Plants and animals maintain the health of an ecosystem. Certain animals also need to be protected before it is too late. For instance, after certain species like the Bald Eagle have become extinct, the environmental dangers associated with their extinction have resulted in harmful effects on the human health. When a species becomes endangered it's a sign that an ecosystem is out of balance. Explore all the privileges and benefits of essay writing services. with free plagiarism report. But due to enthusiastic and determined global efforts, and skilled conservation work on the ground in Asia, wild tiger numbers have now risen to an estimate of around 3,900. "Our planet is so special and diverse there are still new species being discovered all the time. We should make more of an effort to prevent habitat destruction, poaching, and illegal trading of endangered and threatened species. This means that proper measures should be taken in order to prevent the potential damage to human welfare. Choose non-toxic cleaners and lawn care items that won't pollute streams, rivers or oceans. The possession of exotic animals threaten the publics health and sometimes it threatens the animals health. Wild species of plants can be a source of essential genes to improve crops that are grown today. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are collected. But extinction are a natural process, as we have witnessed it by so many species known only from fossils and for museum specimens. That is why people ought to adopt new and stricter laws in order to preserve animals life. Were working with communities in the high mountains of China, India and Nepal to help protect snow leopards and other wildlife. Roughly 1 To 4 Billion Animals Have Become Extinct Altogether! Or email us and we will try to help contact the appropriate agencies or individuals. And the consequences can be critical. An example of such symbols is elephant ivory that has caused a real epidemic in terms of poaching. Plants and animals maintain the health of an ecosystem. Many people seriously doubt that wolves and other dangerous species should be preserved. killing animals can cause chaos in the animal kingdom. Here are 10 ways you can make a difference for endangered species: Reduce And Reuse. Totally, there are over 1000 known animals declared endangered. I found out that mostly Monkeys/apes/gorillas, rhinos, elephants, big cats, bears, penguins, whales, cold blooded & other ocean animals, canines, birds, and turtles. Various species introduced in national parks across the world attract numerous tourists and consequently, bring much money to their owners at the same time contributing to the research on endangered species. But what many dont know is how much hunting helps animals and the conservation of animals. . Be an ethical citizen, tourist and when you see endangered animals threatened let someone know immediately. Then why do the governments of the developed countries spend huge amounts of money on animal conservation instead of helping poor nations? So, if you spot one somewhere, you can help alert the authorities and protect them. harmony in order to life, Persuasive Speech About Protecting Animals. Wild animals are important for many reasons. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN),it calculated that the percentage of endangered species as 40 percent of all organisms in 2008. Researchers have found that unchecked deforestation and extinction of animal or any kind of species will directly impact on human lives and on their well-being. If you are interested in animals, there are so many topics that you can choose from. Plants and animals maintain the health of an ecosystem. You can use it as an example when writing Other think if humans keep hunting, animals are going to go extinct. Economic instrument 's aim is to alter the behavior of environmental devastation by puting cost on the polluters while statute law 's aim is to alter the polluter 's behavior. As you can see, we should protect endangered species which include not only animals but also plants and vegetation. The same refers to tiger pelts that have long been considered a valuable symbol across the world. This essay was written by a fellow student. This proves that animal protection is nevertheless important despite numerous contradictions that continue to arise across the global community. Mark K. Stafford is an American English writer. Boiling alive. And just because an animal isn't of use to us, doesn't mean we shouldn't save it, because we are the main reason they are endangered. Please let's make a difference. Weve also achieved important policy changes for instance: helping bring about the global moratorium on commercial whaling; improving controls for trade in threatened speciessuch as tigers; and regulating trade in over used trees, like mahogany, and fish such as sturgeons (caught for caviar). Poaching is a serious problem that effects more than just a few people. View Endangered animals. He is a passionate author who wrote on Essays, Poetry, and Journalism. However, the destroyed balance in the diversity of biological species means that some animals are endangered and therefore need to be preserved. Speech.docx from ARW 2 at Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research. This argument leads to an assumption that the preservation of endangered species is in many ways similar to the restoration of destroyed cathedrals or other iconic buildings that have a symbolic meaning for the humanity. List of Pros of the Endangered . If polar bears were to go extinct, the population levels of walruses, seals, and whales would . All it takes is for people to know the facts about animal testing and what truly goes on behind closed doors. The conservation of endangered species, on the other hand, will not only help the ecosystem, but will also improve human life quality. Persuasive Speech Topics About Animals: During your studies at middle school, high school, and college, you will be required to write several persuasive essays. And we also need to buy environmentally friendly goods. Cross River Gorilla. Actively listening and responding. Plastics: Why we must act now Destructive human activities have led to the current rate of species extinction, which is at least 1001,000 times higher than the expected natural rate. People that dont know what really is going on they always head toward the negative. The next level right before extinction is endangered animals, and it is very different than threatened animals. What are 3 reasons why we should save endangered species? How should we protect endangered species? People should not be allowed to keep exotic animals. I don't think so. Why we should stop killing animals (1) We should not be allowed to kill animals for no reason. I'm sorry. Overall, the world community should take measures in order to improve the situation and prevent drastic consequences for the humanity. I hope that you can see from the speech today how essential it is for the thousands and thousands and thousands of animals who are suffering endlessly, that action be taken. If we value our health, our ability to . The. Secondly, rules must be banned to protect from the deforestation. Read More. Zoos are much needed education centers and research locations to study animals and how to better their lives in and outside captivity. Laws in other countries protect endangered species efforts to minimize and forbid hunting and deforestation where these species live. Protect wildlife habitats. First, various endangered species form a significant part of the cultural and artistic heritage. database? Sunda Tigers. Video, 00:01:21 Prince to give ivory trade speech. But can you think. Avoid any products that have been made from threatened or endangered animals. C. Breakthroughs in the medical field would . We Need to Protect Endangered Animals The issue of Endangered Animals is important because Healthy ecosystems depend on animal species as their foundations and ''The American tourism industry is dependent on plant and animal species and their ecosystems for their multi-billion dollar, job-intensive industry'' (Endangered Species Coalition). The advantages and purpose of protecting endangered animal species may not be evident in short amount of time, but the countless ecosystem services many creatures and ecosystems provide make wildlife preservation worth for the time and money we spend on them.. A study of 2012 waspublished inScience estimated that it would cost more than sixty five billion dollars annually to protect just all endangered birds around the world. One more important issue is the scientific value of various endangered species. (Review) Animal cloning provides many benefits to everyone in the world. If more people understood how it affects the lives of animals, maybe, just maybe their could be a change in the way people think about animal, 53,425 deaths a day is insurmountably hard for the human mind to comprehend. We wouldnt be able to use them for resources and it would be very difficult to find substitutes. Why should we save the endangered species? Almost 70 % of the nation's freshwater mussel species and more than half of the crayfish populations are considered endangered ("Why Should").Worldwide, 58% of the world's reefs and 34 % of all fish species are considered to be endangered. Another issue of concern is that many people across the world are dying of various incurable diseases and starvation. Native plants provide food and shelter for native wildlife. . We are hunting animals for fur meat leather jewellery etc. I. Why should we save animals from extinction answer? What people need to realize and accept is the fact that hunting does not harm the animals as severely as leaving them to overpopulate does. With so much wildlife at risk, the question people often ask us is how do we decide which animals and plants to focus our conservation efforts and funds on? Decals will help to protect these birds from collisions. We've also achieved important policy changes - for instance: helping bring about the global moratorium on commercial whaling; improving controls for trade in threatened species such as tigers; and regulating trade in over used trees, like mahogany, and fish such as sturgeons (caught for caviar). Hunting may not apply to all people in the world, but it has to be done. The conservation of endangered species and restoring balance to the world's ecosystems is vital for humans too. Millions of animal species are endangered because people kill animals, people do not take time to care for them, and people do not understand the meaning of endangered animals. Advances in technology and low-cost telecommunications now mean that a computer programmer,. I 've heard it said that it only takes one person to make a difference and well that may be true, however it takes many people to come together to stop a problem like poaching. How should we protect endangered species? If scientists keep wasting their time on the same outdated methods they will impede the discovery of life saving technology. It's important that every animal has necessary food, a place to live and a peaceful life. Beginning of human revolution species becoming endangered.Governments and NGOs have taken steps to preserve the endangered species, but more needs to be done to protect these animals' natural habitat. Who gives the rights for human to do that? The worlds wildlife is being lost up to 10,000 times faster than the natural extinction rate. Before we start the debate, there should be provided some background. Human and animals have the same rights to live on Earth. Therefore, endangered species should be protected at all costs. Here are the reasons. If we keep treating animals how we treat them today then a lot of them are gonna die off, then what happens? It is essential that we take action to enforce animal slaughter rules and rites and regulations. It is common knowledge that species are considered endangered if there is any risk of extinction, which can be caused by a number of factors including climatic changes and influence of humans. 10 cards | Created by alana10117 | Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 | Total Attempts: 1025 1.Don't You Think Were Lost Enough Animals?Over The Last 10 Years, More Than 10 Animals Have Become Extinct.For Example The Javan Tiger. Sometimes it is hard to do all the work on your own. Habitat loss is one of the biggest causes of extinction. Essay on Elephant in English (1000 Words), Essay on Save Water in English (1000 Words), List of 250+ Amazing Animal Sayings and Quotes (Animal Lovers), A Speech on Commercial Testing of Products on Animals Should No Longer Be Allowed, A Speech on Hunting animals should be banned, 100+ Thank You For Attending The Meeting Examples, 100+ Thank You Messages For Your Business Partner. Some of the animals that are brought here could have the same similar habitat that the native animals have and could scare the native animals out of their original habitat. When an animal becomes endangered, than people have no idea how long these animals have till they will be lost forever (Endangered Species: Facts). The also say that it wont harm the animals but it really does. Invasive species also disrupt delicate food chains, and provide extra competition within a habitat, with one species (usually the invasive one) eventually outcompeting the other. Place decals on windows to prevent birds from colliding with the windows. And why people force them and test them. Spread Awareness: Another way to protect endangered animals is to create awareness about them. When something goes wrong in the ecosystem, it also affects the humans in this way or another, which means that endangered species give an important warning to the humanity. When a species becomes endangered, it is a sign that the ecosystem is slowly falling apart. Our environment is a gift from God so we must take the full responsibility in protecting and preserving it. The animals are going extinct because of the testing. Should we save endangered species? Wildlife is a precious gift from God for this planet. Furthermore, endangered species are also an indicator of the state of human health. Don't use plagiarized sources. Sign up to get the latest WWF news delivered straight to your inbox. Humane? Therefore, the following essay on extinction of animals will make an attempt to clarify the question of animal protection.