That's all for my Frieza Racebuild guide for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. The Namekian, Earthling and Majin race all offer abilities that cater well to newer players. One important factor to consider is quality certifications. Which are the best build for Frieza Race? Play with up to 6 players simultaneously over local wireless! 42 points in Ki and Stamina adds an extra bar, so that's why it is like this. Nintendo Switch features: Simplified controls for single Joy-Con play. A wide variety of amazing deals at low prices can be found right in the palm of your hand. Anytime and anywhere, you can buy and cancel products. The race-exclusive transformation only appears in Xenoverse 2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________. You will still want around 3-4 to make Evasive Skills and Z-vanishes more reasonable. De plus, si mes mods vous plaisent, vous pouvez maider sur Patreon. After that, you can able to pick out the attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2 from the wide range of products available in the market. The Lucky's Train Home playset features Lucky doll (approx.7-in/17.78-cm) wearing a beautiful full-length dress with matching purse, a ticket and her horse, Spirit (approx.8-in/20.32-cm). And, if possible, try the attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2 out for yourself before making a final decision. Icen does have a few modded moves on his customizations, mostly Lazybones New Transformation, but there is also a Ultra Ego mod from Fluffy Papi CRS, go download it here if you havent already: (Permission was granted to use this mod in my character mod) If there are other ones that slipped through the cracks still attached to him, let me know and I will remove them/get permission for them, but I am pretty sure I removed all of them before hand. Wouldnt this be great? The idle pose differs from them with both hands in fists and pertially raised. In addition, their Stamina refills faster and items are 1.5 times more effective. By the way, if you like my mods, you can support me on Patreon. If youre a defensive player then you should probably start as a Majin or Namekian race. And here is the part 3 to the two movesets that came before! Both these new forms are meant to be Powered similarly to Turn Golden with the Black Frost Demon taking a bigger leap in power and drawbacks to put it on par with a Mastered Ultra Instinct. Shoot shit from your hands alot = lots of Ki, ki blast and health with a little stamina. Or you can transform into a true Frost Demon form harkening design inspiration to Frost from Universe 6. Please give me some example of the builds that suits him better. Every Race will provide you with some perk which helps you all along your Journey. I'm going to go over examples of how to build your character if you are a Saiyan and why they are good ideas. Frieza charging a Death Beam Death Beam - To perform the technique, the user extends his right arm and fires a small, thin, very fast and concentrated laser-like beam of ki from his index finger, which barrels down and pierces through the opponent. So, can i actually make a build or my char is up? Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. robots, research machines, pose a threat more intense than ever, Feel Samus power grow as you gain maneuvers and abilities like the new Spider Magnet, Power up and return to previous areas to find new paths and secrets. Share. A attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2s importance cannot be determined without knowledge of the attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2. Strategize to defeat your competition with special action cards like Skips, Reverses, Draw Twos and color-changing Wild cards. If your play style favors a defensive approach, the Namekians are going to be a great first choice. With widescreen resolutions becoming increasingly popular year after year, it's a . This thing is creepy looking though ngl For a gift-ready box, select "Ship in Amazon packaging" at checkout. My 7th moveset! It is just a matter of time before you can purchase any product, such as attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2 through online shopping. The increased movement speed allows them to run circles around most opponents, especially when their health is below 50 percent, causing an additional increase in movement speed. True, I've attributed the Frieza race to the assassin/rogue/thief classes of other games. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Stamina is lowered by the max but by leveling, and putting in some points in Stamina, it will not be too bad. Goku Black - Super Saiyan Ros&233;, SSR Kaioken and regular Super Saiyan. They have fast movement and it goes up as their health gets low. The Majin race offers higher defense than other races, but lower Stamina recovery speed. If so, it may be worth paying a little extra for the convenience. In a race to deplete your hand, match one of your cards with the current card shown on top of the deck by either color or number. My 4th moveset ever made, this was originally to be titled the Ki Arm Moveset, but that felt inappropriate with how the moveset turned out. best skills for frieza race xenoverse 2. his race can overpower enemies with their fast movement so speed is the best ability that can help you in any fight. There are plenty of transformations to use in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, some even having multiple transformations of their own form. Ive got a Lv86frieza race that is pretty decent at melee. Frieza travels to Namek, where he aims to wish himself Immortal. There are a lot of great attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2s out there, but not all of them will be right for you. Hes the son of Cooler. Its important to find a attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2 that fits your budget, but be sure to also consider the value youre getting for the price. Do you need it to be durable? Apparently, the V-Jump doesnt seem to mention anything Press J to jump to the feed. Frieza Race are a custom character race who look like and take their name from Frieza. The max level is 80 and you get 332 attribute points to put in. Hello, im VampireKiller666, aka SONIX7Power on YouTube and Patreon ! 20. r/dbxv. Ironically basic attack stat increases the normal and charged ki blasts so that would work for your "hybrid" but if you are using stike supers and ultimates youll need points in that stat. They are so fast they can close the lockon distance in under a second if they are below 50%. The user is able to fire the attack very quickly, while maintaining precise aim. Dont listen to this guy his feet smells! If you want to get our previous entry, you'll also have to get the XV2 Revamp - the single best mod for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. Activate ultimate moves with motion . For example, if you prefer to use the Vanish ability to escape combos, you should favor the Namekian race because Majins have slower Stamina recovery. They receive a speed bonus when their HP is low. There are no female Namekians which means there are no gender differences with this race. If this is what you want then just swap mentions of Ki Blast with Strike. Immersive Gaming Experience: Perfect for PlayStation 5, PS4 and PC gaming titles, the Driving Force simulates the feeling of driving a real car with precision steering and pressure-sensitive pedals, Premium Control: The Driving Force feedback racing wheel provides a detailed simulation of driving a real car, with helical gearing delivering smooth, quiet steering and a hand-stitched leather cover, Customizable Pedals: These pressure-sensitive nonlinear brake pedals provide a responsive, accurate braking feel on a sturdy base - with adjustable pedal faces for finer control, 900-Degree Rotation: Lock-to-lock rotation of the Driving Force means you can turn the wheel around two and a half times, hand over hand on wide turns - just like a real F1 race car, Up Your Game: Take your racing simulation to the next level with Driving Force accessories like the Driving Force Shifter or desk and rig mounts. Please download one of these up-to-date, free and excellent browsers: Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Brave Browser. This mod is a transformation mod that allows you to transform your Frieza Race CaC into either a Black Frost Demon, pulling inspiration from the new Black Frieza form. When you're down to one card, don't forget to shout "UNO!". I don't know, i made a frieza with 3 on the height and 1 for body type, if that can help. Stamina can be lowered, even a lot, because you recover stamina by attacking. Show more. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Frieza Race, also known as Frieza Clan or Frost Demons, are a custom character race who take their name from Frieza, whom they superficially resemble. If you have any questions or find a bug, feel free to comment here or @ me in the Citidel Discord! A DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 (DBXV2) Mod in the OtherMisc category, submitted by natko . Plus, having very low KI means my "Piccolo and nail" soul is nearly always active since i almost never use KI abilities other than the occasional racoom kick to boost my ATK further. Check my Conton City guide if you don't know how to do that. You can check out my guide on Racial Bonuses to get a better idea of the bonuses Frieza Raceget. Frieza Race Male Majin Build Female Majin Build Male Saiyan Build Female Saiyan Build Male Earthling Build Female Earthling Build Namekian Build Frieza Race Build Race / Gender Stats These are all the basic stats of each race and gender at level 1 on tallest height and medium weight. They have high movement speed, with lower attack power than the other races. Laughing at the fact that so many Xenoverse 2 Patreon Would you like more xeno character to be in xenoverse? Don't matter if it's Combos, fighting styles, or parallel quests! With this mod, like my Orange Namekian mod, You can customize the partset to match your current CaC! #DragonBallZ #DBXV2 #Dbz #BestFriezaBuild #8BallVJDragon Ball Xenoverse 2 BEST FRIEZA RACE BUILD AND MOVESET!This video will show yall how the best frieza race build in Xenoverse 2!I will help out new players on Xbox. Ice Cannon 3258 The ultimate of Dark Dead on rank 83 is Ice Cannon 3258. More features to be announced. Below is an example of a decent Level 5 QQ Bang to use. his race can overpower enemies with their fast movement so speed is the best ability that can help you in any fight. )Yall make sure to Like,Comment,Subscribe and More#DragonBallXenoverse2 #DragonBallZ #Xenoverse2Additional Tags: dckillingmachine,dragon ball xenoverse 2,xenoverse 2,dragon ball xenoverse 2 frieza race,xenoverse 2 frieza race,dragon ball xenoverse 2 frieza race build,xenoverse 2 frieza race build,frieza race build,frieza race,best frieza race build,dragon ball xenoverse 2 best frieza race build,xenoverse 2 best frieza race build,op frieza race build,op frieza race,dragon ball xenoverse 2 build,xenoverse 2 build I will be updating this mod over time to include a more Frieza or Frost inspired partset, as well as eventually including a reskin for every available base game FR CaC! Frieza Race also gets the unique Golden Transformation, which gives huge bonuses to Ki Blast, so this build will revolve around that. The number of competitors in a market can have a big impact on your market share. This fun family card game is perfect for adults, teens and kids 7 years old and up. Includes a new custom base form moveset. It is the sequel . If youre unsure about a particular attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2, its always a good idea to read a few reviews before making your final decision. Like the Saiyans, the Frieza Race in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is very low in health, but they make up for that in power, stamina recovery, and speed. The Frieza race has two main strengths: movement speed and a Ki blast that stuns. No, there are no physical transformations for any race other than Saiyans. If a min-maxer wants to play a ki-blaster, but enjoys larger body types, he's basically screwed and has to choose one or the other, or simply not min-max the character. Your vote will count for 2 in the polls. Hello, I'm new to the Xenoverse 2 Gamefaqs community, I've been playing Xenoverse 2 on my Switch since it was ported to it and I have a question about Frieza builds for CACs. The Best Skills For A Namekian Build. If I remember right, which I may not as it's been a long time since I looked, true 100% minmaxing requires you go all-out on tiny or huge, as tall/muscular adds to physical power while short/skinny leans toward speed and ki. I also Have included a version of Turn Golden that you can customize your partset with. There is always a need to simplify things in this digital age. Basic Attacks can be raised a bit, but does not need to be maxed. Turn Golden may suddenly turn a Frieza Clan from a melee burster to a blast burster with their heightened Ki Blast damage and making them even faster, as well as their basic ki blasts being replaced with fast concentrated beams regardless of the Super Soul equipped. Here are those transformations and the multipliers for them.. Just load up the shooter, point, aim and launch balls right into the bears mouth. They receive a speed bonus when their HP is low. DIGITAL SOUND: Built-in sound effects for an immersive experience. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. (Keep in mind it is still new):, Coming soon as well are: Revamps of my old movesets, Patreon Request Movesets, and then the H.A.N.D.S Moveset, Disclaimer: There is no Judo Flipping around here! By taking the time to find the best attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2 for your needs, you can be sure that youre making a wise investment. Yes you can still get the balls and re-adjust your character though min/maxing with a hybrid build just isn't possible. 3VS3 TAG/SUPPORT: Allows players to train and master more than one fighter/style, which brings deeper gameplay. Salut, je suis VampireKiller666, plus connu sous le nom de SONIX7Power sur YouTube et Patreon ! Spectacular fights: Experience aerial combos, destructible stages, and famous scenes from the Dragon Ball anime reproduced in 60 FPS. DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 will deliver a new hub city and the most character customization choices to date among a multitude of new features and special upgrades. This is fantastic for Frieza Race when using Golden form. The race-exclusive transformation only appears in Xenoverse 2. Frieza Race combos appear to be a combination of Perfect Cell and either Frieza (Final Form) or Cooler (Fourth Form). The build I use is I only pump points into health, stamina, and punching. Keep that opposition in front of you, and make a permanent foot shapped indent in their face! Hybrid, strikes, ki blasts, basics, health/ki/stam, no matter what, just go with the playing style you like. short and thin= ki blaster. THIS REQUIRES LAZYBONE NEW TRANSFORMATIONS MOD 3.3.1+. Again, you cans witch this with Strike Supers if you don't want to to use Golden Form and what a more physical build. Take your time to read reviews and compare attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2s. Featuring a mix of both movesets, it was surprisingly challenging to finish since I was not entirely sure how I wanted to handle the mix of the two! Plus I really wanted to have the metal transformation like Cooler. Namekians have lower overall attack power, but higher health. There are many skills you can unlock and equip in Xenoverse 2, so you have a lot of choices when it comes to this aspect of customization.However, there are a few skills that fit a balanced Namekian build quite well, and they vary between Strike Super skills and Ki Blast Super skills. This is just my frieza race CAC. Saiyans also have the ability to transform into Super Saiyan or Super Saiyan 2. Most powerful build in game. My Blog xenoverse 2 tp medal shop skill list. (Depends Who You Defeat First) This is a custom Parallel Quest for Dragonball Xenoverse 2. Join. Frieza race has very high speed (Especially below 50% HP). In addition, all of a Saiyans stats increase if theyre KOd and revived by a teammate. Dragon Ball Xenoverse - Frieza Race Tips and Tricks - Fight Like Cooler How to use a Ki blast that stuns and take advantage of the increased movement speed of the Frieza race! Its just a reference no one will understand lol. there are transformations for this race? Answer (1 of 6): Best moveset in xenoverse 2. Males have more health but slower movement speed, while females have higher movement speed and lower health. The best race in Xenoverse 2 really depends on the kind of player you are and what you . However, by considering a few key factors, you can narrow down your choices and find the perfect attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2 for your needs. On the other hand, if there are only a few other businesses, you may have a better chance of getting a larger share of the market. DRAGON BALL Xenoverse 2 arrives on Nintendo Switch with all-new functionality! The Frieza Race are excellent burst melee fighters. *BEST* GOLDEN FRIEZA RACE BUILD IN XENOVERSE 2 - Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 6,799 views Mar 2, 2022 233 Dislike Share Save DCKILLINGMACHINE 4.25K subscribers *BEST* GOLDEN FRIEZA. FAST-BLASTING FUN: The ultimate game to kill boredom! Kaioken Kaioken x3 Kaioken x20 Potential Unleashed Turn Golden Recommended Builds Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Explore online stores for products by different brands. Customer reviews are also a valuable resource when choosing a new attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2. My 5th moveset ever made, it is my first attempt at a mage fighter type of a moveset that uses magic and ki within the combos! Female Saiyans have a higher Ki and Stamina recovery rate, but lower overall health. This video will show y'all how the best frieza race build in Xenoverse 2! This can give you peace of mind that youre choosing a safe and reliable attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2. When you have kaoken x 20 up you are crazy fast and can teleport counter as much as you want. Please Subscribe for more content and appreciate yall . Just distribute your stats the way you want to play. it provides +20% speed and 30% heightened Ki Blast damage, being the second highest damage modifier out of all transformations. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (2, Doragon Bru Zenobsu Ts) is the second installment of the Xenoverse series is a recent Dragon Ball game developed by Dimps for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows (via Steam). He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League. Having more Ki will . Kids can store the teapot and three cups on a rack in the train and there's also a hook to hang Lucky's purse. Of course, massive credit to Lazybone for their New Transformations mod which this one is built upon. Links. The Frieza Race has access to 5 transformations, all but one of them being able to be used by the other races. But by keeping your needs in mind, you can narrow down the field and find the attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2 thats right for you. Video Game Mods is bringing modding communities together under a unified network. What is it about online stores that appeals to so many people? So, how do you know if the best attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2 is right for your needs? I like to play both melee and ki, melee maybe it's more funnier? Originally posted by tftrevor813: it mostly depends on how you build them. With more effective items, you can gain higher attack power to balance out the lower attack power of the race, or boost your defense even more depending on the items you select. Basic Attacks are only lowered by 1 so it won't take much of a hit. Images. If i remember well tho you can modify the body with the dragon balls, so maybe i can fix that way, right? 138. Their increased movement speed gives them the ability to move in, use a few fast attacks, then quickly escape before an opponent can effectively counterattack. Some of these factors include the size of the market, the growth of the market, the competition, and the regulatory environment. If that is the case,get one that raises Strike Supersand lowers Ki Blast Supers instead. Regardless if they are considered to be more Ki blast users or not. The Frieza Race in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is based on, you guessed it, Frieza. Frieza Race has low health, so putting some points in would be nice, but does not need to be too high. The balanced stats of the Earthling race, plus the automatic Ki regeneration ability makes them much easier to learn than any other race. Not really recommended. 16. Consider the cost of the attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2. I don't know, i made a frieza with 3 on the height and 1 for body type, if that can help. The race exclusive transformation only appears in Xenoverse 2. When it comes to finding the best attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2, its important to keep your needs in mind. Valve Corporation. Item arrives in frustration-free, easy-to-open packaging that's 100% recyclable. The race exclusive transformation only appears in Xenoverse 2. Their movement speed goes up as their health gets lower, making them very dangerous opponents. They have high movement speed, with lower attack power than the other races. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Male Saiyans feature stronger normal attacks and longer lasting buffs (from items and abilities), but their special attacks are weaker. Very canon Earthlings are probably the most interesting ones. However, if you have better defensive skills to avoid taking hits, the higher defense of the Majin race will make your character very difficult to KO. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 will soon be releasing across the world, and that means its time to start thinking about which race is best and which character youre going to create first. When under the effects of Turn Golden, they will cycle through Golden Frieza's idle animations, including the striking "hands open apart" pose. For more details, read here. How would you feel about a transformation DLC pack? Oui cest rel et NON, vous ntes pas en train de rver, jai russi bris les rgles du jeu et vous accorder le pouvoir de vous transformer en Golden Freezer tout en ayant des animations ET des auras de transformations personnalises ! It also makes you even faster. Frore is another word for Freezing/frosty, put whatever skills you want on the them since they shouldnt have come with skills, This is the first thing ive ever uploaded. Take your time to read reviews and compare attributes for frieza race xenoverse 2s. If your play style favors a defensive approach, the Namekians are going to be a great first choice. Thats a thing I guess lol:, And heres the discord server! Frieza Race do not excel in melee combat! Their Ki refills automatically, with their attack power increasing when their Ki is at maximum. Frieze race seems good for fast striking melee builds from what I've read. Installation Changelog Hight regulates hp & speed and body type strongly affects your character's melee & ranged attacks. One of the downsides to the PC version of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is the lack of proper 21:9 ultrawide support. The former it what I consider to be a hybrid with the least sacrificed stats. Not helpful, but it really does bug me that character customization plays into stat min-maxing, even to the point of body type. All rights reserved. The Frieza Race has 5 transformations, all but one of them being able to be used by the other races. A strange similarity may appear whenever you read product reviews. Easy to use? Gain access to all of my patrons-only Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 mods. Many different skills can help you in Dragon Ball Xenoverse. I will help out new players on Xbox. It all depends on what YOU the player chooses to do. No KI or Ki Special. That's not all though, you can also make characters similar to his brother Cooler. The product pages can be navigated easily and used wisely with just a few clicks. That is exactly why you can create an anomaly in Xenoverse, and have fun with it. There are many factors that can affect your market share. That's not all though, you can also make characters similar to his brother Cooler. Punch all the stuff without strikes = lots of basic attack, stamina and health. However, the paralyzing beam will allow for big attacks, especially when youre playing teams instead of one-on-one. Depends on what character you like the most. This moveset features an endless onslaught of savage combos, there are spots here and there for ultimates and stamina breaks- But the whole idea of the moveset is that you never stop swinging till that enemy is nothing but bloody paste on your fists! Theres going to be exciting new competitions for great prizes. If youre looking for a character with strong offensive potential, choose the Saiyan race. 7. The racial bonus for Frieza Race is a 30% speed increase when at low health and regular Ki attacks have a chance to stun an opponent. Builds depends on how you personally want to play. 100 basic attack to take advantage of Frieza's Race 2nd highest basic attack out of all races. My. Valve Corporation. This is Goku Black, who has transformed into a special kind of Super Saiyan by changing his ki pink rather than the usual yellow or blue. If your play style favors a defensive approach, the Namekians are going to be a . I like to play both melee and ki, melee maybe it's more funnier? After gaming for 25 years, Synzer leveraged his vast knowledge of RPGs and MMOs into a job as a games journalist, covering the games he loves. Five years later, he's still writing about Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, and Knights of the Old Republic. Synzer has a bachelor's degree in English and creative writing. You can see him in action on his YouTube channel ( and Twitch ( Check this guide for building a Frieza Race character in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2! Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Guide: Namekian Build, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Guide: Earthling Build, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Guide: Majin Build, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Guide: Saiyan Build, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Guide: How to Set Up Local Multiplayer on Nintendo Switch, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Guide: How to Use Motion Controls on Nintendo Switch. Read product reviews valuable resource when choosing a safe and reliable attributes for frieza race combos appear be... On Racial bonuses to Ki Blast that stuns de SONIX7Power sur YouTube et Patreon theres going to be hybrid. Possible, try the attributes for frieza race also gets the unique Golden transformation which... Special action cards like Skips, Reverses, Draw Twos and color-changing Wild.! To 6 players simultaneously over local wireless few clicks to keep your needs though you. 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Of Turn Golden Recommended builds Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted to the..., vous pouvez maider sur Patreon out of all races appears in Xenoverse 2 really on... ): best moveset in Xenoverse 2, its important to keep your needs in mind QQ to! A wide variety of amazing deals at low prices can be navigated easily used. Variety of amazing deals at low prices can be found right in the of! Than the other races wide variety of amazing deals at low prices can be lowered, even a lot because. Majin race all offer abilities that cater well to newer players you will want. When using Golden form be nice, but higher health race combos appear to be a of. Buffs ( from items and abilities ), but lower stamina recovery.... Can still get the balls and re-adjust your character though min/maxing with a with... Fists and pertially raised why you can support me on Patreon custom Quest. Be navigated easily and used wisely with just a reference no one will understand lol doesnt seem to anything. Similarity may appear whenever you read product reviews their new transformations mod this. Higher movement speed, with lower attack power than the other races cancel products 3 on the and! Frustration-Free, easy-to-open packaging that 's all for my frieza Racebuild guide for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 all but of... Most interesting ones with a hybrid build just is n't possible shoot shit from hands... 332 attribute points to put in differs from them with both hands in fists and pertially raised that youre a! Some example of the downsides to the two movesets that came before indent in their face be right. Competition, and putting in some points in would be nice, but higher health posted by tftrevor813: mostly... Heightened Ki Blast with Strike health but slower movement speed, with lower attack power, but does need... N'T know how to build your character if you are crazy fast and can counter. Trademarks are property of their respective owners in the palm of your.. Not need to be too bad the case, get one that raises Strike Supersand lowers Blast. 1.5 times more effective for my frieza Racebuild guide for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 right!
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