We were able to find interview subjects at all visited sites. For example, most Africans have cell phones, we can therefore find out if they have access to the internet by asking them if they have data on their phone and also find out if they have access to electricity by asking them how they charge their phone. Although the music widens the world market and advances new music styles, it challenges the local music's uniqueness. Our solution to this potential issue is to avoid giving the impression that the interview is an interrogation, which can mean to ask questions indirectly when we judge it is preferable. The findings lead to questions about the extent to which the scene reproduces alternative rock discourses about authenticity and implicit critiques of capitalism, and also whether its transnationalism contributes to the hybridization of global cultural forms. Each discussion consisted of questions regarding simple demographic identifiants of each individual. Musicianship is also an important variable in answering our research question but it is harder to quantify and would require further investigation. Drawing upon critical race theory, ethnomusicology, popular music studies, and the work of Slavoj Zizek particularly his theory of enjoyment as a political factorthis study will outline how the capitalistic ideal of instant gratification is invested in post-racial outlooks. I mean traditional in the sense of being indigenous to a specific reason, untouched by outside forces. Finally, since traditional music is performed in a live setting, it is not as widely recorded as the other types of music which were evaluated. However, the reverse trend is not observable with international music, since the oldest group (60+ yrs old) listens to international music, on average, just as much as the youngest group (1530 yrs old). For example, you find a unique menu available in certain countries and not in other countries. Musicians exhibit a more balanced listening distribution, also listening to more music on average. Fourth, the last ethical dimension that we have identified about our study is that some respondent could interpret our questions on access to electricity or the internet as an evaluation of how underdeveloped they are. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Music is a marker of globalization and is therefore an effective tool for localizing global flows. The concept merges two different terms, as in "globalization" and "localization," representing the amalgamation of something local . I know that." These are only two examples of Elvis giving credit to those before him. It is also important to note that many of the people interviewed were members of staff or translators at the sites that the AFSS program has visited whose exposure to visitors and tourists would increase international exposure. Part of AccuWeather's global strategy involves partnerships with local and national organizations. This book showcases and celebrates some of our final year students finest and most scholarly research and writing on popular music who have now completed their undergraduate degree BA (Hons) in Popular Music Studies at Liverpool Moores University, UK. (ed.). For non-musicians, traditional music was listened to the lowest and international music was the highest. 20. This is compared to the 4560yrs group, where continental and international music are the two minima. This research was conducted in the context of an undergraduate field semester at McGill University. Canada is one of the best examples of a country where U.S. music dominate despite the Canadian government's efforts to preserve local culture. Globalization is the process of cross-border exchange and free flow of resources between different countries of the world. What has Coca-Cola done to generate such a wide global interest? One might argue that musicians tend to be more connected to traditional music if they play music, thus they listen more to traditional music than non-musicians. The love was felt. In regions experiencing heavy traffic and development (due to forces like industrialization, modernization, political change, capital flows, etc. -New technologies and the movement of mediated music around the world. We hypothesize that there are identifiable trends in a persons listening habits which are approximable through demographic data: location, access to technology, affiliation with music, and other identifiers. However, there is also another view on globalization as the growth of the sizes of [] Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. This group listens the least to traditional music. To address this, we are planning on conducting our interviews in places that are removed enough so that nobody can hear the responses of the respondent, so that no source of stigmatization can be generated because someone participated in our study. The need for weather forecasting is consistent across the countries of the world. Flamenco Capital: Tradition, Revolution and Renewal in Seville, Spain, Roots reggae from Cape Town to Helsinki : an ethnographic study of local belonging and cosmopolitan imagination in Rastafarian reggae music, The Role of Musical Creation in World Music Festivals, The Black Pacific: Music and Racialization in Australia and Papua New Guinea, Miriam Makeba in Guinea - Deterritorializing History Through Music - MA Thesis, Introduction, "College Music Curricula for a New Century", Kulintang Stateside: Issue on Authenticity of Transformed Musical Traditions Contextualized Within the Global/Local Traffic, Review of William Y. Adams--The Boasians: Founding Fathers and Mothers of American Anthropology, World Music Festivals and Tourism: A Case Study of Serbia's Guca Trumpet Festival, The Oxford Handbook on Popular Music in the Nordic Countries (2017), 2015. The oldest group (60+ yrs old) features the highest listening of traditional music, while still significantly listening to international music. Females and males exhibit similar listening frequencies for traditional music, with both averages being slightly above sometimes. For musicians, continental music was listened to the lowest and national music was the highest, followed by traditional music and international music. Let's have a deeper look at 5 interesting examples of globalization. As such, music has always been linked to the construction of regional and national identities. As a result of globalization, we can see that technologies spread more quickly as a result of political globalization (the increased interconnectedness of nations) and economic globalization (the rise of a global economy facilitated by the liberalization of trade). Glocalization Meaning. The positive attributes are clear. Consistent with much recent work about alternative rock, it is argued that the concept of scene is helpful in this task because it allows a framework through which to understand how multiple elements come together but never fully cohere into a unified subcultural whole that has a straightforward relationship with a cultural locality. Within national and continental music, the results are all slightly above sometimes. However, there is a flip where national music is more listened to by rural than by urban dwellers, followed by an increase in listening to continental music by urban than rural dwellers. Durham: Duke University Press, 2019. In the stories told by the contributors, we meet well-known . Traditional music, however, features an even listening distribution across various environments, where no type of listener appears to devote more time than another. Participants without internet access exhibit greater listening tendencies towards traditional music and national music. It is quite rare to hear traditional music on the radio. With continued dispute over the true intent and therefore definition of globalization, I will be required to explore the ways in which the globalization arguably has traits of both promise and defect, including the allowance of contemporary popular music to bloom in diversity and accessibility throughout the developed nations of the world, as well as bringing with it inequality by imposing a capitalistic-based ethos of cultural imperialism on the adjacent, undeveloped nations. The process does not prioritize cultural diversity and departs from a clear and simple premise: we are all consumers.The results of this phenomenon are contentious and suggest that governments and institutions around the world should re-evaluate transnational trade procedures . Based on observations of the artists' performance practices - which range from soukous and reggae to the staged encounters welcomed on a world music scene, and from hip hop to school performances conveying culture through drumming and dance - this work explores two main strands of thought. Examples of Globalization. Rather, translocal connections with other underground scenes existing elsewhere are emphasized in a local scene that remains tied to the activities of a largely middle-class, part-time, male population of artists who share particular social and economic resources. Example 3 - Economic Globalization. With each progressive step from local to foreign, urban dweller listening grows higher. The range across the four types of music is relatively small, all categories falling betweensometimes and often. Non-musicians exhibit a stepwise increase in their listening frequency as the music type moves from local to international. Resenha: White, Bob W. Berkeley, CA. We can custom-write anything as well! While still remarkable, religion is better interpreted as a constant than a variable in this study. View Essay - Music and Globalization from ARTS 40500 at Kenya Science Teachers College - Jamhuri, Nairobi. Lecture Series by D. R. M. Irving (Christ's College, Cambridge) Globalization is one of the most controversial issues to be debated in the humanities and social sciences today. Looking at such examples is a great way to learn lessons that you can apply to your own global business. The Beatles Were First Example of Modern Globalization Apply Now The Beatles Were First Example of Modern Globalization Professor of History Mike Weis says the Beatles' appearance on "The Ed Sullivan Show" on Feb. 9, 1964 was "an event that unified an entire culture." See a video Feb. 7, 2014 Introduction: Touristic and Migrating Musics in Transit, Balinese Hybridities: Balinese Music as Global Phenomena, Musicking, participating, and identifying selves through musical communities of practice: a cosmopolitan band in Greece. McDonalds - McArabia Chicken & McAloo Tikki India McDonalds is a fast food giant that serves 68 million customers in 119 countries. Researcher in comparative musicology; MA Ethnomusicology at SOAS, London. Strategy to remain the leader in the music industry. However, it has accelerated in recent centuries due to technologies such as the telegraph, steamship, radio, motion picture, telephone, airplane, television, jet aircraft and computer network. The worldwide presence of McDonald's restaurants is an example of globalization. Example 7 - Banking Industry Globalization. Top Tag's. penn state university the value of life shooting an elephant leader romeo and juliet dreams high school vs college rutgers homeless world war 2 acts frankenstein frederick douglass smoking ethical dilemma. 172. Moreover, we will also attempt to start the interview with a casual amicable conversation that is not linked to the research project in the hope of making the person more comfortable. The analysis shifts between these large and small narratives between the postcolonial constellation and individual artists seeking to build performance practices in a local context and utilizes these perspectives in building a grounded theory of these diasporic musical practices. We will also avoid sharing our personal preferences before completing the interviews and remaining neutral to any answer the interviewees will give us. This rhythmic style could be attributed to the festive culture surrounding the use of music in those societies. and London: University of California Press, 2000, PhD dissertation, University of British Columbia, Ethical Scholarly Publishing Practices, Copyright and Open Access: A view from Ethnomusicology and Anthropology, Beyond Borders: Welt - Musik - Pdagogik: Musikpdagogik und Ethnomusikologie im Diskurs, The Promise of World Music: Strategies for Non-Essentialist Listening, World music: deterritorializing place and identity, Rebetiko Cosmopolitanisms: Questions for an Ethnography of Musical Imagination. All are the consequences of globalization policy. "Hybridity," "postnationalism," "transnationalism," "globalization," "diaspora," and similar buzzwords have not only informed scholarly discourse and analysis of music but also shaped the way musical productions have been marketed worldwide in recent times. Get it right and you can see huge international success. The graphs maxima is identifiable in the male tendency to listen to international music the most. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Word Count: 1871. "The World Bank defines globalization as the growing integration of economies and societies around the world" (America.gov, 2006) For me the impact of globalization when it comes to food fashion, film music and dance is when like minded groups come together from all different political dynamics that create virtual communities across the world. 1. It can be inferred that being in the city brings more opportunities to hear and listen to different types of music, with a greater and more diverse population than the rural areas. Memory, Power & Knowledge in African Music & Beyond, Zanzibar, Introduction to the book "College Music Curricula for a New Century" (Oxford Press, 2017), Soundscapes: Toward a Sounded Anthropology, REVIEW OF Conceiving Cuba: Reproduction, Women, and the State in the Post-Soviet Era. Producers, singers, songwriters and other artists from around the globe are . Now for the negative aspects. Sharing music with people from all over the planet allowing us to have access to the latest music videos and the latest hot tracks. The examples of globalization of the world economy showed us how the planetary space is transformed into a single zone where various goods, services, information, capital are absolutely free to move, and ideas together with their carriers are freely distributed, creating motivation for the development of modern institutions, as well as . * Has mastered an ancient form of power stance The Crab Considering listening types: active, passive, performed, sung, individual, communal, etc. Like other forms of cultural production in the context of globalization, music is not merely a manifestation of global processes and dynamics, but one of the terrains on which globalization is produced. Trends and statistical tendencies will be evaluated in hopes of drawing conclusions about global flows through musical markers. Imagine that you have announced a new product on the stock market. !e second part of my analysis focuses on the relationship between world music and the ex- pression of a cosmopolitan lifestyle that seeks to increase the social status of the Self by consuming the music of the Other. All of our relationships will be drawn between the main variable (listening distribution) and the situational variables (aspects of people and their location). Pop music in Japan and rock n roll in India. This appears, however, to be an overstatement of the phenomenon. * Has been gigging for 5 years 7. Palina Supeyeva G324 Evaluation Question 4 Music reflects the cultural characteristics of a society. The research is intended as educational practice, whose purpose was made clear to participants. The positive side is the global music scene we all have access to. To protect the anonymity of contributors, we've removed their names and personal information from the . The internet blurs the lines between borders, and this is how we have heavy metal in Africa. All the successful bands and artists tend to be from the popular culture, and the mass majorities of people listen too are exposed to whatever is trending. Globalization refers to the historical process by which all the world's people increasingly come to live in a single social unit. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. From religious or theological perspectives, globalization calls forth religious response and interpretation. For example, if an American car company wants to sell its cars in the Indian market, then it is required to manufacture vehicles as per the laws and customs of the local Indian market. It is only natural that musical practices be considered as well. This barrier contributed to possible misunderstandings and inconsistency in the answers we got. Globalization can efficiently organize a company's services and production wherever the labor offers the lowest costs. A trend can be seen in the graph where the males increasingly direct listening attention towards more foreign music (from sometimes for traditional music to more than often for international music). You can assess your company's degree of globalization by using the. The GMM describes 6 levels of globalization: Where do you think your company currently falls in these levels? This is a broad trend that has been underway for centuries. Coca-Cola has a well-documented and well-researched global strategy. Example 2 - Diplomatic Globalization. Advancing on previous empirical studies of cultural globalization, it attends . (pp. For example, free trade agreements can make it easier to move technological . Globalization of Korean Popular Culture in Asia 1. In terms of never, sometimes, often and always, how often do you listen to: Traditional music? Essay, Pages 17 (4075 words) Views. Previously, she worked on a Popular Music Heritage, Cultural Memory and Cultural Identity (POPID), a European research project run by the Erasmus School of History . TV? Exploring features of a location and its people has the potential to provide insight into aspects which affect a locations rate, type, and source of cultural change. Moreover, as males often work more than females (in our sample size), they tend to move more and also have more income; higher financial mobility affords increased interaction and exposure to foreign music, more music in general, and/or with financial freedom to choose the type of music. This analysis shows that globalization of popular music results in the transformation of such music to become identical to local communities across various contexts. The exploration of foreign musical styles and the fantasy worlds of metal allow participants to occupy another place. ), Applied Ethnomusicology. The location variable is left out of the final analysis because we very rarely conducted more than 3 interviews per site; we thus judged that the sample size for most sites was too small to be interpretable. Especially when there are customs that have been adapted to the specifications of others, when redefining itself, whether it be artistic expressions, music, fashion, gastronomy, etc. The Globalization of Music: Origins, Development, & Consequences, c1500-1815. This is a big compliment in mobile-mad Asia. Immigration Results: People from the rural areas listen significantly more to traditional music, whereas urban dwellers listen much more to international music. Improve your guitar playing with the latest tips, tricks and power stance moves in your inbox every month! Here are 5 examples of famous companies that have excelled at globalization. Concepts related to cultural globalization include cultural adaptation, cultural diffusion, and hierarchical diffusion. Listening distribution (time spent listening to each of the four predefined musical categories). MUSICULT' 15: Music and Cultural Studies Conference (Proceedings), Pamela Costes-Onishi, Pamela Costes-onishi, In Georgina Born and David Hesmondhalgh (ads)., Western Music and its Others: Difference, Representation, and Appropriation in Music, pp. In this paper, I examine the implications of post-racial ideology as a form of anti-racism in the 21st century. Ive always been interested in the idea of globalization and how the whole world is connected. While we do not endorse this view, we iterate concerns about the erasure of local knowledge forms. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 248 pages.. El Odo Pensante. 1. A prime example of this is court ordered liquidation of Richard Branson's 26 Virgin Megastores closings in France due to the rise of online music retailing such as Apple's Itunes music store, which led to Virgin France's bankruptcy in 2013 (BBC). Globalism is both an effective cultural bridge and a catalyst for rapid cultural change. I examine the ways in which the DIY values of autonomy and community are expressed through their social organisation, musical performances, and DIY practices of production and exchange. Efficiently, reliably, and at scale. The more technology advances and the more transportation improves, the more global outlets are revealed. TV? We found that the most important variables were urbanization level, technology and age. The Silk Road, an ancient network of trade routes across China, Central Asia, and the Mediterranean used between 50 B.C.E. Here are 5 examples of famous companies that have excelled at globalization. Balkan Music and its Poles of Attraction, ed. Jay Chou for example represents the multi-national Japanese company, Panasonic phones. She is currently researching the globalization of the Brazilian contemporary art market. This thesis explores the efforts by a group within the hardcore punk scene in Bandung, Indonesia, to establish an autonomous community based on participatory 'Do It Yourself' cultural production. We all know it still exists and it is being kept alive by a small percentage of people, but sooner or later it will be history. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. What does globalization look like when a company does it well? Through a grounded theory methodology it explores how performers who were born in different African countries encounter and handle similar discourses of Africa, otherness and origin when constructing their popular music practices in a Norwegian context. In the stories told by the contributors, we meet well-known players such as David Byrne, Peter Gabriel, Sting, Ry Cooder, Fela Kuti, and Gilberto Gil, but also lesser-known characters such as the . The goal of this research is to document the effects of globalization through the investigation of music. Do you have access to the internet? Unfortunately, however, the cosmopolitanism in the consumption of world music is often one step away from essentialism, as Western consumers identify with a musical culture that is either poorly defined or not defined at all. In order to address this possible bias, we are framing our questions in a way that leaves room for open responses as opposed to forcing categorical responses. First, a critical world music literature founded upon postcolonial theory raises issues of essentialism, exoticism and power in musical production and representation. . The importance of this song is found not only in the fact that it is an original Italian song, but that it is recorded incorporating both English and Italian into the song at the same time. We make life easy by interfacing with your development pipeline. Through the metaphor of encounters, Music and Globalization explores the dynamics that enable or hinder cross-cultural communication through music. The fact that people can learn to the extent that is possible creates monster musicians who push boundaries in their crafts. To do this, averages will be drawn from multiple data points within each of the four defined musical categories and charted. A study of the musical practices of three African immigrant performers in Norway. We care about your content as much as you do. We offer all the lessons in your own home from a qualified guitar hero in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town. Globalization makes it easier than ever to access foreign culture, including food, movies, music, and art. Examples of Globalization. Moreover, our survey group was skewed in age, as 19 out of the 31 people we interviewed were below 30 years old, and 25 out of 31 were below 45 years old. First of all, it is needed to produce cars with its steering on the right-hand side. ), Where do you live? The respective sizes are as follows: 18 in the first group, 6 in the second, 3 in the third group, and 3 in the final, 60+ group. If we take Youssou Ndours singsong text at face value, the answer would be not very much, since we have known for some time that everybody has a culture. In this chapter I show that the promotion and consumption of world music is a series of essential- izing practices that actually hide behind a rhetoric of non-essentialism. Other examples include the spread of Disney music, secularism and consumer culture. Having interviewed only 31 people, we cannot draw broad conclusions. Second, another ethical dimension to our project that we have identified is the possible feeling of intrusion or invasion of privacy that our interviewees could feel when we ask our questions. Through the metaphor of encounters, Music and Globalization explores the dynamics that enable or hinder cross-cultural communication through music. Its marketing and product information will be localized into the languages of these markets. Copyright (All text, information, images, media, and design are copyright Guitar Excellence, CC 2004-2022) | 35 Fredman Drive Sandton 2196 South Africa. Not all questions were fully answered by each interviewee. In East Africa, landscapes have visibly changed under colonial and developmental projects, diverse language groups have diminished under nation-building projects, and human activity has threatened biodiversity. So when listening to a song by a famous foreign band in a language other than ours, an . Consequently, this dissertation also critically discusses how postcolonial discourse may be limited and limiting, and argues for a more phenomenological approach to critical issues in performance and production in order to better grasp participants agencies. Geographically disparate areas become interconnected: case Studies in Ethnomusicology, music from continental Africa pizza. Is your CMS optimized for localization each discussion consisted of questions regarding simple demographic identifiants of each market before into. ( not from class ) that will not introduce ethnographic biasing from our western culture is both effective Were between the listening distribution: Nairobi, Maji Moto, Mt fact that people listen:. Practices be considered as well, on the other 16 of them were non-musicians while the 15 others playing: //www.nationalgeographic.org/article/effects-economic-globalization/9th-grade/ '' > < /a > Abstract and Figures suggesting it, rural dwellers, on the right-hand.. 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