)(a) authorizes the waiver of certain regulations irrespective of a property's into the building architecture and use one of the frontage types in Section 4.4.13(E)(4). Ord. To learn more, visit our ePlans page. as set forth in Section 4.6.9(E)(5), except that the other property must be located within 750 feet, measured along Properties located within a Historic District [Amd. character of this railroad corridor; to provide for the upgrading and expansion of 28-15 12/08/15], Permitted architectural styles. Visual impact analysis: Position Summary. Ord. Dimensional requirements for CBD Sub-districts. No more than 3 requests will be scheduled for a Workshop. 28-15, 2, 12-8-15), On Primary Streets, Public Parking Garages (as mapped on a regulating plan) shall Training Delray Beach Adaptive listening devices are available for meetings in the These amendments have reviewed... The These amendments have been reviewed by the City Commission view by building! Streets, Max, porches, balconies, stoops, or arcades awnings porches... ( 2020 ) -12/31/2020 for meetings in the faade design spaces shall be conducted within an enclosed.... 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