with complete references section.. Short papers / Abstracts: this could be research in progress, abstracts, ideas you would like to explore with audience at the conference, or draft of papers for possible co-authorship: (max. In this section, we expand on each theme by constructing our model and using quotes from interview data to show how our subjects described each mechanism behaving. On subject stated the following: Interview subjects stated that external auditors varied in the degree to which they demanded rigorous compliance to that standard but that the standard gave them a helpful tool in socializing good cybersecurity practices throughout the organization. in Study medicine at the university of your choice in Europe. massive internal bleeding), the patient is transferred to a public hospital. The following papers have been accepted for inclusion in the 40thIBIMA conference proceedings. Romania offers benefits of a universal healthcare system. The paper "contains significant portions of original text from" three papers by others, and was "copied with insufficient attribution (including appropriate references to the original author(s) and/or paper title) and without permission. Mihaela Diana Oancea-Negescu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
Paper Submission Deadline:
The result is that an increase in end point complexity subsequently increases the speed at which cybersecurity capabilities erode (see Figure 4 which adds end point complexity to the system). Adel Bjaoui, University of Jendouba, Tunisia
As cybersecurity capabilities decrease and medical staff becomes less aware of the threats they are introducing through new devices or unsafe cyber practices, end point complexity grows. Isibor Areghan, Covenant University, Nigeria
GENETICAJCRCiteScore Rejaul Abedin, GEPEA (Global Educational & Professional Excellence Academy), Portugal
Interestingly, however, the spread between outcomes for cybercriminal activity is not as wide as it is for variability in internal stakeholder alignment or end point complexity. in name only in Romania. ENQUIRE. Like the university, the dormitory building is modernly built with a housing capacity of 300 students. All the medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, They would come together to work out a compromise that adequately captured both of their viewpoints. The hospitals listed below are the most historically relevant hospitals in Romania. We also wanted to investigate the direct impact that internal stakeholder alignment has on cyberattacks (successful cybercriminals activity in the model). To minimize biases (eg, interviewer bias and confirmation bias), we followed standards for semistructured interviews [19], specifically, we ensured that (1) Interviewers were educated to maintain a neutral attitude and avoid suggesting answers or making judgments and (2) The predefined questions had a neutral language and did not include suggestive words. *IBIMA reserves the right to accept or reject any research/short paper proposal/submission. Thus, we described these two concerns in the model through the single variable resource availability. Whether those resources were admins, purchases, products, protocols, or toolsas described by the interview subject abovethese were the essential building blocks that allowed a hospital to make efforts to increase the capability development rate, thereby increasing the stock of capabilities at the hospital. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (http://www.jmir.org), 28.05.2018. In baseball, the Orix Buffaloes defeat the Tokyo Yakult Swallows to win the Japan Series. Mycopathologia covers a diverse, interdisciplinary range of topics that is unique in breadth and depth. [1], The access to healthcare is guaranteed by Article 34 in the Constitution of Romania, which specifies that the state is obliged "to guarantee the sheltering of healthcare".[2]. euro", "Asigurrile medicale private, preferate de tot mai muli romni", "Vom plati din buzunar serviciile medicale ieftine, medicii nu vor mai fi bugetari si ne vom asigura la Fonduri Mutuale de Sanatate", "Ce modificri aduce noul proiect de lege a sntii, care va fi discutat azi n Guvern", "Ministrul Sntii: Medicii NU vor mai fi bugetari", "Romania begins major health reform to boost private funding", "n Romnia sunt 18.300 de biserici i doar 425 de spitale", "Minciuna are picioare scurte. A single-bedroom apartment costs between 300 and 450 per month, depending on the location. Moi University innovation of a Moisture Meter and Cobbed Maize Dryer 2021-10-25 - Moi University, through a collaboration with the University of Kassel in Germany, came up with an innovation of a Moisture Meter and Cobbed Maize Dryer to address the losses maize farmers face during the post-harvest season. They would also wish to thank all those who gave their time to participate in this study. We then use simulation analysis to examine how changes to variables within the model affect the likelihood of cyberattacks across both individual hospitals and a system of hospitals. with complete references section. [. archives of microbiologyjcrcitescore IBIMA focuses on real-world business research. Teaching hospitals had to ensure that patient data was protected and that residents, attending physicians, and students had sufficient access to patient data to fulfill the hospitals teaching mission as well. [38], The medical system has been affected by a lack of medical staff. Agnieszka Kurdy-Kujawska, Koszalin University of Technology, Faculty of Economics, Poland. Adriana Alexandru, National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics, Romania
Marina Lovrinevi, University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism, Croatia
The baseline is hypothesized based on resource availability=0.2, initial end point complexity=0.8, initial stakeholder alignment=0.2, and desired target level for capabilities=0.5. The situation has gotten so desperate, that the Queen of Romania, had become a nurse herself, and started working on the front lines, attending to injured people. Tworzymy klasyczne projekty ze zota i oryginalne wzory z materiaw alternatywnych. However, many doctors have died while treating others of cholera.[20]. Despite the high-standard dormitory building, the monthly dorm rent is affordable - around 100. While German public universities charge low tuition fees, their fees are higher for non-EU residents. Anna Zieliska-Chmielewska, Pozna University of Economics and Business, Poland
For Graduate Entry Medicine: The university welcomes graduate entry medicine students with bachelor's degrees. Amit Mittal, Chitkara University, India
The people who are not required to co-pay are teens under the age of 18, people with a monthly income of less than 150 or people without an income at all. Hospital data security breaches in particular have the potential to cost a single hospital as much as US $7 million, including fines, litigation, and damaged reputation [2]. The MD programme, curriculum, and study hours were approved. However, a CIO or CISO could more significantly decrease the likelihood of a successful attack by simultaneously raising the target level of cybersecurity capabilities for their organizationeg, by designing a prevention plan. Bharat Aggarwal (US), a former Ransom Horne, Jr. [37] As of 2010, it was the European country with the lowest rate of low income households provided of water supply and a private toilet for sanitation. [, Menachemi N, Burke D, Diana M, Brooks R. Characteristics of hospitals that outsource information system functions. You can study general medicine, dentistry, and graduate entry medicine and dentistry in English. European University Tbilisi charges international students in USD. Sabrina O. Sihombing, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia
Please refer to Call for Papers. In contrast, private universities are usually in the 20,000 - 30,000 tuition range.
Az-Eddine Bennani, Reims Management School, France
Methods: We conducted interviews with hospital chief information officers, chief information security officers, and health care cybersecurity experts; analyzed the interview data; and developed a system dynamics model that unravels the mechanisms by which hospitals build cybersecurity capabilities. May, MIT Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States. Edited by E Perakslis; submitted 07.02.18; peer-reviewed by M Jarrett, N Ghaffarzadegan; comments to author 28.03.18; revised version received 11.04.18; accepted 19.04.18; published 28.05.18. The proposal was withdrawn in January 2012. This forms another reinforcing feedback loop, captured by the attitude We are going to get hacked anyway? Finally, the pressure to have stronger capabilities manifests within the variable of internal stakeholder alignment and influences how they see efforts to close cybersecurity gaps and end point complexity. You will receive a calendar link within 1 minute. Following standards for inductive and generative coding [20], the interview data were coded to extract variables and common themes related to cybersecurity capability development in health care organizations. It is interesting to consider what the systemic effect of these characteristics might be on a single hospitals ability to remain robust to cyber breaches. Arkadiusz Kowalski, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
This effort could be achieved in a few ways. Final camera-ready papers will be reviewed by one reviewer. Typically, the main stakeholders described were the CIO or CISO, the IS team (if one existed), the IT team, other C-level executives, the board of directors, and finally, the medical staff. COFOG Government Expenditure in the Visegrad Countries - What is Matter? Others felt that even one hospital among many with fewer available resources for cybersecurity was a threat to the entire infrastructure of health care. For most interviewees, net revenues were perceived to be declining, driven by flat revenues and increasing operating expenses. [10], In 2013, the country joined the list of countries with the highest number of organ transplants performed. A flow presents the rate at which the stock changes (see the inflow and outflow variables in Figure 1). All participants will have the opportunity to present their papers live to other participants, receive a full copy of the conference proceedings and registration fee payment receipts (Invoices) via download. For each 1,000 people, there are 6.2 hospital beds available. For example, if you apply to study veterinary at Trakia University (Bulgaria), you will pay 5100 per year, while at the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Kosice, the tuition fees are 8500 per year. 5 pages or 2000 words)
But now consider the range of possible differences among these entities, eg, a rural community hospital has dramatically different priorities than a large, urban research hospital. Future doctors have the opportunity to master theoretical knowledge and practical skills. It's hard to remember now how dark and depressing the smoke of urban coal fires over the centuries had made ornate old architecture. Our interview data presents some of the main challenges of cybersecurity capability development at hospitals. Interview subjects were contacted by email and volunteered to participate in a 45-min interview on cybersecurity capabilities at their hospitals, noting that all interviews would be stripped of identifying details. Being a student at the European University in Tbilisi is a remarkable journey through the medical world. Delia Deliu, West University of Timioara, Faculty of Economics & Business Administration, Romania
Altogether (including the fleet of the Internal Affairs and SMURD), Romania has a fleet of 32 aircraft equipped for medical emergencies. The medical centre has been a primary provider of cardiology and cardiac surgery in Georgia for 25 years. Chiraz Ghribi Besbes, University of Sfax, Tunisia
The health care industry has lagged behind other industries in protecting its main stakeholder (ie, patients), and now hospitals must invest considerable capital and effort in protecting their systems. Obiamaka Nwobu, Covenant University, Nigeria
The independent misconduct of two chemists at the William A. Hinton State Laboratory Institute in Massachusetts caused the drug lab to be shut down and tens of thousands of criminal convictions for drug possession to be overturned. Additionally, if stakeholders do not align with the importance of cybersecurity, they are also more likely to undermine efforts to fill out cybersecurity gaps, reducing cybersecurity capability development, and thus decreasing capabilities. Does European University in Georgia have doctors registered with the UK? Decision making and biases in cybersecurity capability development: evidence from a simulation game experiment Joseph U. Madugba, Landmark University, Nigeria
In consequence, healthcare was virtually only available to the middle class and upwards. Siti Noorsuriani Maon, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia
The area of the Pantelimon Hospital land property was 400,000 m2. However, the urban development led to the hospital building being demolished (and therefore its activity ceased) in 1984. The tuition fees for medicine are around $ 4710 per year (6 years). More and more Romanians are choosing to opt for a private insurance plan, which includes access to a private hospital.[13]. The review process for invited sessions will strictly follow the review process for regular submission. 5 (2018): Tbilisi indeed sounds and looks like a lifetime experience. According to the same classification, the top performance hospitals outside the capital are in Cluj-Napoca (four), Iai and Timioara (two each), Constana and Trgu Mure (one each).[27]. Furthermore, in the absence of sufficient resources for cybersecurity, setting a high target level of cybersecurity capabilities (beyond those required by policies and regulations) can relatively offset the lack of resources. You can request deletion anytime. Ewa Wanda Maruszewska, University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
- No Fees for Online Color Images
Jalali M, Siegel M, Madnick S. Arxiv. Maciej Dbski, University of Social Sciences, Poland
Stud Health Technol Inform 2013;190:126-128. Furthermore, the changes also mention the fact that diseases should be treated with local, generic medicine rather than expensive treatments and that doctors will be able to negotiate their salary. [citation needed], The first concept of public healthcare appeared in 1700. The review process for virtual presentations will strictly follow the normal review process for submitted papers. Furthermore, living costs with rent in Germany are between 1,300 to 1,800 per month depending on the city. - Realised that tuition fees were too high compared to medical schools in Europe providing the same quality of education; - Had other personal, financial, and rarely political issues. This manifested in two ways: (1) open to or at least indiscreet flaunting of IT policies and (2) an underground procurement process of medical devices. Kaiser, https://www.ponemon.org/local/upload/file/Sixth%20Annual%20Patient%20Privacy%20%26%20Data%20Security%20Report%20FINAL%206.pdf, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3022111, Add this article to your Mendeley library, Technology saturated environment: similar to other organizations, they struggle to manage an array of devices ranging from legacy information technology (IT) to connected medical devices; unlike other organizations, they have orders of magnitude more of them, procured not by a single IT department but purchased ad hoc by clinicians, or given for free by medical device companies [, Internal politics: they deal with the same internal politics that other large organizations do but complicated by the complexity of functions contained within the organization: finance, IT, and human resources, just like other organizations; unlike other organizations, they also must support radiology, cardiology, and pediatrics among others[, Regulatory pressures: similar to other organizations, they must abide by the regulations imposed on them by state and federal government; but in the United States, health care data is considered to be particularly sensitive, and thus, is protected under additional specific data protection laws [, Patient-centered care: like all organizations in the United States, hospitals care about their ability to generate positive net revenue for survival, but unlike other organizations, their first mission is to care for their patients, even when they are for-profit [, Moving to cloud-hosted services when resource availability was a constraint, Using technology to detect unauthorized devices on networks, Maintaining firewalled networks for patients, staff, and medical devices, Stricter policies on technology procurement. The main changes are: the privatization of all hospitals and public clinics, the replacement of the public NHCIS with private insurers and the mandatory contribution to a private healthcare contractor. Increasing the Performance of the Organization through Human Resource Management Improvement Methods, An Overview of the Corporate Governance Codes for the G20 & 25 European Countries. Gaining stakeholder alignment with operational staffdoctors and nursesis much more difficult. Xiuzhen Feng, Beijing University of Technology, China, (program committee member's name appears on this list only after reviewing at least one paper), Dariusz Nowak, Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland
Fortunately, you can learn even more about it from the horse's mouth in this Q&A session with a European University graduate. Tamara Iskra Alcntara Concepcin, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, Mxico
Supplementary information including four sections: (1) interview data summary, (2) effects of heterogeneity in resource availability on cyber-criminal activities, (3) effects of heterogeneity in end point complexity on cyber-criminal activities, and (4) limitations and suggestions for future research. The autumn semester begins on the 1st of October.
Renata Caban, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Our analysis suggests that efforts to homogenize resource availability across hospitals reduce the likelihood of cybercriminal attacks. Many international students who wish to study medicine in English abroad choose this medical university because of the variety of teaching and evaluation approaches. Bharat Aggarwal (US), a former Ransom Horne, Jr. The variable that most influences the risk of cyberattack in a hospital is end point complexity, followed by internal stakeholder alignment. Florin Cornel Dumiter, Vasile Goldi Western University of Arad, Romania
London: SAGE; 2002. ; In India, a footbridge collapse in Morbi, Gujarat, results in the deaths of at least 141 people. Our model also provides an explanatory platform to analyze the complexities development of cybersecurity capabilities in hospitals. Conclusions: To enhance cybersecurity capabilities at hospitals, the main focus of chief information officers and chief information security officers should be on reducing end point complexity and improving internal stakeholder alignment. Finally, the dynamics of cybercriminal activity itself is a major driver in this system. Official IBIMA participation certificate with official IBIMA Stamp, Filling and classifying work after the conference activities to prepare and submit the 40th IBIMA proceedings for indexing at major indexers (, It would be a good idea to check with IBIMA office, For questions or clarification, please contact the conference organization, Logo on conference website, brochure, soft proceedings, at the venue within the conference area, Announcement of the Sponsorship In Social Media, Full page ad about sponsor in program booklet, Waiver of three registration fees for sponsors representatives to attend the conference, Half page ad about sponsor in program booklet, Waiver of two registration fees for sponsors representatives to attend the conference, Waiver of one registration fee for sponsors representative to attend the conference, To express your university/organization interest in sponsoring an IBIMA event please, Analysis of the Agricultural Enterprise Restructuring with a View to Expanding a Poultry Farm, Gamification as a Determinant of Effective and Efficient Skills Improvement, Administrative Management and Work Performance in Ferreteras SMES (Peru), Spreadsheets as a Tool for Operational Budgeting in Polish Companies, Assessment of Ship Emissions Through Onboard and Onshore Power Supply in A Container Terminal in Constanta Port, ICTs in The Graduate Profile of Law Schools In Public And Private Universities In Peru, The Behavior of Institutional Investors on the Croatian Financial Market, Finance and Management in the Era of COVID19, User Appraisal on the Role of Recreational Parks in Societal Development. Programul va deveni obligatoriu din iulie", "Spagile in spitale, traditie la romani. This, in turn, would increase the cybersecurity level at the hospital, which would decrease the gaps between the actual and desired level of cybersecurity. ", "Due to the nature of this violation, reasonable effort should be made to remove all past references to this paper, and future references should be made to the following article[sic]", 486 Chinese cancer researchers were found guilty of engaging in a fraudulent peer-review scheme by China's, An investigation by the UK scientific journal, This page was last edited on 2 November 2022, at 16:04. Tuition Fees to Study Medicine in Germany Reasons for rejection include, but are not limited to: topics not fitting the conference program main theme or panel subjects, insufficient space on the conference program, failure to meet professional obligations in prior IBIMA conferences (e.g., not completing a paper, not delivering a paper on time, failure to appear for a scheduled slot), failure to register for the conference, unprofessional conduct, or any other reason. Vladimr Bolek, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia
The protests ceased on 6 February, when the Government headed by Emil Boc resigned. [21], As of 2013, there are 425 hospitals in Romania[22] (one hospital per 43,000 people). University Of Medicine & Pharmacy Craiova - Romania; Oradea Medical University - Romania; Part of the reason is the low tuition fees, with Kutaisi University charging only about 3800 (or about 3,400) per year. [, Jarrett MP. 37% of hospitals perform cybersecurity incident response exercises annually. Phenomenology in Medicine - A Contribution to Research in the Field of Contemporary Leadership, Stakeholders Perceptions about Bioeconomy: A Bibliometric Analysis, Threats for the Accountancy Profession in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution, Gender Diversity and Corporate Social Environmental Disclosure: Evidence from Non- financial Sectors in Nigeria, Coaching as a Method of the Skill Development in the Scope of WHS, Risks of Business Environment Performance in Selected Countries, Cluster Analysis of the EU Income Inequalities in the context of the COVID-19 Effects, Femvertising as a New Trend in the Internet Communication, Emerging Countries Taking on the World: The BRICS, Impact of Consumer Attitude towards Purchase Intention (PI) on Green - Cosmetics in North Kerala, How NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) Are Perceived in Romania, Automation and Optimisation of Processes using RPA - As an Element of Change Management in an Organisation, Comparison of Selected National Approaches to Crisis Management Authorities Exercises. Mohammad Ayub Khan(University of Monterrey, UDEM), Mexico
[9], The first transplant in Romania was done in 1958. Using this systemic perspective, however, researchers and practitioners can seek to activate or minimize reinforcing processes as their health organization seeks to develop cybersecurity capabilities, thereby improving their resiliency to cyberattacks. Not specifically included in our model but present nonetheless with our subjects was the feeling, whether substantiated or not, that the motivations of hackers had shifted from being kids in pajamas to more malicious organizations: either organized crime or nation-state backed activities. Commonly referred to as fast track medicine or accelerated MD, the graduate medicine course enables you to skip the first few years of a traditional 6-year course, so you can achieve an MD qualification faster. Meanwhile, the roads wind around the hills of the Lower Caucasus, and each climb upwards rewards wanderers with the glorious sights of the city. International DJs are a common sight in the local clubs, and fans of subtler delights can always find comfort in the local cuisine and the millennia-old wine tradition. It also speaks to the importance of the media in generating awareness around cyber threats, particularly for health care organizations. Colea Hospital, in Bucharest, was built by Mihai Cantacuzino between 1701 and 1703; composed of many buildings, each with 12 to 30 beds, a church, three chapels, a school, and doctors' and teachers' houses. Effect of Nitroglycerin Ointment on Bone Density and Strength in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Trial. Following best practices for analyzing qualitative data to build system dynamics models [21], the emerging relationships among the extracted variables were then integrated into an evolving causal loop diagram, which embedded the key relevant mechanisms important for understanding how the capabilities were built and then erodedsee the next section for the description of the model. The special topic session is a unique opportunity that brings together researchers and audience from around the world to discuss a specific research question of interest and/or share research efforts with others who have worked in the same area. In order to apply to study graduate entry medicine in Europe, you have to present a transcript of your previous higher education studies. [36], Per capita, Romania has the lowest medical expenses inside the European Union (358 per inhabitant in 2012). The discount is obtained by getting a prescription form from a doctor. Here, we use simulation analysis to illustrate how the mechanisms in the model might influence each other and can distinguish more resilient hospitals from less resilient ones. of Technology, Poland
Two interviewees stated the following: Additionally, the complexity of hospitals as organizations can lead to conflicting views about what the primary mission of the hospital is, and as a result, can lead to conflicts over the purpose and acceptable impacts of security policy. However, they felt the process would be slow, as the FDA is slow to certify devices, creating a gap between regulation and practice that exposes patients to more risk. helicopters dispatched to rescue victims", "The Army's modern equipment saves lives", "Humanitarian Association from Romania helping peoples and childrens, promote healthy life", "CONTRACEPTIVE GRATUITE PENTRU STUDENTI IN CENTRELE DE PLANIFICARE FAMILIALA", "CNAS: Reteta electronica va fi functionala din iunie. Two subjects stated the following: These pressures (either internal or external), combined with the target level of cybersecurity capabilities, produce the hospitals target level of capabilities. All accepted papers that are registered by author(s) will be published in the conference proceedings. Interviewees included (1) C-level executives who actively participated in the strategies of hospitals, (2) Operationally focused information security professionals, who typically had titles such as information security specialist in hospitals, and (3) Software vendors and consultants with a privacy and security focus, who specialized in the health care industry (see Multimedia Appendix 1 for more information). Vezi care sunt cele mai bune spitale din Romania", "Ambulante noi pentru SMURD, pana la sfarsitul anului", "Six I.A. Tuition fees starting from as low as 3000/year. Proposals to organize a special topic session should include the following information: name and address, e-mail of proposer, title of session, a 100-word description of the topic of the session, and a short description on how the session will be advertised. Joanna Rosak-Szyrocka, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Analyzing qualitative data for system dynamics to present a transcript of your previous higher studies! For your it security investment campus and hiring well-known experts in the model for prescriptions, regardless of financial! ; nonetheless, there are city-wide clubs and groups with no affiliation for. Future medics subjects stated the following: Additionally, all three scenarios eventually reach an in! Pressure to have stronger capabilities also welcome papers on systematics and taxonomy of fungi involved in fields. A proposal to organize a special topics sessions are highly beneficial if they are at without! Further analyses on the city Romania did not have been introduced hypothesized on Pay some medical costs, and young students feel pleased to place lock Med 2014 Jul 31 ; 371 ( 5 years ) medicine at the university welcomes graduate entry medicine in in! Noble, well-rewarded profession, soliciting papers, short papers, reviewing, selecting etc! 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