Sarah received a Ph. Concord Academy now boasts more than 90 clubs and organizations, including Q^2 (queer and questioning), UFT (people with underrepresented family trees), and the PeCo (period coalition) committed to menstrual activism. The schools community and equity team provides support to the schools social justice clubs which, according to the schools website, educate the larger [Concord Academy] community about political causes.. This information was corroborated by two of the alumnas classmates. All of these construction projects were undertaken through successful fundraising, rather than borrowing, and every campaign undertaken during Hardys tenure added significant sums to the schools endowment. 978.402.2200, Learn How to Subscribe to Athletic Calendars. I loved my high school experience, Yeh says. It was an opportunity she believed would never come again, so she returned to Winsor for the following academic year and remained there for the rest of her career. Virginia Tech Athletics is seeking an Alumni Engagement Coordinator that will report to the Senior Associate Athletic Director, Inclusive Excellence & Alumni Engagement. Were midway through our 100th school year, and its flying by. Her tenure was also marked by long-needed enhancements to the physical plant, notably the acquisition of two large properties along Main Street that would become Tucker House (currently Admajaja House) and Bradford House, providing more room for boarding students. Elementary School, High School, Education Administration. 3 Beds. When classes began on September 11, 2002, Mr. Dresden opened the academic year with an all-school Convocation, a tradition that continues today. Founding Head of School at Dogwood Classical Academy. Completed in summer 20216, CA Labsthe new wing of state-of-the-art labs and classroomsopened for use in the fall of 2016 and was dedicated that September. His commitment to teaching was reflected in his strong support for increased funding for professional development and faculty salaries. Believing that each student deserved personal attention, Miss Tucker instituted an advisor system that allowed faculty members to meet individually with their advisees, a system that remains central today. Heres what you need to know. Miss Knapp is credited with reducing rules to a minimum and opening the campus to a wider world and to a greater awareness of current events. in Political Science from Colorado College. Among other lasting contributions, Aloian implemented the Hall Fellow Program, funded by an endowment gift from trustees to honor Elizabeth B. Henry also gives generously of his time in the education space, both as a mentor in Penns school leadership program and on the boards of a number of schools and education-related organizations. CA Board of Trustees Appoints Henry Fairfax as Concord Academy's 11th Head of School, Effective July 1, 2022 "It is with great joy that we welcome Henry Fairfax to be CA's next Head of School," shares Board President Fay Shutzer '65. In 1976, he moved to Boston, where he launched a new boarding schools program for the National Association of Independent Schools in a successful effort to reach under-represented families unaware of such opportunities. Through readings of memoir, essays, and poetry we examine how writers reckon and experiment with telling their stories. This role is an opportunity to help lead a unique independent school . Fairfaxs own experience of a transformational education, at The Haverford School, set him on his path in independent school education. The community came out to meet our candidates and shared their feedback, which was vitally important to our recommendation. Before accepting the headship at Concord Academy, she held several teaching positions at public and private schools and colleges, and was twice appointed to head English departments, first at the Foxcroft School in Middleburg, Virginia, and thenjust before coming to Concordat the Hathaway Brown School in leveland. The school was founded in 1922 as an all-girls school and has been co-ed since 1971. A Letter from Concord Academy's Next Head of School, Henry Fairfax Dear members of the Concord Academy community, I am so incredibly honored to continue my learning and leading journey at Concord Academy. The National Hockey League (NHL) senior executive vice president recently made a virtual visit to mathematics teacher Desiree Sheffs Math and Social Justice class to share expertise on social issues in athletics and how the NHL is diversifying its fan base. What made her short tenure truly distinctive was the freer atmosphere that surrounded the academic intensity, a more open, trusting environment reflective of the informality envisioned by the schools founders. Tuition for 2022-23will be $55,130for day students and $68,840for boarding students. Police conducted a sweeping search at a Peabody landfill. As enrollment plummeted, trustees were forced to cut teachers salaries, but Miss Hobson convinced them to establish an insurance plan to guarantee their longterm well-being. On one hand, there are policymakers enacting laws that perpetuate stereotypes, stoke fears about outsiders, and echo a nativist rhetoric that many people believed had disappeared from public discourse. Among the topics included are income inequality, affirmative action, and social mobility. She retired as president of the college in 1972, remaining in western Massachusetts until her death in 2005. Parents say Concord Academy has always been progressive, but recent changes raise concerns about Concord Academys priorities: are administrators allowing activism to crowd out academics? Here is a sampling of course descriptions from the schools 2021-22 course catalog: U.S.: Protest Movements of the 1960s (History): We consider politics, war, protests, riots, assassinations, sex, drugs, music, hippies, feminists, LGBTQ people, radicals, and conservatives by immersing ourselves in words, ideas, sounds, and images from the 1960s.. Always a teacher at heart, Yeh knew from a young age that she wanted to be in the classroom, and to work with high school students in particular. Almost immediately, the school took on a carefree air.. The opening of the Moriarty Athletic Campus in 2012 was a testament to Hardys success at meeting all these challenges. In addition to providing state-of-the-art fields and tennis courts, the acquisition freed up space on the main campus for future development. Two prep school teachers ousted over misconduct. Fairfax has also taught English and coached basketball. $405,000. As Miss Wagner recalled, She did a wonderful thing for her teachers. Mr. Dresden came to the United States in 1950 at the age of six, when he emigrated with his parents from the Netherlands. Interested in enrolling your child here at The Daniel Academy? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to lead the school into its next century, he says. Being Human: Topics in Anthropology and Sociology (History): We develop a vocabulary of core concepts and analytical skills for the study of cultures and societies both local and global. A transmedia approach makes us attuned to the politics of representation, to the way cultural products deal with such key aspects of identity as sexuality, gender, race, ethnicity, and class, as they re-represent and (re)define what it means to be human and to have agency. Handout/2010. Internal Number: 524230. . At the end of his first year, the school, though still under-endowed, was once again on solid financial footing, and balanced budgets became the norm. Yeh graduated with a degree in history from Harvard-Radcliffe College at Harvard University, where a shared love of choral music had brought her together with her now husband, Kevin Yeh. INTERIM HEAD OF SCHOOL All Saints Episcopal Day School Hoboken, NJJuly 1, 2022 Nathaniel E. Conard ASSISTANT HEAD OF SCHOOL Bridges Academy - Los Angeles Studio City, CAJuly 1, 2022 Marcus D. Hurlbut A specialist in Russian history and economics, Mr. Dresden brought with him a love of teaching and a reputation for integrity, even-handed leadership, generous mentoring, and commitment to global community. Disobedience as Form: Feminist Experiments from Emily Dickinson to Evie Shockley (English): How do women wield language to reposition themselves as source and creator against their cultural inheritance as derivatives the second sex? When Concord Academys founders discovered her, she was leading the progressive Open Air Model School on the Bryn Mawr campus. If you look at posts here people have written about supplies, life at boarding schools etc. With select poetry, novels, visual media, literary theory and criticism, the course probes how reflection correlates with reflexivity and why human consciousness seeks screens, doubles, social and black mirrors for self-deception and determination. Now that she has a child enrolled as a first-year student, Yeh says she has been surprised by how powerful it has been to see her own daughter benefitting from being part of the CA community and the incredible mentorship of CA faculty even during a year that is anything but normal. After nine years there, during which the school thrived, Mr. Dresden felt he had completed a natural cycle. He is the ideal Head of School to lead us into our next century., Concord Academys Board of Trustees unanimously approved the search committees recommendation to appoint Henry Fairfax as CAs 11th head of school, following a process that spanned a 10-month period. Concord, MA 01742 In striving for equity, this schools goals for financial aid are inspiring, Yeh says. Miss Hobson is credited with building the schools strong reputation and establishing its guiding principles: excellence without pretension, service to the wider world, and hard work balanced with wholesome recreation. About us 1 harmony science academy cedar park Annual hipaa training for employees . On September 11, 2001, Mr. Dresden gathered the school community in the Performing Arts Center to provide support during the terrorist attacks. On January 13, 11 original short plays were presented in the Performing Arts Centerthe culmination of an extracurricular program led by theater teacher Megan Schy Gleeson. When Richard Selden P23 spoke at an all-school assembly at Concord Academy on November 16, he acknowledged how much CA students want to change the world. Head of School, Dresden Endowed Chair at Concord Academy. Founded in 1922 as a day school for girls, Concord Academy has evolved and ourished during its nearly 100-year history. So much has happened already this fall and we are excited to share these highlights with you! We will continue to do that work even as were putting up tents and figuring out physical distancing., CA has been part of Yehs life since long before she arrived as a history teacher in 2008. ft. house located at 9855 Buckingham Ct, Highlands Ranch, CO 80130 sold for $755,000 on Dec 9, 2021. Deborah McKean was ordained as an Episcopal minister in 2007. Mr. Dresden continued serving as a mentor for participants in the Klingenstein Program at Columbia University and now works as an educational consultant. Yeh has been a part of the CA community since 2008, first joining the school as a part of the history department. On Monday, November 2, Sarah Yeh was named Concord Academy's Interim Head of School after Rick Hardy stepped down from the position, effective immediately, for personal reasons. He also served as director of admissions at the Haverford School in Haverford, Penn. From the Board Chair, Jan. 2, 2023. This early experience gave him a lifelong appreciation of the educational opportunities he was later offered and the desire to help other motivated students from all backgrounds enjoy the same benefits. He also published scholarly articles, an introduction to a new edition of Thoreaus Walden, and his own book, Poetry and Poems. Richard Hardy enjoyed a distinguished career as an English teacher, upper school principal, and interim head of school at Milton Academy before becoming Concord Academys 10th head of school. Milton Veterinary Clinic is a family-owned small animal practice looking to add a part or full-time Associate Veterinarian to our team. Concord Academy now permits biological males to participate on its girls sports teams. Choosing the best school community for your children is a critical decision. Dear Tower Hill Community, I am delighted to announce that Sarah D. A. Baker has been appointed the Head of Tower Hill School, effective July 1, 2023. He oversaw the transformation of Munroe House, purchased shortly before his arrival, into six faculty apartments, and the 2004 acquisition of Belknap House, which provided three new faculty apartments plus a new home for the Admissions Office. Concord Academy 7 years 7 months Chief Of Staff Jul 2022 - Jan 20237 months Director of Head of School's Initiatives and Campus Events Jul 2017 - Jul 20225 years 1 month Assistant to the. He was drawn to a fresh challenge: the headship of a coeducational boarding school in historic New England. . Under the general direction of the Associate Athletic Director for Compliance, the Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance assists with managing the compliance operations of the Division of Athletics at LIU. In spring 2016, Concord Academy launched a review of past sexual misconduct at the school after a former student accused a teacher of sexual misconduct in the early 2000s. No matter what your academic and career interests are, you can find a way to tie them into fighting for social justice, he said. MLS# 8133825. On her retirement to New Ipswich, New Hampshire, in 1937, trustees honored her by naming #72 Main Street Hobson House., 166 Main Street 4 Beds. During time off from college, he had worked on an oil rig in Louisiana, which strengthened his belief in the value of both hard work and education. The readings include numerous articles and parts of books focusing on examining and quantifying inequality. Dr. McKeans short tenure is highlighted by his amiable personal style and a return to sound fiscal management. The United States and Latin America (History): Some of the topics we study include the ways that race and racism have informed U.S. foreign policy in Latin America, immigration and nativism, economic imperialism, the emergence of authoritarian regimes and revolutionary mobilizations. He has two adult children, Aidan and Owen. We are deeply grateful to all who participated and to the search committee members, all of whom took many hours away from their families and professional commitments for this important appointment., Henry says he was immediately drawn to CA, seeing in its culture and mission a reflection of his own drive for excellence and his deep commitment to building community and fostering equity in secondary school education. 941-888-4000. At the time of her appointment, she was supervisor of the lower school and a leader in curriculum development. In 1971, Concord Academy became the first all-girls' boarding school in New England to shift to a coeducational model. Wilcox was an ardent believer in professional development for faculty, instituting in-house computer training and fostering a more inclusive curriculum by encouraging exploration and innovation. Middlesex School, Concord MA Elizabeth C. Speers, Head, Tower Hill School, Wilmington, DE Milton Academy, Milton MA Dr. Alexandra Callen, Head, St. George's School, Middletown RI Monte Cassino School, Tulsa OK Christopher M. Burke, Director of Advancement, St. Benedict at Auburndale High School, Cordova TN Montgomery Bell Academy, Nashville TN He encouraged recruitment of faculty, students, and trustees of color and launched a multi-school partnership to found New England Citybridge, an enhancement program for talented 7th- and 8th-grade inner-city students that helped place hundreds of motivated students in independent schools during its 12 years of operation on CAs campus. The idea that my child could be part of it was inspirational, and I have a fuller perspective and appreciation for this special school now also from a parents point of view., As much as Yeh is focused on navigating the current challenges of the pandemic, she is also looking ahead, in concert with the senior administrative team, to CAs Centennial in 2022 and the schools next century. Something going on in your school we should know about? Tuition is $13,400 for the highest grade offered. We walked down Makers Alley, and I saw Amy Kumpel engaging her engineering students, and into the MAC, where the students in Chris Rowes first-year drawing class were doing incredible work, and where Mark Engerman showed us the different paths through the mathematics curriculum. Having done extensive anthropological research in Bali, Indonesia, and spent time studying in Scotland and Switzerland and engaging in ministry in the U.S. and abroad, he was committed to instilling in students an awareness of a wider world and a belief in reaching out beyond oneself to an appreciation of others experiences. Each student may participate in programming that aligns with or supports their gender identity. in Ethics and Religion at Yale Divinity School, and an M.A. He served until the end of that calendar year, and took a leave of absence during the second semester, during which Academic Dean Janet Eisendrath became interim head. He was also committed to maintaining a strong faculty, persuading trustees to fund a sabbatical program, which continues today. It is with great joy that we welcome Henry Fairfax to be CAs next Head of School, shares Board President Fay Shutzer 65. Mr. Mead shepherded the transition to coeducation and led the school through the turbulent years of the early 1970s. Concord Academy is an independent, state approved, non-profit school (grades 6-12) for students with learning differences such as learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, Autism, and other categories of disability that might prevent students from learning in a regular class setting or school. , this schools goals for financial aid are inspiring, Yeh says Annual hipaa for. Here at the time of her appointment, she was supervisor of the community! In 2012 was a testament to Hardys success at meeting all these challenges community since 2008, first joining school. Our team years there, during which the school was founded in 1922 as an Episcopal in. Mckean was ordained as an Episcopal minister in 2007 state-of-the-art fields and tennis courts, the freed. College in 1972, remaining in western Massachusetts until her death in 2005,! 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