Maim! By the time the Word Bearers reached their next world, the expedition had transformed its practice beyond all recognition. Each world they liberated required a lengthy period in which they built great cathedrals to the Emperor, and won the people over to the cause. Or did He even care, so long as we spilt the blood that He needed spilled to expand His realm? A hundred remained. As his body slammed into the surface of Terra, the shockwave of the Daemon Primarch's impact slew friend and foe alike. His unbending warrior's code and sheer combat skill had made him a well-respected leader amongst the other Desh'ean gladiators and when the largest death games ever held on Nuceria were announced, Angron planned his most daring escape attempt. "Let history mark my words well, for I care nothing about who sits proud on the Throne of Terra when the last day dawns. The Legionaries of the World Eaters had an intractable and ambitious nature. Horus had deceitfully launched this treacherous saturation bombardment of the planet after the four Traitor Legions' known Loyalists were already engaged against the Slaaneshi rebels who held the world. As the Desh'ean crowd drowned out the sounds of battle, Angron's gladiators turned on their armed guards, butchering them and fighting their way to freedom. The Ultramarine fleet swept over and against the Traitors like an insect horde. They pleaded with their Primarch and Kharn to halt the madness, but once again, their pleas were ignored, and soon, a battle broke out between both factions. Ninety percent of the territory that had been lost to Angron's forces was eventually recovered by the Imperium's defenders. The first Drop Pods hammered home on the planet's surface. Ensorcelled war machines animated through the malevolent sentience of a possessing daemon, these iron-wrought abominations resist the most powerful attacks, and their sigil-inscribed hulls can regenerate as if they were living flesh. Unlike the other Traitor Legions, the World Eaters at present are not known to hold any world as their own in the daemonic realm of the Eye of Terror that the Traitors now call home. The Ultramarines Battle Barge Armsman intercepted the Conqueror and came abeam, launching Assault Carriers and Boarding Torpedoes. The other Traitor Legions such as the Emperor's Children, Sons of Horus and the World Eaters might have purged their own ranks at Istvaan III, but the Word Bearers had proceeded to purge their own at Calth. While Thor emerged as the new Ecclesiarch, Goge Vandire was never seen again, and none present would ever speak of his fate. Each betrayal, each act of hideous devotion, has been for the furtherance of this bitter crusade. Nothing now remains of Colchis and where it once existed is still a closely guarded secret of the Inquisition. Rumours soon began to circulate that the War Hounds would put to the sword Human auxiliary regiments of the Imperial Army they saw as failing them in battle, and they kept a guarded distance from other Legions. As the fighting raged, the burning shell of the Fidelitas Lex cut through the clouds into the planet's atmosphere, shuddering on its way east, rolling ever downwards, achingly slow for something of such scale. Cognomen (Prior) Nominally independent of the Imperial Army and Armada Imperialis, they would ensure the preachers' voices were heard. Word Bearers Devastator Legionary. Relic devices from the Dark Age of Technology, these cortical implants artificially boosted a warrior's adrenaline, resulting in greater strength and aggression in battle. Here, Angron lived like a savage, seeking a foe that would put him out of his misery. Barbarous firefights and the indiscriminate slaying of foes have been notorious hallmarks of the Heretic Astartes wars for millennia. Its mechanised phalanxes included a spearhead of heavy armour alongside a heavy infantry force, often including Cataphractii units, mounted in Land Raider transports. Founding As a Word Bearer garners ever more favour from the Chaos Gods, his appearance changes to reflect his station. On the surface, Lorgar's response to the Emperor's censure was to withdraw. At present, the Word Bearers' greatest foes amongst the servants of the Emperor are the Ultramarines and their Successor Chapters, who the Word Bearers have hated and seen as rivals since the time of the Great Crusade. Lorgar gratefully took up the Emperor's purpose, expressing his deeply-held desire to spread his faith in the God-Emperor to every world in the Imperium, despite the Emperor's continuing admonishments that His Imperium was to be built on the foundation of the Imperial Truth, an atheistic, rationalist doctrine that forbade the practice of religious faith as mere superstition. The World Eaters Heretic Astartes Akkatar the Cleanser, whose genocidal rampage is never-ending, armed with Bolt Pistol and Chainaxe. The Word Bearers had a tendency to dedicate companies to a particular combat specialty, designating companies as assault companies, line breaker companies, reconnaissance companies, and so on. He was no god, and would suffer no such belief in His realm. Busy containing the rebellion, the Imperial forces were caught by surprise when the Devourer of Stars suddenly emerged from the Warp in the Armageddon System. Squads in turn belonged to companies, usually a hundred Astartes strong though sometimes larger or smaller depending on the nature of their tactical role. Units that Fall Back cannot charge this turn. Their momentous victory, however, proved short-lived as the High-Riders demanded that the two gladiators fight one another in a duel to the death. Angron killed the last of his Librarians, expunging his Legion of the weakness that had plagued his gene-sons since his reunification with them a century earlier. Anyone who attempted to mentally map the labyrinth would be hopelessly knotted in turns that should have been physically impossible. Instead he was given license to simply take charge of his host. Locked in their furious life-and-death struggle, the two Primarchs were oblivious to the destruction being wrought around them. Allegiance Many of Lorgar's captains pleaded with him that they should return to Terra with all haste, but they were over-ruled. A warrior claimed by a Lesser Daemon of the Blood God like a Bloodletter has their body twisted into a living weapon known as a Possessed, the better to harvest blood and skulls for Khorne, while the daemon itself benefits from a mortal host that provides a permanent anchor to realspace. Angron, now the very embodiment of the Blood God's Eight-Fold Path, shook the dust of the world from his feet and did not think of it again. The brother-primarchs were sharply divided in their opinions, and not even Lorgar's robust defence of his friend could sway Leman Russ and Mortarion from their stance. To this end, though Lorgar no longer had any love or loyalty for the Emperor, he and his XVIIth Legion rejoined the Great Crusade but did so only as a front to mask their pursuit of the Pilgrimage. Such sources that survived the later Siege of Terra at the height of the Horus Heresy regarding the origins and formation of the XIIth Legion of the Legiones Astartes are fragmentary at best, and in compiling their record Imperial scholars were forced to rely on second-hand accounts from those who fought alongside them, and the apocryphal accounts handed down by those many who had cause to fear and resent this most feared of Space Marine Legions. He instinctively mistrusted anything that was "unnatural," and hated psykers, feeling that his Legion would be clean only when the last of them finally died. A full Chapter consisted of 1,000 Astartes, sub-divided into 10 companies, each 100 strong and led by officers designated as Captains. However, Angron would not wake from his slumber, and soon, a crisis erupted within the World Eaters over what actions should be taken. The seat of the Dark Council is located within the immense cathedral-fortress known as the Basilica of the Word. Ultramar was even then a growing realm of hundreds of obedient and prosperous star systems. What one believed and the mark one left on Mankind were of the utmost importance. Never known for employing massed heavy armour formations, the XVIIth Legion preferred to focus its strength on infantry companies of various specialisations, and those armoured formations which it did employ were intended to act in close support of infantry. I died after Desh'elika.". What they will do for their Emperor, their Legion and themselves. Using an oracle disciple of Cyrene Valantion as a guide, Lorgar, Layak, and a small force of Word Bearers entered the Webway in search of Fulgrim. The Black Legion let nothing stand in their way. Rumour, hearsay and unkind suspicion were not enough to call the motivations of one of the Legions into question. The Word Bearers have become a literal manifestation of their name -- though their creed is no longer a celebration of the Emperor's glory, but of the Ruinous Powers that cast their shadow across reality. The task of converting newly compliant worlds to the worship of the Emperor was instead given over to men and women from outside the legion. Following the Shadow Crusade, Lorgar began to believe that Horus was too weak to lead the forces of Chaos to victory over the Emperor. Hideous screams of an aggressive techno-virus infiltrate the communication systems of the target, temporarily rendering it incapable of command. Kor Phaeron retreated all the way to the Maelstrom, a turbulent Warp rift much like the far larger Eye of Terror where the Immaterium of Chaos seeped through into the material realm of the universe. Both Traitor Legion flagships fought alone, starved of support and suffering the endless attacks of the XIII Legions ragged armada. Furthermore, each Chapter has its own iconography, symbology, and specific tactical role within the Legion, giving each their own distinct appearance. The Conqueror, flagship of the World Eaters' Legion and of the Primarch Angron. That disease came and culled generations, but that these times would pass for nothing could remain unchanged. The Dark Apostles decree how the battle is to be fought and the warriors of the Host obey unquestioningly. Death does not always follow defeat. Alone of all of the Traitor Legions, the Word Bearers field Chaplains, called Dark Apostles, though these Arch-heretics preach not the glory of the Emperor but of the Ruinous Powers. Yet Roboute Guilliman and a large portion of his Legion had remained off-world as a result of the Word Bearers' devious assault upon the Ultramarines fleet. Only Lorgar had found a way to free Angron from an existence of unrivalled agony, and he alone had acted to save his tormented brother. HQ. Warriors would need to forge new bonds and have trust in the prowess of their leaders, and bleeding together in the pits was a better way to accomplish this than most. Within the bounds of their own misperception, they are correct. Best estimates of their observed strength were around 150,000 Space Marines, placing the World Eaters in the middle to high levels of comparative strength amongst its contemporary fellow Space Marine Legions. Cannot make a charge move within Engagement Range of any unit that was not the target of the charge. Angron led the World Eaters personally in the first surface assault on Istvaan III to destroy the remaining Loyalist Astartes of the four original Traitor Legions, including his own Loyalist World Eaters, who had survived the traitorous virus-bombing of Istvaan III's planetary capital of the Choral City by Horus' orbiting fleet. Each Chapter bears a name and sigil based on the constellations of Colchis: The Serrated Suns, The Osseus Throne, The Crescent Moon, The Weeping Hand, The Coiled Lash, The Exalted Gate, The Scold's Bridle, The Night's Chalice -- each are found within the Legion's ranks. The Expeditionary Fleet's Master of Astropaths advised Lorgar that unusual "voices" in the Warp were heard in the vicinity of the great Warp rift, voices that spoke directly to the Primarch as well. The XIIIth Legion's cruisers and battleships ran abeam of the enemy fleet for repeated exchange of broadsides, offering targets too big and powerful to ignore, while the rest of the Ultramarines fleet used calculated Lance strikes from safer range. At long last the greed, corruption and lust for power that had been so rife under Vandire's rule were swept away. Again much remains hidden, but a number of candidates seem likely. Though Lorgar was somewhat displeased, Erebus had more or less achieved the base level of success required of him; the Ruinstorm had been conjured and the rogue elements of the Word Bearers had been culled. Choose a game: Warhammer 40,000 9th Kill Team 2nd Age of Sigmar 3rd. Salvation Pods streamed from the Lexs sides and underbelly, along with heavier Mechanicum craft and bulk landers. Primogenitor As part of a bloody sacrifice to their new master, the Librarians of the World Eaters were hunted down and slaughtered by their brother Astartes, as Khorne despises all practitioners of the sorcerous arts. When the Horus Heresy erupted, Angron's Legion was at the very forefront of the bloodshed. In this way the armies of the nascent Imperium were fighting a war in the minds of the conquered as much as they were fighting a war of flesh and blood. Those whose hatred burned brighter than their sense. Khrn now stalks the Eye of Terror and only the most insane of Khornate warriors dare to fight alongside him, since few who do so ever survive. As was their way, the Ultramarines established footholds at defensible positions, clearing room for their reinforcements to land. Then fifty. World Eaters Heretic Astartes also sometimes possess a by-name derived from a physical feature, personality quirk, past deed, favourite way to kill, or other defining feature. World Eaters who seek to grow even closer to their bloodthirsty patron may partake in horrific rituals inviting possession by daemons of the Warp. 184-185), "Great was the Urizen's lamentation, for those warriors slain were his sons, his flesh and blood, children of his own gene-code. On a mountain named Fedan Mhor, on a bleak spit of land known as Desh'elika Ridge, Angron and his forces were finally surrounded by no less than seven large Nucerian armies. Just as the Word Bearers were withdrawing from their scattered battlefields to assemble for a massed planetary assault, their plans were torn apart by catastrophic news; the Emperor had been grievously wounded by Dorn and lay dying. Subtract 1 from hit rolls if the firing models unit Advanced. But much to the Traitors' surprise, nearly two-thirds of the Loyalists from the first wave survived the orbital bombardment, thanks in no small part to the timely warning of the Loyalist Emperor's Children Captain Saul Tarvitz. With the Legionaries of the Word Bearers already on the surface, the ship's human population fled in the vessels final minutes. In your Command phase, this model regains 1 lost wound. During the course of the Great Crusade, Angron and the World Eaters reaped many victories, although some criticised the extreme and bloodthirsty tactics the Red Angel used to ensure the destruction of his opponents. They raise their damned standards high and march beneath cursed icons, bellowing catechisms of hate at the foe as cultist war drums beat out a heart-pounding thunder. Later, the World Eaters had the duty and privilege of leading the frontal assault on the palace. Taking his position as Primarch of the XIIth Legion, which he renamed the "World Eaters," Angron instigated a program of replicating the cranial implants he himself had been fitted with as a slave-warrior, knowing that the devices granted such advantages in speed, aggression and strength that no enemy in the galaxy could stand before his Legion once all had received them. In the meantime, the demigod in gold and blue had finally found the object of his obsession amidst the clamour of war. The Emperor was particularly troubled by any notion that He should be worshiped as a god and the actions of the Word Bearers Legion in slaughtering those who refused to accept the Emperor's divinity stank of the religious excesses that had so often poisoned human history. Companies were grouped together into Chapters of between 500 and 3,000 warriors. Yes, Erebus had successfully conjured the Ruinstorm at Calth. Suppressing fire. Nothing from Terra would get in and nothing would get out. While the High Lords on Terra were purged of Vandire's influence, Thor took advantage of the waning warp storms to tour the Imperium and reorganise the Ministorum. The opening salvo left the unpowered and uncrewed vehicles of the XIIIth Legion burning, while the charge of the Land Raider-mounted infantry squads slaughtered the crews and those squads of Ultramarines charged with the security of the armoured squadrons. The second line of authority in the Chapter was spiritual. Unencumbered by stultifying doctrines, they are capable of adapting their murderous priorities with horrifying ease, and there are no limits to the levels of devastation they will unleash to vent their anger. Each close combat attack is made with a melee weapon. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. To the fortresses of demagogues, and the enclaves of cults, a lone warrior of the XVIIth Legion would come. As the Horus Heresy unfolded, the Word Bearers' unique and monstrous Battleship Furious Abyss, set off for the Realm of Ultramar in the Eastern Fringes of the galaxy after its secret construction by the Dark Mechanicus was completed on the Jovian moon of Thule. Amit would often be paired with the Apothecary Kargos, and few ever wished to come up against the "Flesh Tearer" and the "Bloodspitter". God they called Him, and spoke prayers to Him in the watches of the night and under the light of lost suns. There was much bitterness at the Mechanicum's relative silence during the Heresy, but after much discussion, an understanding was reached whereby the tech-priests and magos very publically re-affirmed the Omnissiah as an aspect of the Emperor's divinity. Early attempts to duplicate these implants by the combined efforts of the Legion's Techmarines and Apothecaries proved far from successful, and resulted in high rates of mortality and homicidal frenzies erupting from test recruits. After the death of Horus aboard his own flagship, the battleship Vengeful Spirit in orbit of Terra, the XVII Legion ultimately took refuge within the Warp rifts of the Eye of Terror and the Maelstrom, vast wounds in space where the Immaterium leaked into reality. Lorgar knew that the loyalty of his own Legion to both him and his vision of Mankind transformed through the embrace of Chaos was never in doubt, but competence was another matter entirely. an awakening. On Angron's chest hung a bandolier of skulls taken from the mass grave at Desh'elika Ridge. We aren't meant for the world that is coming, the new world that will rise from the ashes. Those who had been freed from the shackles of ignorance would be given a choice, embrace the Imperial Truth or join the pyre. Many Word Bearers passed through their ranks before ascending to the role of Chaplain. Also of note are the warriors of the Ashen Circle. He wanted his deceased brothers and sisters to taste blood once more. The Imperium was not yet ready to accept the full horror of what they faced, but Lorgar, along with Horus and Magnus, remained alert to the machinations of Chaos. Once on Nuceria, Angron paid his respects to his fallen brothers and sisters amongst the Nucerian gladiators he had once fought beside, whose bones now lay exposed to the elements on the Desh'elika Ridge where they had died. Armageddon was a very long way from the Eye of Terror in the galaxy's Segmentum Obscurus, and no one in the Imperium suspected any more sinister cause for the revolts than simple civil unrest. Units that Fall Back cannot shoot or manifest psychic powers this turn unless they are. Burn! It is worth nothing that throughout their history, the XVIIth Legion has made extensive use of bonded mortal auxiliaries comprised of religious fanatics (the precursor to the present era's Frateris Militia often utilised by the Adeptus Ministorum). Once back aboard his flagship Conqueror, the newly ascendant Daemon Primarch spoke his first words in his new form. As an example, the Chapter of the Broken Scythe consisted of armoured artillery, siege tanks and mounted Flamer squads. The rank structure of the World Eaters under Angron remained simple and direct, the Primarch having little but scorn for the trappings of elites and pointless accolades and titles. To every other eye, the Word Bearers seemed possessed by a penitent fury and grim resolve to burn the past. They're freeing your soul. The Word Bearers are the scions of the Primarch Lorgar, the Dark Apostle of Chaos and first of the Primarchs to be corrupted by the Ruinous Powers. The use of several versions of the Legion badge of the fanged maw adorning an individual Space Marine's armour, which denoted long service. Perturabo and Angron engaged in a brutal battle, with the Daemon Primarch having the upper hand in both power and speed. Greed, corruption and lust for power that had been freed from the shackles of ignorance would be knotted... So long as we spilt the blood that he needed spilled to his! 1 lost wound the ones that follow privilege of leading the frontal Assault the. But they were over-ruled rise from the ashes were not enough to call the motivations of one of the that. Remains hidden, but that these times would pass for nothing could remain.... 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