The organisational set-up of the school also influences learning. Hence, it is important to know the factors that affect language learning and teaching. Learning proceeds rapidly between 18 and 20, remains stagnant till 25, and declines upto 35. Thank you , Your email address will not be published. (vi) Guidance in the selection of subjects and activities in accordance with age and ability and aptitude of the pupils should be provided. Sample and Sampling Procedure The sample consisted of 204 respondents . The case for culturally relevant pedagogy. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. Learning Environment School environment or school climate is another factor that affects motivation in education. It includes nature of family, authority (head of family), educational status of parents, attitude of parents towards children and financial position of the family; all these factors are significant for home environment (Codjoe, 2007; Mukama, 2010; Muola, 2010). What is needed is presentation of motives at the right moment and in the right way. Factors affecting online learning. Methods of teaching in Institutions of higher learning: Teacher centred vs. Learner-centred methods, Teaching Support System: Traditional, Modern and ICT based. Gore (2000) says that communication needs to be effective and aim at cultivating an environment of participation where all people can raise their opinions freely. Evaluation in Choice Based Credit System in Higher education. A Knowledge Base for the Teaching Profession: What Would It Look like and How Can We Get One? Your email address will not be published. intelligence. To enhance positive learning outcomes among the teachers, there is the need to analyze the teacher professional learning needs. Nevertheless, little research has explored the factors that affect the nature of washback. Increase in diversity therefore brings about fragmented outcomes and inhibits the process while a uniform community in terms of career stage enhances a successful teaching profession learning process. Weaker the power of perception, lesser the amount of learning. On the one hand, Gore (1993) highlights that institutions may fail to allocate the required resources resulting to poor professional learning that reflects in students poor performance. The learning environment dramatically affects the learning outcomes of students. In actuality, none of the teaching members had similar expectations and perceptions about the QT professional learning process (Hiebert et al., 2002). What are some factors that affect early learning? Essentially, various factors affect teaching profession learning process. On the other hand, other institutions may be willing to provide sufficient resource to oversee the learning process among teaching professionals leading to improved outcomes. To study, a student must have both intrinsic motivation as well as extrinsic motivation. It should avoid fatigue and boredom. Schools' open space and noise, inappropriate temperature, insufficient light, overcrowded classes, misplaced boards and inappropriate classroom layout all make up factors that could be confounding variables distracting students in class. Mathematics is a lesson that consists of the material count operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Another factor affecting the teaching professional learning process is career stage which the teachers belong. Psychological Factors 3. The type of food also has some effect. student. Another finding confirms that kids with higher grades come from higher socioeconomic backgrounds, have greater parental support, and have already attended preschool. attention. Attentiveness helps to grasp learning material. Poor foundation. Descriptive and inferential . Certain factors are innate or personal to the individual engaged in the process of learning that are specifically unique to him/ her. Today, formal education in Nigeria has been taking place through the use of English language as a medium of instruction, despite the importance of English language; there are many factors that affect teaching and learning English language over the years, particularly northern Nigeria.As result, many researches have been done by researchers on . But these days in India school rewards are more abused than used properly. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Teachers and parents can benefit greatly from a thorough understanding of these factors for guiding their childrens learning.Many internal and external factors influence the learning process. The factors are: 1. Quality teaching and professional teaching standards A New South Wales context. The respondents used for the study were one hundred and fifty-seven (157) physics students and two (2) physics teachers drawn randomly from two senior secondary schools from each of the five educational districts out of the six. The research also attempted to know those things which students lack in . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". In Saudi Arabia, the university has attempted to implement the QT as a pedagogical model to assist teachers to improve the outcomes of students. The awareness about the factors affecting teaching would help the teacher to make teaching and learning more effective. Hiebert, J., Gallimore, R. & Stigler, W. (2002). Teacher professional learning through QT has however encountered challenges owing to the different characteristics of learning needs exhibited by different generations of teachers. Welcome to! The following are the factors affecting teaching related to the teacher in the teaching-learning process: Both physiological and psychological factors of the learner affect learning outcomes. Explore this article 1 Family Income Level Structured questionnaire was used to collect information from a sample of 158 students and 11 Integrated Science teachers. Teachers knowledge, experience and abilities greatly influence learner learning Sociologist refers to the home as the bedrock of the socialization process, which implies learning. School environmental factors are the internal conditions of the school that influence students academic performance. All learning should not be and cannot be rewarded immediately. Learning is hampered by bad working conditions such as distraction, noise, poor illumination, bad ventilation, overcrowding, bad seating arrangement, and uncomfortable stay both at home and school. The alcoholic drinks, caffeine, tobacco and such addictive items have adverse effect on neuro-muscular system, and consequently upon the learning capacity. 1. Some subjects can better be learnt at the early age, and some during adulthood. Physical environment, social environment, classroom culture, curricula, time table; and fatigue and rest very important for providing a conducive environment to learn. Teacher. This implies that all the stakeholders comprehend the importance of improving the learning context and improve the learning outcomes and experiences of the QT learning process (Willinsky, 2001). challenges which affect the teaching and learning of English. Poor nutrition adversely affects learning. play a very import role in second language learning. 7 Important Factors that May Affect the Learning Process. Fullan, M. (2000). Besides, it might want to look at aspects of the school culture that might impede the positive impacts on the learning outcomes. What are environmental factors in a school? At times the learner may not realize his ability and keep low level of aspiration resulting in low achievement, which is also a tendency to be rectified. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This is not that effective for learning all aspects of language. It should be presented in a meaningful and interesting manners. 5. Geiser and Santelices (2007), Acato (2006), and Swart (1999) all argue that admission points which are a reflection of the previous performance influence future learning ability of students. Elder children are more sensitive towards reproof and blame, than younger children are. The following synopsis covers highlights of the five factors that affect learning according to the study. Children find their studies dull and boring without motivation. Sometimes it is helpful to recall what is learnt and to recite by memory. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Distractions of all sorts affect power of concentration and consequently the efficiency of learning. This has allowed for predictable and positive outcomes. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Some factors are more obvious, like the physical conditions of the building or the amount of technology present. Only those acts of learning are selected which are supported by some motive. Population The population for this study consisted of all secondary schools in Ado- Ekiti. Besides, the institution has the opportunity of ensuring that different learning needs exhibited by various teachers are opportunities for appreciating diversity within the education context. The efficiency of the work from day to day and the rapidity with which it is achieved are influenced by the attitude of the learner. The study employed qualitative paradigm with . For better outcomes, teachers should use the appropriate methods of teaching considering chronological age and mental development of children. Considering that coding scales are in the pedagogy, the learning professionals are able to make suggestions and the ideas that might increase the effectiveness of the learning context. Age and maturity of the student : It has been seen that as a child proceeds towards maturity from . The pupils must be encouraged to learn through activity. The institutional culture is important as it explains the historical interactions of departments, schools and faculties (Brock, 1999). 1. "Pedagogy: Factors Affecting Teaching Profession Learning Process." Knowledge of the nature of the pupils intellect is of considerable value in the guidance and the diagnosis of disability. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. What experience do you need to become a teacher? QT allows teachers to share their teaching practices and experiences to enhance better performance and outcomes. To be fluent in the English language, conversation is an integral part of the curriculum. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. It increases the interactive and participative patterns of the teachers within the framework of teaching profession learning. Since learning a language is different from learning about, for example, Egyptian culture, it is important to have a good teacher. Definition of learning. The social setting is also divided as macro-social and . If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. Educational Psychology, Learning, Factors Influencing Learning. These activate the person, enthuse him and impel him to do the desired action. Hence, uniform teaching practice and technique is a factor that has continued to enhance teacher professional learning. This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. Teacher-related factors Content Related factors Process related factors 1. uz Serin a,* , Nerguz Bulut Serin b , F.Slen ahin c a Faculty of Education, Cyprus International University, Nicosia, North . Academic performance is determined by a student's . It does not mean that the teacher should always present false incentives for learning. It is important to create positive image and opinions about the process to enhance the willingness and desire for the teaching fraternity to engage in the process of professional development. Developing economies such as Pakistan present a unique context to online education as there is limited access to technology, ITC services, and the internet for the general public. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The following factors can be summarised as Factors affecting Teaching related to Institution: UGC NET Syllabus 2020 (Updated): Paper 1 and 2 (Download) They advocate learning by insight. When it comes to learning, most of the factors that has impact on it, is related to the learner/scholar himself. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Copyright 2022 | contact us - [emailprotected], Factors Affecting Teaching | Teacher | Learner | Institution, Teaching: Concept, Objectives, Levels of teaching (Memory, Understanding and Reflective), Characteristics and basic requirements, Evaluation in Choice Based Credit System in Higher education, Factors Affecting Teaching related to Teacher, Factors Affecting Teaching related to the Learner, Factors Affecting Teaching related to the Subject-Matters, Factors Related to Methods of Teaching (Instructional Facilities) and Environment, Factors affecting Teaching related to Institution, UGC NET Study Materials for Paper 1 (eBook with MCQ) BUY NOW. What are some factors that affect student learning? Punishment or failure induces action for achievement. Learner Characteristics Social interaction plays a major role in imparting online learning. Institutions is one of the factors that directly affect teaching. Motivation is another one of the driving factors affecting learning. In this way, the concept of economic status refers to the position that a person occupies in society. In Saudi Arabia, QT pedagogical model faces challenges in implementation owing to the quality of learning experience. The type of home They refuse to work without any incentive of reward. Other factors that could affect the learning process include school cultures, type of communication, work experience and responsibility of an individual to learn (Incecay & Bakioglu, 2010). Thorndike says that mental development does not stop at 16 or 18 but increases upto 23, and halts after 40. Disclaimer Copyright. Sound mind is only in a sound body. A diseased person is handicapped by the normal physical strength necessary for any mental activity. Your privacy is extremely important to us. We will write a custom Essay on Pedagogy: Factors Affecting Teaching Profession Learning Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page. This is because, it is solely the choice of the learner to determine the impact and the effect the teaching will have on them. Attitudes exercise a stimulating effect upon the rate of learning and teaching and upon the progress in school. Major factors that affect learning process. This essay on Pedagogy: Factors Affecting Teaching Profession Learning Process was written and submitted by your fellow Theory into Practice, 34(3), 159-165. Lack of uniform learning outcomes among the teachers is a major challenge that may undermine the achievements made so far. School environment refers to different norms and regulations that determine the overall climate in the school. Concentration needs mental poise and absence of mental conflict or complex. How does environmental factors affect teaching and learning? Poor quality lighting, ventilation, acoustics and furniture all have a negative effect on student achievement and health. Besides, the type of communication that exists within a school is a factor that could impair or enhance the teaching profession learning. Language. QT makes differentiations in that the teachers comprehend the distinction between quality of the teacher and the quality of teaching. Factors Affecting Teaching And Learning. aptitude. TOS4. Weakness in addition will contribute directly to the deficiency in multiplication. 7 Important Factors affecting Teaching-Learning Process, It has been found out that the pupils difficulty in teaching may be due to many factors within himself. May you get everything you desire in life. Work is its own rewards. Five (5) basic research questions were formulated. IvyPanda. 1. The International Journal of Education Researchers, 2(20), 14-21. Seven factors were identified to affect educational performance. IvyPanda. (2002) assert that this facilitates the cultivation of a shared goal and objectives of the learning process leading to a shared perception about the learning process. Mathematics is considered as a hard lesson for students. Keeping an eye on any conflicts, bullying, and other peer issues can prevent serious problems. Socioeconomic factors, such as family income level, parents' level of education, race and gender, all influence the quality and availability of education as well as the ability of education to improve life circumstances. Brock, P. (1999). So, some of these factors include the following; 1. Children learn the school subjects more easily than uneducated adults can learn. Methodology of Instructions. Differentiation, techniques and practices, career stage, perception, institutional culture, individual responsibility to learn and leadership styles within the organization are some of the factors that may impair or enhance successful teaching profession learning process. A childs behaviour in learning is energised by motives, selected by motives and directed by motives. A teacher's skills, expertise, and willingness can help students learn. This differentiation allows the teaching professionals to make changes in their teaching practices as opposed to making changing at personal levels. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Unguided children may oscillate from one subject to another, and thus gather no mass. To the contrary, in Saudi Arabia, the QT pedagogical model begins with a standpoint that appreciates that all teachers are capable of using their skills to provide superior performance typical of uniform teaching practices and learning outcomes. There are some with high IQ while some are with low IQ. Sydney: Australian College of Education. Several social/environment factors such as the existence of non-native/native speakers, gender division, numbers of language transition, etc. This descriptive study was conducted to evaluate the factors affecting the quality of online learning of Pakistani students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, Gore & Gitlin (2004) pinpoint that quality of the learning experience is an important factor that has led to failure and success of professional learning process among the teachers. Gore, M. & Gitlin, A. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Journal of Teaching Education, 52(124), 1-13. The teacher is the most prominent factor in the teaching -learning process and is responsible for the children's learning activities Knowledge of the subject: Proper knowledge of the subject is very important. 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