Displaying hostile, derogatory and/or intimidating symbols/objects to an individual (or group of individuals) because of that person or persons membership in a protected class. The Title IX Coordinator shall be adequately trained to perform her/his duties, including understanding the legal aspects of Title IX, conducting investigations of all sex discrimination and Title IX Sexual Harassment, administering an investigative process that protects the safety of victims and promotes accountability and providing campus-wide training to members of the College community. Directions for filing appeals are mailed with the students dismissal notice. Conviction for violation of any state or federal drug law can lead to ineligibility for any federal benefit, including grants and loans. A party seeking Directory Information only. All materials must be submitted to Student Life for approval prior to posting (approved). Email: Students receiving financial aid should: Check with the Financial Aid Office (Rm. According to our data, the highest paying job at Quinsigamond Community College is an Adjunct Instructor at $66,000 annually while the lowest paying job at Quinsigamond Community College is a Major at $16,000 annually. The Instructional Period shall end on the last day of final exams. Let's get back to doing the things that we love to do in-person," several students say in multiple languages, including . Occasionally, to preserve system security and stability, it is necessary to perform actions that result in the loss of data or the removal of software. The institution's President may waive or suspend any institutional policy or regulation that negatively impacts student in their withdrawal or subsequent readmission to the institution, due to a call to active duty. Search. It is possible that you may see student portal login link directly on the homepage, if so, access it from there. As a result, QCCs Board of Trustees voted to institute a SMOKEFREE campus policy as September 3, 2013. To be knowledgeable of and to comply with all directives, policies, and procedures of Quinsigamond Community College. The student will be required to complete a Request for Readmission Form on which the Program Coordinator will list the specific steps that must be completed prior to consideration for readmission, and will note dates for completion of each step. The President or his/her designee shall accept, reject or modify the Committees decision and/or recommendations and issue a final written decision. Where appropriate, the parties to a dispute and/or the Affirmative Action Officer or Title IX Coordinator may attempt to reach an informal and prompt resolution of the matter. Failure to cooperate with the Colleges investigation of an alleged Code of Conduct violation, including failing to appear for an Administrative Resolution meeting or a Student Conduct Board Hearing will result in discipline of the Student by the CCA and a forfeiture of their rights to a hearing or appeal. View QCC courses, grades, campus locations, news, events, maps, and more. This Policy and the procedures established herein are administrative in nature and shall not be construed to replace or supersede any state, federal or local laws that also may apply to students or others. Though this phase of the process is informal, the parties may present their positions in writing. Failure to do so may result in the suspension or revocation of a users access privileges and disciplinary measures, including the possibility of civil and/or criminal liability as described in Appendix C. The College President or his/her designee may permit federal, state and municipal agency representatives to have access to the campus for any purpose for which said agency representatives are legally authorized to do so; provided, however, the College President or his/her designee retains the authority to regulate the time, place and manner of such access to minimize any interference with the educational activities and business operations of the College. As part of this process, applicants will be required to fill out an application form and have their physician sign and authorize the application for the obtainment of special parking privileges. All dismissals are subject to review by the Academic Vice President. The decision of the Committee shall be based on the relevant evidence presented at the hearing. Any applicant for employment or admission, any student or employee, and any other member of the College community who believes that he or she has been subjected to Prohibited Conduct may initiate a complaint as outlined herein. If a students appeal is granted, and the student is subsequently reinstated to the College, the recommendations of the reinstatement (course load, grade minimums, etc.) Up to 30 credits of developmental courses (courses numbered below 100) and all English as a Second Language (ESL) coursework will be excluded from this calculation. Students may be required to undergo Finger Printing prior to placement in clinical/field rotations. Refusing tenure to a faculty member for filing a complaint of discrimination or harassment pursuant to the Discrimination Complaint Procedures. There must be a unity and cohesion in the diversity which we seek to achieve, thereby creating an environment of pluralism. Student interns and potential employees may be required to submit to a CORI check as a condition of employment. In accordance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, absences due to pregnancy or related conditions, including recovery from childbirth, shall be excused for as long as the students doctor deems the absences to be medically necessary. A student intending to withdraw from a class after the tenth week of class should: Obtain the instructors signature and the instructor will designate if the student withdrew while passing or withdrew while failing. All students are expected to read their college email regularly and respond appropriately. Quinsigamond Community College. Find a safe location and call 911 to tell the police of your location. The CCA may elect to pursue action under the Code for violations reported after thirty (30) days where the behavior posed or may continue to pose a danger to the health or safety of others. Any vehicle with five or more unpaid violations will be placed on a Tow List. If the instructor of record is no longer available, the Chief Administrator of the appropriate instructional division or his/her designee shall instead reassess the grading process. Admission will be prioritized according to criteria set by Academic Vice President/designee as follows: Students on the related QCC program waiting list; and other students (with the approval of the Academic Vice President or designee). If students choose to forward their Qmail to another email provider, they are still responsible for receiving all college communications. To remove or reduce these charges, students must officially withdraw in the Registrar's Office Rm. The matter should be closed and the records should so indicate; The Student and the CCA reach a mutually agreed upon resolution to the complaint; or. Lakeway Commons is 0.7 miles away, and White City Shopping Center is within a 10 minutes walk. High Student Age Diversity. Students shall receive non-punitive withdrawals in all courses from which they are required to withdraw. These circumstances could include the frequency of the conduct, its severity, and whether it is threatening or humiliating. In sequential courses, where the first semester course is a prerequisite for the second semester course, a student receiving a 12 week I must petition the appropriate Instructional Dean for admittance to the sequential course. Search. Within five (5) days of receiving a Formal Complaint, the Title IX Coordinator will notify the Respondent in writing of the Formal Complaint (see Appendix D), provide the Respondent with a copy thereof and discuss supportive measures. Observe all crosswalk markings by allowing pedestrians the right of way. The Financial Aid Office at Quinsigamond Community College adheres to the Massachusetts Office of Student Assistance requirements in regards to record retention. However, diversity alone will not suffice. A school official is: A person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research position. The College President or his/her designee shall maintain a record of all on-campus solicitation requests and the disposition of such request. The parties may present no new allegations at that time. Lot 1 row 1 is designated staff/faculty parking until 4:00 pm. Upper digestive tract cancers are the most common, hitting the esophagus, mouth, larynx, and pharynx. The following is from the publication by the Massachusetts Office of Student Assistance on Guidelines and Procedures for the Massachusetts State Financial Aid programs. Handicapped/Reserved Parking -- Handicap and Reserved Parking areas are clearly marked by appropriate lines and signage. Classifying a position or positions as unsuitable for persons of certain religions. Serve as principal contact for government inquiries pursuant to Title IX. Otherstwo (2) weeks from initial date of posting. If financial aid was disbursed, the student may owe a repayment of some or all of the financial aid received. Quinsigamond Community College is not responsible for offensive material obtained by any user using college information systems. All questions must be directed through the Committee. The Student Conduct Process is initiated once a complaint of an alleged violation is received by the CCA. After completing the form, the student should return it directly to the Registrars Office. %PDF-1.4
The Add/Drop period is posted in the enrollment guide and college calendar. After all administrative remedies have been exhausted with the MA-SARA institution, the student may submit a SARA Complaint via the URL below. A copy of the Request for Readmission Form will then be given to the student and will be made part of the students permanent file in the office of the specific program. PROHIBITED CONDUCT: The following conduct is prohibited under this policy: Examples of behavior that may constitute discrimination, include, but are not limited to: 2. All College employees serving on the Student Grievance Committee, and acting within the scope of their official duties on the Committee, shall be protected from liability to the full extent provided under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 258, and eligible for indemnification as provided for pursuant to M.G.L. Accordingly, all College facilities may not be available and accessible at a particular time. A copy of the Request for Readmission Form will then be given to the student and will be made part of the students permanent file in the office of the specific program. For the purpose of grade appeals, substantial evidence of error or injustice is defined as: The appeal process is intended for the course final grade and shall proceed no further than Level Two, Step Two (see below). The estimation assumes a 7% annual increase over the next 2 years which is the national trend. At any Level of the Student Grievance Procedure, either party may request mediation by contacting the Student Grievance Officer. Note: the quality point for each letter grade is a college-wide policy, not merely recommended as a guideline: All students matriculating in a degree or certificate program, other than first semester freshmen (cumulatively enrolled for under 17 credits), must meet the following requirements: Satisfactory Academic Standing and Satisfactory Academic Progress are synonymous with meeting the standards outlined in Item 2 of Academic Dismissal and Probation. Hearings before the Committee shall not be subject to the formal rules of evidence. A dispute is most effectively handled and resolved by those closest to the problem, having the best understanding of the issues, and having the ability to formulate a mutually acceptable resolution. Quinsigamond Community College may comply with the request, or it may decide not to comply. If a course is repeated, only one grade will be used in computation of the QPA. However, if a grade dispute raises issues of discrimination or sexual harassment, the Grievance should be processed in accordance with the Colleges Affirmative Action Grievance Procedure and the Affirmative Action Officer shall conduct the process in collaboration with the Senior Academic Officer or designee. Individuals seeking accommodations should be prepared to submit current medical documentation for review in the accommodation process. %%EOF
Once the building is evacuated, no one will be allowed to re-enter until Campus Police, your Building Assistant or an ER Team Member gives the ALL CLEAR.. Students who have been dismissed or administratively withdrawn from a program within the School of Healthcare atQuinsigamondCommunity Collegefor reasons of clinically unsafe practice/behavior or who violate the Colleges Student Code of Conduct or Policy on Affirmative Action are not eligible for admission/ readmission to any Healthcare program. For the purpose of this institution, directory information includes the following information: a students name, students address, major field of study, dates of attendance, full-time/part-time status, degree and awards received, and participation if officially recognized activities and sports. In a matter involving more than one Student, the Student Conduct Board may permit at its discretion individual hearings for each Student. Download the Appeal of Student Charges Instructions and Form. More Diverse. A student intending to withdraw from a course prior to the tenth week of class should: Obtain signature from advisor or instructor and return the form to the Registrars Office ( Rm. Neither party can delay nor interfere with the process. The college also provides opportunities for a first-rate education and personal growth to thousands of men and women around the world. In general, hearings will proceed as follows: a. Business, Financial, and Hospitality Management, Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Technology, Center for Workforce Development and Continuing Education, Documented Disabilities/Testing Accommodations, Career Services & Credit for Prior Learning, https://www.qcc.edu/application-admission. To comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena. Quinsigamond Community College employs the traditional practice of assessment of student learning wherein the quantity of learning is measured by the number of credits (semester hours) earned, and its quality is recognized by an award of a grade for the learning experience. Title IX Sexual Harassment for purposes of Title IX and this Policy means conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following: 1. TEAS (Test for Essential Academic Skills) are required by specific health programs for readmission. A commuter school, the college has an enrollment of over 13,000 students in its Associate degree and certification programs. An individual may report the incident without disclosing his/her name, identifying the respondent or requesting any action. They are committed to providing a learning, working and living environment whether in person or in the virtual/online setting - for their students, employees and other members of the College Community, which values the diverse backgrounds of all people. Performing a task related to the discipline of a student. The student has 30 calendar days from the posting of the final grade to submit a grade appeal to the Student Appeal Liaison. TITLE IX SEXUAL HARASSMENT COMPLAINT PROCESS: The process used to address Formal Complaints of Title IX Sexual Harassment. 194 0 obj
Electronic mail is part of the business record of the college and may be inspected or subject to discovery in litigation and Freedom of Information Act requests. Uncover why Quinsigamond Community College is the best company for you. Massachusetts makes it illegal to be in a place where heroin is kept and to be in the company of a person known to possess heroin. Evaluation of the student learning will be made according to the instructors stated learning outcomes. Do not block roadway for emergency vehicle access. The Colleges reserve the right to disqualify any contractor, person or entity seeking to provide services to a Community College that fails to adhere to the prohibitions against discrimination in employment that are contained in this section. The following table indicates recommended by nonmandatory numerical/letter equivalents for awarding grades. Students who either fail to pass or refuse to submit to a drug screening analysis will be deemed ineligible for clinical placement, which may affect their status in the program. After the tenth week (or equivalent), the student must get the instructors signature. The composition of the College's Student Grievance Committee shall consist of five members: one student, one unit professional, one faculty member, one non-unit professional and one unit classified employee. Depending on the level of information available about the incident or the individuals involved, however, the Colleges ability to respond to an anonymous report may be limited (e.g. All procedural questions are subject to the final decision of the Chair of the Student Conduct Board. If required by a state law requiring disclosure that was adopted before November 19,1974. If students withdraw after the tenth week and before the last day of classes, they will receive grades from their instructors in accordance with the Colleges grading policy.Students receiving financial aid should check with the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing to determine the impact of their withdrawal on their Financial Aid. If the standards are not met, you will be placed on Suspension. Learning outcomes of educational experiences shall constitute the basis for assessing student learning. Any student who is academically dismissed may appeal his/her case. A student can request to change from one degree or certificate program to another by completing a Study Option Change Request. Although Massachusetts law permits the use ofmedical marijuana and the possession, use, distribution and cultivation of marijuana in limited amounts, federal law, including the Federal Controlled Substances Act of 1970, the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, prohibits the possession, use, distribution and/or cultivation ofmarijuanaat educational institutions. The maximum size for a sign should be 8 x 10 inches. Allegations involving Title IX Sexual Harassment shall be reported by all Responsible Employees to the Title IX coordinator or official designee as soon as the employee becomes aware of it. Should the College discover discrimination in treatment or effect in any employment, educational or service decision, action, inaction or practice within the College, all appropriate corrective and/or disciplinary actions shall be taken under the direction of the President of the College subject to any applicable collective bargaining agreement or other policy or procedure of the College. Each year, several QCC students are named to Whos Who. Continue running until you are well cleared from the location of the threat. Testing positive for Marijuana, even with Massachusetts medical use card, is not allowed by the clinical affiliates and schools liability insurance. All such activities are strictly prohibited on all College property, in College vehicles, and at all off-campus College-sponsored events. Reasonable cause is defined as some credible information to support the allegation including a statement by a credible witness, police reports, or news articles. No administrator or staff member shall have a romantic and/or sexual relationship, consensual or otherwise, with a student who the administrator or staff member supervises, evaluates, advises, or provides other professional advice or services as part of a College program or activity. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, 70 percent of adult smokers want to quit and 40 percent try to quit every year. challenge exams, portfolio assessment, or CLEP/Advanced Placement), 1-15 total attempted credits: 1.50 cumulative GPA, 1-15 total attempted credits: 50% completion rate, 16 or more total attempted credits: 66.67% (two-thirds) completion rate. The right to request an amendment of student's education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading or otherwise in violation of the student' s privacy rights under FERPA. All employees and students should take special note that, as stated above, retaliation against an individual who has complained about Title IX Sexual Harassment, or retaliation against individuals who have cooperated with an investigation of Title IX Sexual Harassment is unlawful and will not be tolerated by the Community Colleges. The College does not discriminate on the basis of sex in any education program or activity that it operates, and it is required by Title IX and 34 C.F.R Part 106, 106.8 (b) not to discriminate in such a manner. Preserve Evidence - It is important to preserve all physical evidence following an act of sexual violence. This shall be done in a reasonable period of time, not exceeding thirty (30) calendar days following the instructional period when a grievable act or omission occurs. The student Grievant or the Responding Party may consult with the Student Grievance Officer at any time. Directory information may be released by the College to a requesting third-party without a student's prior written consent. Where the issuance of a failing grade by a faculty member for academic dishonesty will result in a students dismissal from a program (for example in nursing and other health care programs), the charge of academic dishonesty shall be directly referred to the CCA for administration under this policy, which shall be completed, where practicable, within thirty (30) days. Within five (5) days of receiving a written decision, the Student may file an appeal with the Colleges Appeals Officer. A person employed by or acting for the College to perform a special task; such as, the attorney or auditor. Learning outcomes of educational experiences shall constitute the basis for assessing student learning. The purpose of mediation is to resolve the dispute to the satisfaction of both parties. The College's Affirmative Action Grievance Procedure is contained in the College's Affirmative Action Plan. In some circumstances a Responding Partys conduct may constitute a potential violatiaon of this Policy and/or other conduct policies applicable to employees or students. The Student Grievance Officer shall deliver the written response to the Grievant within five (5) calendar days of receipt. 1. Room: Welcome Center in the HLC. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the owner or operator of the vehicle to find transportation to the tow company. 10 0 obj
IntroductionMany consumers of services in our Field Placement Sites are particularly vulnerable. A student who wishes to ask the College to amend should write the College official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. It's 3-year average NCLEX-RN passing rate . (Students will be required to sign this document within their program of study). Quinsigamond Community College's mobile app allows students to view courses, grades, campus locations, news, events, maps, and more. The College will not be responsible for any damages suffered while on this system, including loss of personal data due to system outages or irresponsible use. 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