Includes water and air quality indices; kinetic and reactor theory; mass and energy balances; fluid system theory; and applications of physical, chemical and biological processes in the design of engineered environmental systems. Land-use impact on public transit policy and operation is also introduced. Students should verify that enrollment in this course meets other applicable enrollment requirements. See Basic Program for Professional Engineering Curricula for accepted substitutions for curriculum designated courses in the Basic Program. May include participation in structural engineering courses normally available only to graduate students.
Civil Engineering Courses < UTEP Prerequisite: CE3131, CE3142, and CE3334. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Point estimation, interval estimation, sample size determination, tests of hypothesis, analysis of variance, linear regression, matrix methods for multiple linear regression, polynomial regression, transformations, non-linear regression. 3 Hours. Course Name Semester Credit Hours . Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MATH1421; or concurrent enrollment in:(1) MATH1426 or 2) HONR-SC1426. 3 Hours. Individual supervised research projects. Preparation of a doctoral dissertation in civil engineering.
Civil Engineering, B.S. < Texas A&M University Kingsville - The risk management process including risk identification, monitoring, and control; integrated quantitative cost and schedule risk analysis. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in CE3361 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. (Typically offered: Irregular). 3 Hours. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE2313; concurrent enrollment in CE3143 and Permission of the CE Chair or Admission to the CE Professional Program. 3 Hours. Lecture 3 hours, drill 3 hours per week. This course applies mathematics and physics to solve problems in mechanics. Pursued lifelong learning, professional development, and licensure as appropriate for their career goals. (University of Florida), Associate Professor, 2015, 2021.Heymsfield, Ernie, Ph.D. (City University of New York), M.S.C.E. Base selection. Design of reinforced concrete elements with emphasis on ultimate strength design supplemented by working stress design for deflection and crack analysis. Individual Studies (0-0-1) Individual variable-credit research design analysis on advanced phases of Civil Engineering problems conducted under the direct supervision of a faculty member. The subject title to be listed in the class schedule. Credit not granted for both CE4361 and CE5312. Prerequisite: () and (MATH 159, may be taken concurrently or MATH 160, may be taken concurrently). CVEG493VH. SOLID WASTE ENGINEERING. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in PHYS1443. Corequisite: Drill component. (Typically offered: Spring), Open Channel Flow includes advanced open channel hydraulics, flow measurement techniques, a hydrology review, culvert and storm drainage design, natural channel classification (fluvial geomorphology) and rehabilitation, computer methods and environmental issues. 3 Hours. Students will be taught CAD commands, tools, 2D drawing objects, multi-view drawing, layer management, linetypes, object snap, polar tracking, and annotation. Corequisite: Drill component. Treatment of in-place testing of the ground, obtaining the necessary information, and estimating soil behavior in the context of soil-structure interaction is included. CE5383. Prerequisite: CE5346. Service and subcontractor contracts, negotiating tactics and strategies, material pricing; and dispute resolution. signals, and traffic engineering studies. CE5317. The department also offers graduate certificates in construction management, environmental engineering, and environmental systems. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE. Relationships of material engineering properties to pavement design and performance. Pipeline and utility design, construction and renewal. REPAIR AND REHABILITATION OF STRUCTURES. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING PROCESS AND ANALYSIS LAB. The mission of the Civil Engineering Program is to prepare students to succeed in the civil engineering profession by providing them with essential technical tools and skills and to promote the need for lifelong learning. Students are encouraged to meet designation requirements within elective courses as their schedule allows; however, with careful planning students should be able to complete most of the designation requirements within other core, major, or minor courses. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. CE5340. CIV ENG 202 Dynamics. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours per week. Catalog: 2016-2017 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog Program: Civil Engineering, B.S. Introduction to sustainability concepts and challenges through evaluation of case studies. Application of physical, biological, and chemical operations and processes to the design of water supply and wastewater treatment systems. Topics include travel demand, trip generation, distribution, mode choice, assignment, plan evaluation, spatial distribution, traffic control and flow models; principles of behavioral, econometric, deterministic, probabilistic, and chaotic simulation models, and their applications. (It is recommended that students consult with their adviser when making this selection. ADVANCED TOPICS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. Includes the following topics: transportation governance, financing, and the effect on the environment; traffic flow theory; safety; traffic operations and control; capacity; and travel demand modeling. An introduction to computer aided design using AutoCAD interface built in Civil 3D. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3311 and admission to the CE Professional Program. HYDROLOGIC TECHNIQUES. Prerequisite: CE4348 or CE5306. Includes plain and reinforced masonry. The engineering application and performance of materials are emphasized. Related to steady flow of incompressible fluids in confined and free surface systems. Preparation for students taking the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) examination, administered by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES). INTRODUCTION TO SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING. Introduction to matrices; vector spaces; tensors, Eigenvalue problems. Earthquake characteristics; design of structures to resist earthquakes.
BS in Civil Engineering < University of Illinois at Chicago Sizing of members in masonry and timber according to applicable building codes. 3 Hours. TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEMS. Application of computer-aided engineering in analysis and design. Transportation Systems Engineering. 515 294-7612, email. Prerequisite: CE5385. CONSTITUTIVE MODELING OF SOILS. Students will gain an understanding and be able to apply the USACE software tools: HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS. URBAN TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING. Students must take one course that meets the SJ designation (click. CEE 3304 : Fluid Mechanics for CEE. Prerequisite: CE3341. PROBLEMS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. ADVANCED CONCRETE DESIGN I. The course will have three main areas of emphasis including: principles and operations of ArcGIS, design and implementation of standard hydrologic and hydraulic models, the linkage of these models to engineering analysis of current water resources problems including flooding, water quality and water supply. Process for the assessment and response to contamination; integrating risk and exposure practices to ensure protection of human health and environment. 3 Hours. The foundation for the course is a quantitative perspective, beginning with Newton's laws of motion and gravity. Pioneers that continuously implement/seek advanced degrees and/or continuous education. Prerequisite: CVEG3303, INEG2413 and (CVEG4303 or CVEG4313). FIBER REINFORCED COMPOSITE DESIGN. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3311 and admission to the CE Professional Program. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3343 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. CVEG3413. Credit not granted for both CE4320 and CE5367. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. Topics covered include: watersheds, precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, discharge calculations, hydrographs, river and reservoir routing, and drainage design including sanitary and storm sewer design and reservoir sizing. Credit not granted for both CE4323 and CE5375. To remain eligible in their final semester of study for grants, loans or other forms of financial aid administered by the Financial Aid Office must enroll in a minimum of 5 hours as required by the Office of Financial Aid. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS, SPECIFICATIONS, & ADMINISTRATION. ADVANCED STUDIES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. Basic principles of the seismic design of structures. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE2331; and Grade of C or better in either CE3301 or IE3301 and Permission of the CE Chair or Admission to the CE Professional Program. This course may only be taken once and may not be repeated. CEE 3014 : Construction Management. DOCTORAL DEGREE COMPLETION. 3 Hours. Civil Engineering (CV_ENG) CV_ENG 1000: Introduction to Civil Engineering This course introduces the Civil Engineering field, including contemporary issues, career opportunities, systematic design, problem solving, communication, and ethical/social issues. Prerequisite: CE3343 or consent of instructor. Includes slope stability, conventional and reinforced earth retaining walls, excavation bracing, and sheet pile wharf structures. Prerequisite: CVEG3413 with a grade of C or better. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring), Introduction to geotechnical engineering. Design of beams, columns, pilasters, and walls. (University of Arkansas), Associate Professor, 1997.Wood, ClintonM., Ph.D. (University of Texas at Austin), M.S.C.E., B.S.C.E. CE6697. 3 Hours. CVEG4513. CE5309. Fundamentals of construction estimating and scheduling, earned value, value engineering, risk allocations, jobsite management, safety and closeout. Prerequisite: CE5346 and CE5347; or consent of instructor. An in-depth study of the properties of constituent materials for asphalt concrete mixtures. Construction Internship. CE6357. Civil engineering majors are required to take five civil engineering laboratory courses to understand fundamental concepts. (Typically offered: Fall). PIPELINE SYSTEMS ASSET MANAGEMENT. Credit not granted for both CE4360 and CE5308. Hardy Cross analyses, measurement of flow of incompressible fluids, hydraulic similitude and dimensional analysis. Credit will not be granted for both CE4330 and CE5353. RESEARCH IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. Prerequisite: changes with topic; consent of instructor required and Admission to the CE Professional Program. STOCHASTIC MODELS FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING. 6 Hours. Laboratory exercises demonstrating the principles and practices of surveying systems. Prerequisite: CE3301. Investigation of construction materials and applicable code specifications. The course represents the fundamentals and applications of various advanced physical and chemical unit operations and processes for controlling drinking water quality. Senior level undergraduate research. Pipeline systems asset management, inventory, inspection, and life cycle costs. CIV ENG 303 Strength of Materials.
Civil Engineering (CVEG) < University of Arkansas May not be repeated for credit. CE4303. 3 Hours. CES 4702 Analysis and Design in Reinforced Concrete 3 Credits. Structural Analysis. 3 Hours. CE5337. CEE 3274 : Introduction to Land Development Design. Intensive treatment of tension members, beams, columns, and connections. The course covers introductory concepts of geographical information systems and related technologies. CVEG491VH. Prerequisite: CE 4347. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE2311; Grade of C or better in MATH2425. CE4304. 3 Hours.
Civil Engineering - Undergraduate Programs < University of Texas Arlington Administered by the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering. Theory and application of analytical procedures applied to the design of reinforced concrete structural members. Methods for site characterization and risk assessment will be highlighted while the emphasis will be on remedial action screening processes and technology principles and conceptual design. Topics include loads on temporary structures, shoring, formwork, falsework, scaffolding, bracing, soldier beam and lagging, sheet piling, equipment bridges, and support of existing structures. Core Courses (5 SCH) ENGR 510: Intro To Engr and Sci Res Methods 2 Semester Credit Hours . (3 credits) Course topics address practical problems of analysis of manipulation and monitoring datasets in environmental sciences and engineering: hypothesis testing, uncertainty, linear regressions, data of high dimension and time domain and frequency domain analysis of series. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3342 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. (University of Wyoming), Professor, 2009, 2021.Fairey, Julian, Ph.D., M.S.C.E. Prerequisite: CE4348 or CE5306. ADVANCED TOPICS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. Prerequisite: CVEG3413 and INEG2413. CE5396. Credit not granted for CE4304 and CE5378. Prerequisite: CE1252. 2. CVEG492VH. Graded F, P, R. Prerequisite: consent of instructor and approval of Civil Engineering Graduate Advisor. Degree Progress is monitored for all undergraduate students each semester. Theory and application of a comprehensive urban transportation planning methodology. Prerequisite: CE5346 and CE5347; or consent of instructor. Sustainable design concepts and methods are also applied to building design site development and infrastructure use. A concurrent bachelor of science/master of science (B.S./M.S.) General principles and procedures of water resource planning includes regional, multipurpose, economic and systems considerations. 3 Hours. The program in civil and environmental engineering, which is top-ranked nationally, provides students with a strong fundamental background in engineering science, design, and practice. Civil engineering students who have completed 96 credit hours toward the Civil Engineering B.S. (University of Arkansas), Associate Professor, 2013, 2019.Zhang, Wen, Ph.D. (Purdue University), M.S. Civil engineering also includesplanning, designing, andexecutingsurveying operations and locating, delimiting, and delineatingphysical and cultural features on the earth's surface. 1 Hour. Undergraduate Catalog Advanced Engineering Ceramics Certificate Aerospace Engineering Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals and Applications Certificate Biological Engineering Biomaterials Certificate Biomechanics Minor Biomedical Engineering Biomolecular Engineering Minor RESEARCH IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. Lectures will focus on the advances in the design and technology of cement based materials, with particular emphasis on the evolution of nanotechnology in construction. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3343 and admission to the CE Professional Program. 3 Hours. In addition to the required core course, World/Comparative Religion (RELI 300-level), which carries one of the GS designations, students must take one other GS-designated course (click, Social-Justice (SJ; 1 course meeting this designation): Courses carrying the SJ designation are designed to introduce students to one or more social justice concerns. 3 Hours. CE5324. 188. ACI 318, ASCE 7, earthquake loads effects on buildings and related structural damage, properties of concrete and steel beyond the elastic range, development and anchorage, confined concrete, inelastic behavior of RC members under large load reversals, design of RC beams, columns, beam-column joints, special moment frames, coupling beams, special structural walls, and other structural systems. Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and design of GIS-developed hydrologic/hydraulic models commonly applied in the water resources field. BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: CE3302; and CE3301 or concurrent registration therein. Topics include elements of probability theory, random variables and distributions, derived distributions, moments and expectation, common distribution models, introduction to statistics, estimation of model parameters, model verification, elementary Bayesian analysis and decision theory. Preliminary design of steel and reinforced concrete structures. Civil Engineering Civil Engineering These requirements apply to UAB's major in Biomedical Engineering including the concentration in Sustainable Engineering Design & Construction Area V Transfer Student Pre-Professional & Elective Courses (27 semester hours) Hours approved by the STARS approved Area V guide for Civil Engineering: 11 Semester Hours (Typically offered: Irregular). Load and Resistance Factor Design and Allowable Stress Design procedures. Prerequisite: CE4358 or CE5346; and CE5347. INFRASTRUCTURE ASSET MANAGEMENT. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE2311; grade of C or better in MATH2425. Prerequisite: (CVEG2053 or BENG2643), (CVEG3213 or MEEG3503 or CHEG2133). Credit not granted for CE4314 and CE5334. Reading and evaluating specifications, CSI Master Format. CE5306. CE5388. Environmental Regulations and Permits. CE5311. CE4352. Soil Mechanics Laboratory. Topics include pipeline deterioration parameters, asset management technologies, risk assessment, government regulations and case studies. Individual studies of advanced topics under the supervision of a professor or professors. Production, properties, behavior, and structural applications of concrete, steel, timber, masonry, and plastic. STRUCTURAL DESIGN IN STEEL. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE4352; Completion of all required 3000 level courses. May include participation in environmental engineering courses normally available only to graduate students. 1 Hour. ADVANCED PROJECTS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. CE6391. (Typically offered: Irregular). Oral and written presentations are required. Prerequisites: CE3301, CE3342, and IE2308; or consent of instructor. The civil engineering profession offers a vast array of opportunities. View the Florida Tech University Catalog, which includes complete course descriptions for all classes from the five colleges. Forty laboratory hours a week for three semesters. Corequisite: Lab component. This course explores the characteristics of sustainable systems and how design practices may encourage sustainability. Prerequisite: CE 4347 and CE4348; or equivalent. - General Civil Engineering Subplan/Option: 194 units. A minimum GPA of 2.00 required for this set of courses (please note that transfer course grades will not be calculated into the Basic Program GPA). Prerequisite: CE3343 or consent of instructor.
Civil Engineering-CIVE (CIVE) < Colorado State University 3 Hours. Building codes, National Design Specifications (NDS) , material specifications, test methods, and recommended practice documents. Modeling dissolved oxygen, chemicals and waterborne substances. Prerequisite: MEEG3013 or CVEG2023. for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering . Prerequisite: Senior standing and Civil Engineering majors only. Fundamentals of experimental studies of soil behavior, soil properties and their laboratory test methods which include consolidation, direct shear, static triaxial, cyclic triaxial, resonant column, bender elements and other advanced geotechnical laboratory tests, instrumentation and measurement techniques. Hydrologic cycle, precipitation, evapotranspiration, water budget, rainfall-runoff, hydrograph, reservoir and streamflow routing, groundwater flow, catchment hydrology, probability concepts in design, hydrologic modeling, open channel and pipe network hydraulics, pumps, urban stormwater drainage. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3342 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in COMS2302 and Permission of the CE Chair or Admission to the CE Professional Program. CE5342. Prerequisite: CE3361 or equivalent. Topics in construction management and project administration, such as project delivery system, documentation and specification, electronic project administration, construction safety, risk allocation and liability sharing, changes and extra work, claims and disputes, and project closeout. CE5321.
Civil Engineering, B.S. - University of California, Merced BASIC FLUID MECHANICS. Analysis and design of temporary structures. 3 Hours. Materials of construction, process control interface, and operation and maintenance factors are also discussed. Atmospheric composition, radiative fluxes, thermodynamics, water vapor, stability, circulation, precipitation processes, fronts, thunderstorms and tropical storms; basics of remote sensing; observing precipitation using weather radar and satellite-borne sensors; prediction of precipitation by numerical weather models. 1 activity. Employment is possible anywhere in the world. Use of life cycle assessment to quantify environmental, economic, and social impacts of various alternatives. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: CE3343. Credit not granted for both CE4351 and CE5318. 3 Hours. Soils and materials characterization. The department of Civil Engineering, in conjunction with its various constituencies, has clearly defined program objectives. Covers masonry unit type and grades of mortar types, reinforcing and connectors. Flexibility method; finite element modeling and optimization of idealized structures. Prerequisite: CE3302. PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL PROCESSES I. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in IE2308 and Permission of the CE Chair or Admission to the CE Professional Program. Students completing the requirements for a degree in civil engineering have a choice of technical electives from six areas: Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, and Construction.
Program: Civil Engineering, BS - Clemson University 3 Hours. 3 Hours. ADVANCED GIS AND HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC MODELING. 3 Hours. Topics include strength and serviceability requirements, design of one way slabs, rectangular beams, flanged sections and columns, for strength, shear, bond, bearing, and serviceability.
Civil Engineering, BSCE - Purdue University - Acalog ACMS Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3311 and admission to the CE Professional Program. Course Descriptions; Course Search; Print Options .
Credit not granted for CE4332 and CE5344. 3 Hours. This course covers the work period of civil engineering students in the Cooperative Engineering Program. CE5377.
Civil Engineering, B.S. - General Civil Engineering Subplan - CPP (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Alumni Memorial Hall, Suite 228 3201 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, IL 60616 312.567.3540 . Completion of degree requirements provides graduates with the following learning outcomes: Students must select three 3-hour civil engineering elective courses in conference with their adviser. Principles of construction engineering and the project management process, value engineering, specifications, different construction contracts and delivery methods, estimating and scheduling fundamentals and project control, and management of construction process. CIVIL ENGINEERING MATERIALS LABORATORY. CVEG4143. Fall. CE4302. CE5328. Credit will not be granted for both CE5351 and CE4368. Design of reinforced masonry elements against gravity and lateral loads. (University of Arkansas), Instructor, 2012.Bernhardt-Barry, Michelle, Ph.D., M.S.C.E., B.S.C.E. Prerequisite: CE2313. 3 Hours. degree program is available to qualified seniors at Iowa State University. 1 Hour. CIV ENG 201 Statics. This course emphasizes physical geology, the study of Earth's evolution, morphology, its constituent minerals and rocks. Structural analysis/design process, structural forms, and basic structural elements. ADVANCED CONCRETE MATERIALS. PROBLEMS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. FUNDAMENTALS OF AIR POLLUTION. 3 Hours. INFRASTRUCTURE RELIABILITY & MONITORING. COMPUTER TOOLS - MATHCAD. Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. CE2313. Credit will not be granted for both CE4311 and CE5337. Principles and theories of physical measurements of spatial quantities; the use of surveying instruments; introduction to engineering using computer modeling programs; and organization and programming for computer solutions. Whitetopping and Ultra-Thin Whitetopping. Characterization of earthquakes for design. Candidates for the degrees of master of engineering and master of science are required to complete a total of 30 acceptable graduate credits. 0 Hours. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. Introduction to methods and procedures for management of civil engineering construction projects including organization, plans and specs, cost estimating and bidding, project planning and finance, quality control/ assurance, construction safety, cost management, labor issues, change orders, and subcontractor issues.